Polacks should FUCK OFF from England

Polacks should FUCK OFF from England
>don't integrate
>steal like niggers
>shitskinned like niggers

England is for white people only

You should fuck off back to cuckmany, volkscum

fucking nigger polacks

>complain about poles
>mass paki immo is a-ok
but i guess u dont want to be raycis

>if you have cancer you should also welcome AIDS

What is a false dichotomy, petrol huffer?

its when you give two options when in reality there arem ore

Very good, darling, now why do you think this might be applicable to your first post?

Piss off you dumb Paki cunt.
Learn how to fucking read.

Reminder that poland told immigrants to fuck off while england spreads its legs like a whore welcoming more of them.

be nice to each other
you are both anglos, after all

Pretty sure you're the one who can't read, rice-picking faggot. Stick to your own shithole and pull your nose out.

Reminder burgersharts get shot on daily basis.



It's funny how britbongs butthurt at Poland but are perfectly fine with shitskins.


forgot your proxy?

Is it just me or was the op actually polish?

I think it's just paweł, a PO voter
No need to get riled up now it's just a nigger

But the graffiti is in the UK isn't it? Also, it's a known fact that some part of your population don't like Poland.

>some part

lmao all brits hate poland

dr paweł im cia

No I mean really hate. When they even spoil walls out of their butthurt.


Cucked. This is what happens when you don't let Russians take Constantinople.


No one here gives a shit about Poland or spends more than 0.000001% of their time thinking about Poles. Huge case of unwarranted self-importance.

wkurwiasz mnie spierdalaj
człekokształtny lol

Probably too busy importing shitskins to culturally enrich your country. Just no time left for poor Poland.