Sup Sup Forums I wanna kill myself but have yet to decide how

Sup Sup Forums I wanna kill myself but have yet to decide how.

I don't wanna die blissfully but I don't want to die in much pain either.
Basically I wanna cry myself to death, what's the closest I can get to that?

Oh yeah and don't ask me why.


Thanks user, you've totally changed my mind now!

step one: go to therapy
step two: get on diet and exercise
step three: find something that makes you happy
step four: do happy things until you die crying tears of joy on your death bed surrounded by your grand children
>basically don't kill yourself

np m8

Urgh.. are you serious? You're all fucking useless... and I never want kids...


Turn on car
Let the gas fill up the grage

breathe helium

Someone post the pic that OP is fishing for then we can all abandon thread

Don't have a car and don't have a garage.

What pic?

Maybe overdose on heroin?

dude just dont kill yourself

I said I don't want to die blissfully... and yeah, you can totally cry on heroin...



Carbon monoxide poisoning? Fuck that. OP will be crying alright but only because of how painful that shit is.
Fuck you OP. I didn't even post that but fuck you. That was caring as fuck. Tbh I was prolly gonna kms but I'm going to follow kind-Anons advice literally just to spite you.
Yeah I've heard that's breddy euphoric achtually. Or go to the coldest lake you can find and just sit at the bottom. Hypothermia will kill you before anything else and you'll go out surrounded by peace and warmth.


I can't properly cry with fast methods


Walk into your local ER then and tell them you're suicidal. Plenty of time to cry and live.

Go into a mosque and start ripping up the Quran and pictures of Mohammad while dressed as a woman. Scream fuck Allah and Mohammad.

Google exit bag.

You're right.. I'm a piece of shit.. now I want to kill myself even more. Glad his advice was of use to someone at least.

Damn right it was. Since you're gonna die anyways, can we fug?

Sorry I'm not gay. And if you're a femanon you probably live too far away.

Where are you from, fampire? We'll see...


Oh that's in Greece huh

No, it's a country on it's own. Under the netherlands, to the left of germany and above france.

I honestly didn't think Czech expanded that far.. can you type those funny Russian letters pl0x.

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Don't kill yourself bls you just made me habbeh

I'll see. Haven't found a proper method anyways yet...

You're in a dark place user and I'm guessing you don't want to seek help and would rather just like to cry yourself to sleep and not wake up. I understand that, I've been there. It might seem impossible to you that you may get better but trust me, there are people who have been where you are now and have managed to push through it. It won't be easy, but you can get to a place where you feel content with you life.

Personally therapy didn't do shit for me, I was too depressed to get out of bed and had no energy to do what my therapist told me to do. What worked for me was finding right medication, it took me over a year to find
the right ones but when I did, it was like night and day.

What you have is a disease user, and it can be treated, you just have to be willing to take the step.

What medication do you take?

Brintellix 20mg, Lamictal 200mg and Olanzapin 5mg.

I was 100% in a place like this before.

Perform random acts of kindness to friends/family/other normies. Can be anything (cook, clean, offer someone a ride, mow lawn, whatever)

Medication pls. No shame in meds.

Scout a new hobby, or expand upon an already existing one.

And please go outside. I can't stress that enough. Alone or with others. You have to do the things depression won't let you do, man. Fucking sucks, but honestly anyone could do it.

What do I have to do outside alone

Exactly. What am I supposed to do outside? My life feels empty. All I ever do is sit on my ass all day...