Asians thread go

asians thread go

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That building they are in is called entertainment plaza in Bangkok Thailand its a pretty dope place drop 250 too fuck a fine Asian bitch talk to one of the men give him another 150 so you can beat her too

Fuck this chick. She is NOT Asian but she spams all the Asian subreddits.

>Abby winter's
Post some of the set

all worth a good fuck






keke1234 .com
for all your asian needs








please stop user

Ugly, chinky, homely asian girl thread?


no thanks, she looks very rodent like

thats my fetish


IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

“Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

I knew this Vietnamese girl nicknamed "mouse", it was pretty great.

more of this chick?


i was going to troll this thread but my work here is done


She was about as shy as a mouse and had the stature of one too.

she's great, man. Any of those tits?

here ya go, user


Jesus christ, do you honestly believe anyone actually cares?



More then they care about you john


Does that stuff have any guarantee ?
Maybe im just not an asshole nor idiot

you are a pathetic hapa John, your work is ineffective, nobody gives a fuck about what you say, please kys and your worthless chink wife you hypocrite

john has no women in his life other then his insane mother

shit. better get a refund.

You didn't actually read any of those studies, did you?

i did actually, is this the part where you are going to say it actually proves your point?

This shit dosent work i fucking tried last night

>Assuming I want to have children

No, you didn't. Just scimming through this study, i found this.

>Nevertheless, most mixed-race adolescents are at low risk.

How about you read your studies before you look like a retard.

So you are just a useless cunt taking up space.

>you dont even think that the genetics that you have are good enough to pass on , kek

it says that they are at risk, what is "low" how much is low. yeah you are full of shit alright
See here what ":low risk" entitles

Nigger those numbers are still very low. Are you fucking retarded or something?

>hurr durr, race mixing is bad

Go neck your self cuck.

Nice cherry picking Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.

the ratio goes up to 2,5. do you even understand that that is not "low risk"

No shit faggot, my point is that the study said they're still at a low risk. It's like you Sup Forumsacks are robots that can't make any coherent arguments.


And what does that means? "Low risk", It is very subjective, im guessing that a happa mind cant understand that "low risk" is nearly said in the conclusion to make you halfbreeds feel better and reduce the stress, as you are already stressed because you are mixed race

>It's like you Sup Forumsacks are robots that can't make any coherent arguments.
You keep saying "low risk"
if there is one round in a revolver you have a ratio of 0.165 or so of shooting yourself in the head, that is a lower risk compared to the 2,5 the halfbreed gets on his "low risk" ratio

>show that study says people that are mixed are still at a low risk
>"n-nuh uh! All mixed race people are depressed and sick because Sup Forums told me so! The study is lying!"

I almost feel bad for you. Having the IQ of a nigger must really suck.

same. this chick hot

What is she?


looks like this one?

the study is not lying, you are cherry picking 2 words out the whole thing and take that as
>not batshit crazy because he is mixed race

I think they are the same. Was posted on another thread a few of her out in public and getting undressed.

Looks asian to me.

Fuck off faggot, im trying to fap now. You got BTFO, get over it.

man, that brings back some memories! the photos i have go back to 2011

As a global test we examined what proportion of the ratios in Table 2 ▶ are significantly greater than 1.0. Most of the ratios are significantly greater than 1.0, indicating that the mixed-race adolescents are at greater overall risk. Looking at the general health items only, the ratios are significantly greater than 1.0 for 7 out of the 7 variables for Whites and for Blacks, and 6 out of the 7 variables are significantly greater for Asians and for Others. For American Indians, only 4 of 7 variables are significantly greater than 1.0. For the 3 substance-use variables, a similar pattern holds

two words
>significantly greater

Why are you fapping? are you stupid, if not you will be

>Fuck off faggot, im trying to fap now. You got BTFO,
wait, btfo, where, the point where you are biting donw on "low risk


John it is you who just got BTFO

Damn she's been around for a bit? Got more of her? Any taking dick?


She's got bad teeth, otherwise she's pretty cute actually.





Oh, her teeth are horrendous, user. I still think she's cute anyway.


Wtf is wrong with her teeth

Here's a more recent one

who is she?
I have this other picture and i think its her too.

I know an asian/caucasian child. She's absolutely fucking gorgeous.

She is sick all the time though, but that doesn't really prove anything because so is her mother (white woman).

They say girls with fucked up teeth give the best head

wtf are these things
only asians that look good had plastic surgery done and have a fuck ton of make up smeared on

These chins dont look good, are they really trying to look more european?

i want to fuck her mouth so bad

Chinese and born that way, I guess?

She is cute. Had she been able to get braces when she was young, she'd be adorable as fuck.


Yep, fortunately she picked up a rich Australian husband, so maybe he got her all straightened out.


Found her:
Virtual Geisha