Why do they call it an xbox 360? because when u see one u turn 360 degrees and walk away!

why do they call it an xbox 360? because when u see one u turn 360 degrees and walk away!

that's a good one

That's 180 you idiot.

>Pic is xbox classic
Shit bait.


it is called the Nintendo Switch because you switch it on and switch it off and hop away

>decide "fuck it, imma look at Sup Forums, its been years"
>see 10 year old meme


why do they call it a Switch?

Literally haven't seen this in years either. Have a steady relationship and occasionaly look at Sup Forums.

because I have crippling depression

your newfag is showing hard

because you switch it on and switch it off and hop away

Just about as much as yours is summerfag.

cuz your gender is on the line idk


So you fit in the summerfaggotry with me is that what you are saying?

you just went full retard

cuz you take one look at it and switch it off!

Protip: You're both retarded.


nice usage that image

also, the only things that are funny on Sup Forums are the things that were funny 10 years ago. the only "new things" that have been "contriubuted" to Sup Forums in the past decade are FB fap threads and trap thread

Thank you.

antique farm equipment

Of course I'm serious you cunt.




because that's what you hear when the joycon smacks against the wall

because OP is a faggot

Protip: Shut up.

If you think that usage if it is wrong then you absolutely do not know what that means. Which is pretty sad because its two 3 letter words.

praising somebody on Sup Forums?

what happened to you faggots?!

you're a fag boi