Be honest Sup Forums, would you fuck a fat girl?

Be honest Sup Forums, would you fuck a fat girl?

oh ya..hey ..ya know fuckin a glass of warm water is always a great time.....

eww no,
fucking something that can't wipe it's own ass disgusting.

I fuck a fat girl every night, I married one.


So that means you would fuck a man

Fuck this!

well, if that is all you can get I guess your life is awful.

If she was at least 500 lbs sure. I'd love a 1200 lb gluttonous hog to slather in icecream

Have. Would not again. Unless I'm drunk.

Who am I kidding, I'll probably do it again.

heh, nah man , I don't have any probs with getting women that are attractive...I have a great job I can afford good looking women. plus I am average to good looking

What an unfortunate distribution of fat. I'd fuck her out of sheer curiosity. What does that body look like naked? Surely she has no ass? Im fascinated.

in truth maybe once but she can never be on top of me

I've fucked a fat black girl. She had like HHH tits. It was insane. She also was absolutely amazing at giving head. Fucking her even with my 8" dick was kinda rough. Doggy style was the best. She was super tight and wet.

Fat girls are okay. As long as they are hygienic and have moderate to good fat displacement.


I've only ever fucked fat girls. Why would you fuck a skinny girl?

I've fucked her!!!

Yes. I do...on the wife and both side chicks :)



Have and I couldn't cum, she was stoked as took so long, in the end i faked an orgasm

sure are alot of fat femanon's in here.




Yes depending on how the fat is distrubuted

Found the virgin basement dweller.


I'm sorry.

200 lbs is about my limit
big girls can take a pounding and I like big ass and tits

Prove it?

nothing too gigantic. they have to be able to walk and wipe their own ass otherwise no dice


>Actually has taste in his women
>Must be virgin basement dweller
I'm sorry you settled for a ham beast who doesn't respect herself enough to stay fit or
for you for that matter.
You probably only harpooned her because she has low self esteem and you were the only tard interested in her.


what did you do ? look in the mirror ?



>Fat girls are okay. As long as they are hygienic and have moderate to good fat displacement.
that perfectly describes my gf


already done.
the difference was minimal.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with fat girls, as long as they're not like 600 pounds or anything like that.

Some of the best fucks I've ever had were chubby ladies. I regret nothing.

Uploaded here. Met her on Tinder.

OP. Was her surname beginning with G


Delete that!!! When did you fuck her??????

ITT: chubby chasers

Queens face when she sees these beasts!

What a bitch!

Don't listen to shit, man. Post pics and don't give a fuck.

lol get rekt

I have, it was great.

No that's gross

Is this you/her bloke?

She said you were splitting up and working nights some shit.

Sorry pal.

No wonder she cheated you look like taliban

I had one hamgalaxy literally begging me to meet her and come over everyday for weeks, i never replied.
She was the sister of my dealer back then
Had to block her, stop meeting her brother , go look for another dealer and everytime i come across her on the street i ignore and keep walking even if she says anything
I really hate fat fucks, wouldnt fuck one if my life depended on it.

little miss piggy

I'd shit on her feet.


You look like Elijah Wood if he suddenly decided to live in the mountains

I'm fucking one right now...

chubby/fat not obese, ive fucked some big chicks though and as long as they are into it and have decent cardio its amazing.
one chick sat on my dick, feet on the bed and the added weight was amazing on my dick.
its also really fun when the kinky ones want to be hit and you can just go to town,

Many. Less effort.


Yep. fucking fat chicks are fun.

See, that dude is having a blast fucking that ass.

Attractive face I really don't care about weight, once you grow up a bit you'll see the light too

My experience has been that fatties seem to have tighter pussys. Might be something to do with geological pressure.

Fat girls are like mopeds. You've always wanted to try one but you never want your friends to catch you on one.

Fat pussy and ass is the best.

Yes i love big girls!!

Yes. But she'd need to be atleast a 4/10 & have an innie vagina.

With tits like that you bet.

Hell yea. They give amazing head too. Every time I've been with a fattie she's swallowed my load like it was a meal.

They eat that dick good.