Where are my fellow loser paypigs?

Where are my fellow loser paypigs?
I know I'm not the only addict on here.

Seriously this is the bottom rung of society.

There are no types of people that are less than you, OP.

Lol looks like you are. Save your money OP and maybe you'll have a chance with someone else.


kys op

I'm well aware of that.

Yup. Even tranny furry whatever the fuck snowflake cucks on tumblr are less pathetic than these faggots.

Yeah, if you honestly get off on being being used by women, you honestly need to bite a curb get kicked in the back of the head and shot

You act like you're telling me something I don't know.

I've gone through some training in hypnosis through HMI out of sheer boredom. Never did the "clinical setting." In their offices. Fuck driving out to Tarzana, Ca.

I have considered becoming a hypno-dom however. Pay-pigs like you aren't really in short supply. What I don't get yet, is why you do it. What has brought it to become an addiction and why does paying for someone else's lifestyle flood your tiny little brain with dopamine?

im the guy on here who tries to shame pay pigs

Can I have some money? i just need it for medicine for my dog not even like dumb shit. fuck i wish i had a vagina some days just so I could take advantage of this shit.

It was trained into me through positive reenforcement and associating it with sexual pleasure.
Helps that I'm a weak beta male, easily weakened in the presence of beautiful women.

You still can. Most submissives who are willing to be dominated are male, and work in high stress, usually managerial positions.

Put your sexuality aside and dominate someone. If it never leads to any sexual contact, you'll be fine in many states or provinces. Like to be fit? Dominate some fat schlob by making them work out in your presence and regulating their diet. I've known as couple gay men who were into a similar scenario -- they had a fetish for military drill, uniforms and pony play. Not hard to work out how a "personal trainer dom" could get creative and benefit his clients as they benefit his wallet.

Positive reinforcement and sexual pleasure. Pavlov's Man. Yeah that works.

Trained into it . . . So what, you had an ex who was into it and she took up training you?

Just a random domme I met online.

>no other creature
>regardless of feature
>could so feign pride's dirth
>quips i am loathe, out to cajole
>i can conjure no mirth
>lacking even the worth
>o'a seven coiler lain in a bowl

Where do you find them
>I'm twinky and I'd whore out a bit for some cash dollaar

Good luck.

Ah. You're going to have a hard time with meaningful relationships unless you find someone who understands and can fulfill that need. Obvious suggestion would be to get your ass on fetlife and start making connections, going to munches etc.

Basically build a relationship with a domme who won't bleed you dry. Good luck with that.

An alternative suggestion (just throwing it out for the sake of conversation) to satiate your need and benefit yourself. Get yourself a safe and a chastity cage. Cage up, and every time you take it off during the adjustment period, put $10 in the safe, with the keys. Every time you take the cage off, even for cleaning, put $30 in the safe. Every time you get off, put $50 in the safe. If you get off while in the cage, put $100 in the safe. After three months, put that money in the bank and pay a Financial Domme.

Being bled dry is what gets me off.

Craigslist works if you don't mind sleezy. FetLife is better and safer, but slower. Got to build relationships with people. BDSM themed dating sites work pretty well, too, but with all of it, you have to 1) put in the effort, 2) screen people (for your safety), 3) have a place to do it in, 4) have a back up, get the fuck out of dodge plan.

Thinks are fun. Especially the insecure and shy ones. If you have experience in an authority position, it makes things easier. Military, police, security, teaching, etc. Anything where you deal with people under you.

And that's you. I've been homeless and on the street. Shit sucks, and getting out of that mess is painful. Just offered a possibility to keep you from being in that position. Safety, user.

I'm trained in mountain rescue but I work as part of team, I don't have anyone under me except the twat I'm repelling to

Pretty nice. Was a Corpsman in the Navy. FMF, then crossed over to Seabees, due to no opportunity to advance. Rate was locked up. Expeditionary combat school, and by default, CLS.

Safety and aftercare are big when it comes to any scene in the bdsm community. With what you do, some aspects of aftercare will be second nature. Others will feel awkward at first, because you're dealing with not only the potential of wounds (cuts, scrapes, rope burns, welts etc. Depending on what happens), but the emotional and psychological state of the client.



I'm pretty comfortable with tending to people. I've had fully grown men twice my size crying in my arms before.
Is there much opportunity to do this online? I live in a houseshare and I can't travel easily

Online Doms/Dommes have their niche. You could certainly do it online if you felt the need. What I've done in the past is arrange a place to meet and include the cost of a hotel room in the price. Little more dangerous in that, because of nosey people and police.

