Wtf is this??

wtf is this??
i've gotten a handjob from an inexpierenced girl yesterday, could she have bruised it? noticed it just now though. it hurts when I touch it, but not much

medfag here

Did you use a condom? because it looks like you got aids

You're fine ive legit have had girls rip my foreskin and scar my dick. its basically bruised. Give it a week itll be fine, just refrain from masturbation for a couple days. if it spreads after a day and stays bright red then see a doctor.

Fucking trips, also those bumps under the head are nothing

>Did you use a condom?
for a handjob? no

thanks, that's what I assumed

Nope, pretty sure its cancer

Every hour lick it for 30 seconds and it will get better.

yeah that bitch rubbed too hard now its a rash. harmless. hope you punched her pussy for that.

witchdoctor here.

That's inexperienced AIDS.

Put some herbs on it and it should cure itself within a few days or not.

>medfag here
Thats aids

thank you, seems plausible

Just put some neosporin on it but make sure not to get any on your pee hole or it will heal that as well.

don't you know you can get some really serious STD's from unprotected handjobs..?

you got aids

This is an Infection.
If the girl touched anything dirty with bacteria on it and shit before she jacked you off it's possible that your dick gets infected.
You really should see a doctor because in the worst case you can lose your dick.
Have fun and good luck bro...

I was walking around one day and when I got home I noticed blood was coming out of my urethra.

Turns out since I was walking around WHILE going commando, my dick was swinging against my jeans and just barely knicked me.

Maybe that?

I used to get that when my ex in high school would suck it. She had braces though.

She didn't wash her hands first did she?

Yep. Clearly an Infection

idk she works in a doctor's office. she must have disinfected her hands at least once that day, but maybe she got something there n her hand

It is actually possible that you got STDs if the girl directly contacted the tip with her hands. That is a low chance, but still, that looks like AIDS and the biggest possibility here.

Or it is just a bruise.

you're fucked dude.. she probably forgot to disinfect her hands... it's an infection.. wcs it's flesh eating bacteria.

It looks like an abrasion. Just irritated tissue (technically not skin). You might have ripped off the top layer, but shower and clean your dick daily and the foreskin should do the rest.

saw OP pic, said same thing

cont: I'm about to start my night shift, the doctors office will open soon after I'm off work. I'll have it looked at even if it's just a bruise. she's over friday again. if it's better I'll have to teach her to be more careful

Ok you have to stop the infection from spreading till you get to a hospital. Get a deo and spray it on the wound for at least 10 sec.
This will hurt but it's the best if you want to keep your dick

that sounds overly dramatic

Just want to help man

Don't do this

you'll fuck up ur dick

thanks I'll go to the doctor in about 9 hours,that must be soon enough

totally looks like cancer

i know cause ive seen it b4

I wasnt going to even if it would actually help

then why do u even need our help? go fuck yourself

You will lose your dick dude. Just do it.

Friction Burn... come on now. She choked your dick way to hard for a safe hand-job. Faggot, didn't even use lube or spit?

>didn't even use lube or spit?
having a foreskin normally is enough. I'm used to sluts that jerk a dick like they grew up having one

Can't really see property. Post picture of your cock when its hard then ill let you know.

Simple abrasion. Neosporin and don't jack off too hard. Teach her to handle a dick and you should be all good.

it was very helpful so far, spraying deodorant on my dick is just where i draw the line

Friction burn. Back in puberty when I used to fuck pillows I'd get em occasionally.

Fucking Pussy. I came to this thread only to help you out and you bitching like a fucking cunt just do it man it's not that bad and will save your willie.
post results btw

Aaaa....that's Modigliani

Cut your dick off IMMEDIATELY, go ahead, get the garden shears and do it NOW, it's your only hope

Or maybe it's bruised slighly

Just a hematoma, got same one day. It will let out with a black/rust color spot but nothing to worry about

You got rugburn on your cock from your girl's tacky ass man hands. Don't jerk off for like 3 or 4 days and you'll be fine.

African Medicineman here

Have 13 of the men in your tribe dance around you while performing self castrations and the evil spirits will leave your body within the next 28 hours

that looks like malaria
cut your dick off before it spreads to the rest of your body, it's your only chance.

or it is just a little bruise

Don't worry about it. all it means is that your girl was way too rough when she was giving you a handy, and it should heal on it's own. I've done it to myself on occasion when masturbating.
