YLYL thread? YLYL thread

YLYL thread? YLYL thread

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Are we really going to poke fun at the greatest war crime in human history?
Is that how low we have sunk.

1 pic and it's already a garbage thread
good job OP, you fucking newfag

>greatest war crime in human history?


>implying the raping of nankang wasn't the worste warcrime ever recorded


the banana and the bait pic and we're less than 10 posts in. this thread is cursed

Sorry this is my first time trolling. what should I have done better?


Oy vey. Don't you go- guys know about the holohoa- I mean the holocaust? Remember the 6 trillion

too late

always remember the horrors of the hall of cost

>what should I have done better?
stayed on reddit

every-time you accuse someone of being from reddit your penis gets a little bit smaller

>what should I have done better?
called us cancer, stated that you hate summer, and doubled down on your original post


But every time you're right, you gain an inch back

Let the Fucking soil replenish

in your butt you cock hungry faggot

Doesn't anyone have the nonedited version? Or is it getting too rare