Easier to deal with BNB. Set a date you're free, include the rent in the cost, and enjoy having more privacy. Also, clients don't get to see where you actually live.

I serve almost exclusively online.

Additionally, if you go either route, I suggest you find a group near you that emphasizes education. Something like the Arizona Power Exchange (APEX) that organizes training events, so you can safely hone your skills.

That's an option. I live in a pretty remote area (hence why I'm trained as mountain rescue, we are local volunteers)
What do you expect of your dom/mistress? I guess cam/chat/pics/tasks etc. Any specifics?

That's good to hear. Lived in Pahrump, NV and some smaller towns out there. Volunteer services are huge -- and partially paid for by the local brothels. I've got a lot of respect for you guys.

I do it for the free rides in the helicopter :P
For real I'm hoping the older ones retire so I can get my heli license paid for

Lol nice. Lots of decent jobs with a heli liscence. News, police, fire. Good stuff.

Now that I'm in California, I went and got myself a small fishing boat with a cabin. I've been looking for someone willing to be tied to the bow, like a masthead.

I'd like to do more on the water. I got a backpack canoe that I can take to the river but it's not the best.
I'm waiting for another time when I can get a holiday on a canal coat. Big 60fter 10 berth and just gently chug along for the week

Honestly don't really expect anything...


Sounds like a blast. Hope you get the chance soon.

I know my place.

I might give it a go. I don't really like Fetlife. Everyone seems unbelieveably egotistical and left wing like "this is my bdsm and you're doing it wrong"
Me too. I'd also like to drink something other than homebrew. I miss a good ale


Love how you retards think your insults will upset me.

then why did you even take the time to respond?

For my own amusement.

Had to cut most of that out of my life. Military has a pretty high rate of alcoholism after getting out. Was heading that way while I was in, and fast. "Navy: Drinkers with a sailing problem." I'll have some near-beer on occasion just for the taste though.

fuck all to do here but drink and watch MMA

That's why I got into fitness lol, referring back to a fitness dom.

No one huh?

How can you NOT find this hot.

cant shame the shameless

What about foot fags?

I've been on here for years and this is the most beta shit I have ever seen

Are you the same OP from a few weeks ago who used the same pic and wanted help getting over his addiction??

i mean ive got some wierd fetishes, i certainly love to be destroyed by women but if i got into a sub/dom relationship she would be paying for all of my shit.

not gay but deffinetly can put on enough of a show to get some sad sack to buy my weed

because im not letting that bitch take my money when ii should be in a ballin fur coat smoking a cigar. if she was my "baby" it would be different because shes begging me for money and wants to be spoiled these findoms are just destroying you and your account

>whoring yourself out for weed money
Buddy, no. Use the money for bills, or save it for your future. Don't do this to yourself and your mind for something you can't keep.

No. You'd be surprised how common it is.

Okay this image is hot. But to me this looks more like a wife led marriage, meaning she is committed to me just as I am to her, even if she's the dom. Wouldn't want my girl going with other dudes AND taking my money.

Oh, okay.
How do you feel about Goddess Kyaa? Too skinny for your tastes?

I don't hate you guys, you're actually very useful, whenever I want to buy something a bit more pricey I pretend to be a girl and you retarded fags for buy it for

What about cuckolds and "people" who watch anime?

Op can spend money on me. Fem user here.

I've sessioned with her on Skype. She's good.

Sure you do, buddy. Cause we don't know how to spot that from a mile away.

What does she do that's so good? I'm looking at doing a Skype session with a girl to check the fetish out.

Mochiloli on Kik is cute. She loves getting money spent on her.

It was a while ago so don't remember exactly. Just a good way with words.

Oh wow
Please tell me all you can about the experience. I'd love to hear about it.
What was discussed? How did you contact her? How much did you pay? Is she always 'in-character'?

bumping for OPs answer

Apparently you don't got 100 from 2 different guys on the beginning of summer, I'm just very good at convincing

How did you end up in this situation?

Is your name Henryk?

Honestly dont understand the hate for op.
Id rather take a bullet to the head then get married again.
Paying sluts for sex is the best option imo.

>Honestly dont understand the hate for op.
>Id rather take a bullet to the head then get married again.
>Paying sluts for sex is the best option imo.

It's like the hate for trap or ylyl threads. Miserable Cunts bitching with the attitude of, "stop liking things I don't like." It's actually pretty pathetic.

>What about cuckolds and "people" who watch anime?
Even cucks are above men who give all their money away to women.

At least cucks are only giving their woman away. Women are a dime a dozen. You can always get another woman if she decides to leave.

But your hard earned money you spent years accumulating? Forget about it.

