

draw me the most perfect human penis

I'm... good. How is Skittles this evening?

requesting samus in these sexy heels

Practice drawing the whole body, don't be afraid to tackle parts you don't understand. Don't spend too long (2+ hours) on a sketch that's supposed to be a study. Learn to let go and move on frequently. Read books. Watch videos. Commit. And draw every day.
Listen user we've been over this, tail plugs are not for poopers.
>like anyone else here
Bruh. Deep. But how do you see tho.
You're welcome!

>I'm still waiting for my EHG eye-tiddies

what to do?

God fucking dammit

Yo Tinker, how's it goin?

Kiss me

Kiss this user

Requesting Zen-oh as is on the picture, just make it look as if he's wearing the PS shit

Who are you
I dont kiss people i dont know.

Yes, kiss this user.

Yooo user that always asks me how I'm doing. I'm doing fine. Pretty good actually. Got my arms back, so I got some tea. How are you?

still here mates!
i'm doing alright! just killed an user who wanted to die, and thats about it.
still better than last night, drama kind of overwhelmed the thread

Requesting mama peach having a fully erect and smegma covered horsedick. She should be blushing at the sight of it while holding a bitten mushroom.


Thank you.

You know me, sir
Now kiss me

On a scale of one to fucked how would you rate me talking to you?

You know where the door is, now get out.

Rolling for the request
Can i even do that?

If you cant come at me with something new, you dont deserve a kiss.

Is that Haaaaaaaaaannia? Hay gurl, you look good. Or at least er...your booty do. Do you remember me?
Where'd you hair go, Soren? Are you EHG now?

Im done with hamilton shit
I been all week with a friend that does the same shit
Fuck hamilton

Is the drawfriend still working on the statue?


0, cus we have talked.

hi pups

Hi Mama Pin.

This is a generic character, and no.
I mean you can like whatever, but shit gets old after a while, y'know.
buenos noches, Pin.

hi pin hows it doin?
You aren't fun to hang out with, your'e unsettling at best and indecipherable at worst. I have have no reason to- and i have no desire to- talk to you.

that arm is too short yo

Here we go, I'm back.
Tomorrow I go for an eye appointment, might get me eyes unfucked soon.


i like your work on perspective

eheheh I ghost i take gud request

I hope you go permanently blind.

Skittles, when did you get a flamethrower? Because that is one HELL of a burn you just gave Shadow.

nice blog

I hope your appointment goes well, Stompy.

I mean, i still like the songs, But the references got me mad at times. I punched my friend cuz of that.
Anyways how are you bby?

Requesting a picture of sarkhan vol riding a dragon like its a bull
>pic related

howsit goin?
y0 y0
its doin ok. im tired.

Yeah wel ur gay XD

Kid behind a camera hereeeeeee.

Probably won't last time my doctor was a dick and made fun of me for asking what my eyes would feel like after eye surgery.

He said he would check the bed for peas.

who wants to add to the cast?

>>dubs wins and i'll "try" to replicate her

Doin' all right. Hug?

was there an update on this?

Diapered loli with glasses and a black braid in a school uniform.

>Yooo user that always asks me how I'm doing. I'm doing fine. Pretty good actually.
Nice, and sorry if i'm getting annoying.
>Got my arms back, so I got some tea. How are you?
Tea sounds nice, and I'm alright. Bit tired be good.


Reroll again

doing reqs?


Who let the pink pudge in here?

Gimme doobz


draw a bomb

Spread ass with u r hands please. Full body

How do I see? The diamond in the mask has a small plexiglass shield affixed to the inside, to protect what I "see" with: a small stereoscopic camera apparatus that provides an outside visual feed directly to the dual-monitor visor on the inside.

brown futa(it's okay if you don't wanna add this part) loli with a himecut

Forgot to mention black hair and yellow eyes.

doing great except for some sunburn

youve gotten plenty of hugs user
when you gonna draw me a hug?
>the pink pudge
this made me smile so hard irl
ive done this before tho
shea butter lotion should help
or some really cold aloe

And you! You're being way too nice today. What's the deal? You planning to shoot me next? Coming at me all cute like that. What's your game? Whatever you're up to, I'm not falling for it.

But you're right. The thread's doing better today.

Draw me plz

cant draw, can barely type properly, reasons, blabla, gimme something retarded simple to try.

best not to expect anything worth looking at.


I wouldn't make you sufer my shitscribbles.

i dunno how to pose my arms homie

requesting art of any of these girls

Draw a bacon cheeseburger.

Draw a log.

a picture of sarkhan vol?

I'd shit on her feet.

Loli with glasses and twin braids in latex with an assault rifle and collar.

>generic character
Oh I have one of those generic characters too.
Wow, that's actually really well thought out and cool! I didn't expect that, honestly. Neat!

Draw them broke m8

Damn it Pin, I wasn't trying to make you smile!

well too bad

Ah¬ Sorry user! I didn't get around to starting it :


*Holds her against his chest, stroking her back* There there. I'm better with words anyhow.


S'aright. Passing then, or gonna give it a try?

dude whats with the diaper fetish m8

i feel like i know where this is from but i cant put my finger on it

you're still here NQ?

i cant draw food on my best days.

a creamy one i assume?

dirty green red user.

skip the assault rifle and ill try

i drew something like this req already too

Can you draw my cat

requesting crocodile pin


Being mounted by Steve Irwin.

her butthole!

i lean more twoards grixis thank you.

Oppai loli titjob?


Sure. Sub in an obvious dildo or vibe under the latex?

You're too short, yo.
I'm alright. And you?
You makin fun of me or somethin?

Did....you just copy paste that from the last time we spoke?

I'm pretty sure of it.

Ah cute, even the groupie is here.

>a creamy one i assume?
uhh....I'm taking about wood?