
important question edition


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Upa RA


gunshots and sirens at 1 am haha


real brit hours wtfu?


*farts in THIS thread*
*stays around this time*

*raises my glass towards you*


Ireland is Gods country


*gazes out to sea*

would put my willy in a 16 year old but only if she's a huge slut

on the train

sideways tbf

if you didn't say forward you are a big homo

she's looking a little thin
should probably get some spuds down her

Ireland is my country

would sidestep desu

me in the reflection

>Work at a tourist office
>Yank comes in and says "ive always wanted to visit Ireland, I guess it cause of my Scotch Irish heritage"

ignorant swine


find it a bit weird that it's perfectly legal to bonk a 16 year old here as a grown adult sometimes desu

can't imagine myself ever doing it

Lads, what's your favourite name that JFs call us? Mine is britshariahs.

Who else here goes on Sup Forums and Sup Forums to gather stuff to repost in /brit/?

Dear Lord, shan't be answering this

all the time

couldn't imagine myself doing it but I would
wouldn't take one's virginity though that is proper nonce behaviour


only go to Sup Forums when got is on

quite like when yanks call you britteeths even though their teeth are worse than yours


Good post

No. I only care for the freshest /brit/ memes and gimmicks.


>can bonk 15 year olds in Sueco
we win mongs

petting my cat, very soft and luxurious

jelly tbqh
mummy doesn't like pets in the house :(



wouldnt mind shagging a 17 year old 2 days before her 18th tbqh

>not a smudge of grease on that extractor fan
Tim runs a tight ship

pirate ajaja

>he doesn't have a small dog that kips in bed with him
Feel for you mate.


have had a pair of black levis for two years now that i have never ever washed

>xtra greasy hot dog van drives by

Asylum when?

His flat is always very clean. I dunno where he finds the time.

>small dog

i find this name so strange but also endearing. we call them frogs based off what they eat and they call us roast beef for the same reason.



>Theresa May is more popular with voters than any leader since the late 1970s, a new poll shows as another reveals Jeremy Corbyn is more unpopular than ever.

>K-keep believing c-comrades, the facsist media are all l-lying!!!


Doing another sloppy president

got called a nonce in mothercare

It's not funny really.

He doesn't have a job mate

Don't think that's because May is particularly amazing, but more because the opposition may as well not exist right now

i like this rhyming slang

Fuck all wrong with our Theresa.

Once he's done watching all the films on daytime tv and his youtube stuff that can't leave him with much spare time.

Making some profit

Labour voter, NUT, pro-EU, atheist, republican, forum administrator. Like dogs, cats, foxes, squirrels, Arsenal. Blocked by @KayBurley and @NadineDorriesMP.

lads rec me a good rpg that will work on my laptop

right, the next poster with dubs is going to get HEEMED

business idea: work hard in chasing a single goal and never give up until that goal is accomplished

baldurs gate

go on then go on then

*slides into the thread*



Shrink High


>Bradford born, long in Glasgow. #politics geek #Labour and #Momentum Member. Very pro #Corbyn #AntiRacism #AntiFascism #SocialWork #FolkMusic #LGBT #photography

wonder why she left Bradford


gimmick idea: type't like yorkshire men do

She is YET to respond to my request to have her crush my bollocks in parliament with the serjeant-at-arms' mace
dumb cunt

business idea: sexy hijabs

good lad, put some more money in ETH imo and in LTC
you in POSW? I made like 200% on that in a week but im not sure if i should stick around cos it seems suspect

*heems you*

She's 19 mong

What is your honest opinion on universities in 2017, lads? Is it a worthwhile step for people to take or should people not bother now that the fees are so high and a degree is not as valuable in any field as actual work experience?

If I typed in my accent it would be incomprehensible desu.

we need a strong opposition.
labour can fuck off, terribl party

Business idea

Free and mandatory psychologist for everyone

The only people who don't need a degree are entrepreneurs

Unless you have an idea, a plan, and funds; go to uni

the worst part about tuition fees is they are now way less strict with entry. They let total mongs in because they know that they'll be paying. IMO get rid of tuition fees so unis can afford to be properly selective again

> muh feees! :(
such a yank-tier argument
they're literally a non issue


hope she tells you where to go you dirty bastard.

nah it's a good idea overall

you just can't approach it the way runtoids used to

watching the angry birds movie

>those feet

its the most fun youll get to have before you have to work, so might as well.

Business idea: increase business idea regulation to prevent improper formatting of business ideas

Bisniss idea: type in me ohn accen

Popping down the shops shortly to get some alcohol in myself

shall be off my face within the hour

business idea: stand outside banks asking wealthy people to spare some coin

I don't have any responsibilities.

Gonna do some cooking before I get pissed though.

dude alcohol lmao im so drunk rn lmao cider

i'm out of debt now but you couldn't pay me to go to uni if i was 18 again.

utter waste of time.