There are people who get off to their siblings and fuck animals. There are furries trying to yiff your little sister, and Arabs who'd cover your mother with a burka, and fuck a goat.

There are people even worse off than OP.

is it viable to catfish these fags and earn money ? I'm bretty gud in pretending to be a women

I have a "friend" who pays for everything. He pays my rent and my power bill. He even pays my phone. He is not rich but does a lot better than me . It's like he needs to be my night in shining armor. I call him often, text him, and generally use him for best friend stuff. I know he wants more but he is way to beta to ever ask. I do feel like a cunt sometimes because when I sense he's getting bored I will get all clingy for a few days. I'll let my shorts gap open a bit and let him see my pussy if I'm feeling evil. When he gets frustrated I drop a few tears and get mad and throw a fit. He would totally make someone a great guy and he treats me a million times better than any guy I've ever been with but a girl needs a man not a foot stool. I quite literally believe I could take a shit and he would wipe my ass for me.

Do you like traps?

How would you feel about funding my plastic surgery and clothes so I could go out and find hot guys to fuck me?

please tell more. would love to read your convos.

How did all of that even start?

Your life will end in a suicide

but y tho

I don't want to run him down he's totally a great guy in fact he could be reading this (he's the one who first showed me /b). He lives in my building. We do our laundry In the same place so we started talking. He folds clothes for shit so I helped him and then he started buying my washing powders and fabric softener. That's the way it began. I invited him over to watch G.O.T and West World. He is always a perfect gentleman but I would never be romantic with him - he's a little overweight and his teeth are terrible. I get the feeling he's never had sex - unbelievable because he's 28! He's a manager at Best Buy and his dad owns a business. My hours were cut and I had a small medical problem which kept me out of work for awhile. I was going to move home but he insisted on helping me. I'm working again but he wants me to save my money and he says he is somehow writing my rent off on his taxes. I date but I'm careful not to rub it in his face but he knows I'm fucking my current boyfriend. I cover it by always commenting how jealous my BF is of him... when exactly my BF could give a shit... he says he's a loser retard and tells me the guys obviously jerks off to my pictures every night ew. I have caught him smelling my socks which is weird and he is always staring a thing my feet. Like I said he's a nice guy and he's always been a good friend but I'm starting to think I'm going to hell for this shit. He's given me over 9,000 in cash to pay my bills and I'm very specific that the money is a gift not a loan. I would probably get drunk and let him fuck me if I didn't think he would lose his mind and start stalking me. I really kind of feel like a victim in all this.


That is quite the sticky situation...
Do you think that he thinks that he could win you over in a romantic way eventually?

Honest question, what is the appeal of this?

I get how other femdom stuff is humiliation and just general submission, but why money?

Like, if you pay for findom... aren't you just paying for the same thing several times over? And it isn't even tangible like pain or restraint...

I guess my question is, what is the appeal and why not just do the physical femdom stuff if it's about submission?

I have no clue what he wants. Every guy I've ever known would have made a move by now. That way I could have shot him down and we would have just been friends. He doesn't he just stares a lot and like I said he gets all frustrated looking. I accidentally flashed my pussy at him the other night just for shits and giggles and I thought he was going to implode. When I said he stares at my feet all the time I mean he fucking "stares at my feet" ALL the time. I feel bad for taking his money but at the same time he's giving it freely. I'm probably going to put an end to it... this thread has me really feeling bad. I just don't understand him - would you pay someone's rent that wasn't fucking you?

I don't know
If I was very rich and they were a good friend, maybe.
That's what makes this situation so grey

Do you honestly see him as a friend?
Maybe he even likes the thought of being a pay pig type guy

Maybe talk to him?

How does one go about getting guys to buy stuff got them.

I think I'm going to get drunk tomorrow and fuck his brains out. I can't live with this guilt. At least if I have fucked him then he won't think I took advantage of him. Can't believe I'm considering this.

How does one go about getting guys to buy stuff got them.

Or you could not. You'll probably regret it later because he will be like a stray cat. Fuck that.

Just tell him you feel guilty

its not hot when your in crippling debt and your bank account is in the negatives

Oh I've told him that a hundred times he just blows it off and says he doesn't mind. I don't think he spends his money on anything else. He drives a shitty truck an he really doesn't have any expenses. I think his dad gives him money. If he would lose weight and get his teeth fixed he would be ok. I just find it very hard to believe that he's never been laid but he does act kind of immature. I'm going to freak the fuck out if he starts sucking my toes.

Really though. Don't fuck the dude. Guys like that get clingy as shit once you let them have the goods.