Anybody ever go to Thailand to fuck hookers?

Anybody ever go to Thailand to fuck hookers?

What's the process? Odds of STD's?

Bangkok or Pattaya?

What else is there to do if I travel alone?


Id suggest Mexico instead. Ill hook you up phat [email protected]


I went to Bankok on a business trip with a bunch of chinese businessment who paid for us to all go to a high-roller brothel. Was glorious

How much do you think it costed?

Mexico? How we gonna get over the wall?

i wanna try a ladyboy

has anyone here tried one?

Passport and money. Its cheaper, safer, and way funner ;)

cost of a whore? full service?

From $20 to $50 dollars, if you go alone you risk getting robbed, ripped off, plus you struggle finding what you want, I will get you covered, a house with a pool, trannies or girls whatever you need.

i never went but every year i get $4000 back from taxes. i always am on the verge of buying a round trip ticket to SE asia around tax time, but havent gone through with it yet

man i wanna get a BJ from 3 tiny asian chicks at the same time so bad

Why not 3 Mexicans? Or even 5.


i dont trust mexico or latin america at all. way too much violence. i think asians are more attractive as well


Its actually safter than the US, the media lies so much about the actual status of the country, but to each their own. Enjoy if you go, I would like to go as well someday.


Philipeans is also good. Cambodia is not as good. Go for it. Wear condom and your fine. Life is short live it

Awesome tits
Face is a Trainwreck

Sup Forums is the reason i do not want to go to mexico. also, liveleak

i dont see people getting brutally murdered in thailand constantly. yes, it happens everywhere, but it seems to happen especially a lot in mexico and latin america

You mean Brazil? The only videos coming from Mexico are cartel members killing cartel members for actual reasons not for 1$ USD. Be smart and learn no to be controlled by what the media says. Our country is not unsafe generally speaking.

Asia is way safe. And about 35 usd for a girl. That is either 1 hour or all night. Depends how you are. Cool. All night. Weird one or two hours

That's a whole lot of ugly. Who would pay to fuck any of that?

>does this and robs you
Take him up on that offer dude

Ive been a few times and they can get cheap depending on where you go and what you're after. Check out craigslist in thailand and that'll give you a rough idea. Or just d/l the thai cupid dating app as it gives you 1 hour free full use before it cuts out. Grab as many local sluts info as you can, they use line or wechat mostly. Take them out to dinner and they'll usually fuck on the first date.

I pay every whenever I go because half the time, I just want to slam and then do my own thing. But the best way is to try the dating apps in the area as the girls there are hungry for decent guys and lnow how to treat men well. Prostitues dont care as long as they are paod and may rob you still. Never been robbed though because Im a good tipper.

Im actually considering starting a thai brothel here because of all the contacts Ive made in my travels. Seriously thai girls are totally dtf if you just act normal. They are like western spasric femenists and appreciate manners, dont expect demand everything like western hags do. They also smile more and are way wasier to be around.

Dang bro. Now I want to skip out on work and fuck off to thailand for a few weeks :)

odds of getting a ladyboy when you think you've picked up a chick?


That's what I am trying to point out, but like I said to each their own. Good luck :)

You got any idea on Colombia, I was planning on going down there in October.

Only reasons people get robbed are going there by themselves without someone experienced like me. A lot of what you hear are myths and a lot of what you hear actually happens, just don't be stupid about it.

what country?

I don't have connections in Colombia, I've never been there so I can't really say, but I've seen beautiful girls, I would try to find a decent English speaking Colombian you can trust to be your guide.

To spend a fortnight in thailand, food, hotels, prozzies, will set you back about 1000usd if you know your stuff. Alcohol will increase it, but more than doable under a 1000. Flights can be cheap if you book in advance and use a deal as well.

Dont get sucked in the local horseshit. Do your research beforehand and try to book hotels the day before (as there is massive markup for overseas booking).

which part of CL do you look in? w4m or casual?

OP listen up for the real deal on Thailand.

Been there pattaya is better than Bangkok walking street is nice girls are great maybe $30 USD for sex but i gave my girls $60 because I felt like it. girls give you the girlfriend experience even when your still in the bar drinking and playing bar games betting drinks as the prize to the winner. Do a lady-boy wont regret it. STD where a condom but just so you know there all tested at the bars and I raw dogged one girl and didn't catch a thing she was more worried about me.

I've been to Bangkok and Phuket while in Thailand. If you're going for whoring I've been told Pattaya is the place.

You'll land in Bangkok probably so you're better to do a few days there. Stay in nana as it's pretty safe. On soh 6 there is an area specialising in BJ bars. It's pretty safe and it's all set prices so I'd suggest going there first so you get into the swing of it. You get 2 girls sucking you at once for 1500 baht. Go for that and ya canna go wrong.

No it isnt. I live in Tucson and Mexico is fucked right now.

I can get free accomodation if I stay with the girls I know there but then I cant slaughter all the random pussy I want, which is kind of why they push you to stay with them.

Ladyboys are easy spot as they are usually taller than the local girls (thai girls are genrally tiny which is why it is such a massive pedobear hive). Some can hide it really well and can be entertaining as Ive had the personal show of watching a ladyboy fuck a girl on front of me while I fuck and watch. Good times all round. Just wear protection and use your brain not your cock and you should be right.

Half the fun is discovering all this for yourself.

Typical... bunch of old white men

I personally know 2 separate people who were kidnapped and held for ransom. The people who did it were never found because the police didn't give a shit. It really is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, definitely not safer than the U.S. Visit the Mexican side of Ciudad Juarez, step outside at night, and tell me if you feel safe.

>You get 2 girls sucking you at once
just curious, but for how long? sometimes i last a while...

its a curse btw

Both I usually use it as a guide to see who is around. Look at all, even the missed connections stuff. Its entertaining at least. Theres a few girls who Ive been with a reccommend, but they dont post on craigslist anymore due to having lots of regulars from overseas tourists. I spent a week with them and it was fun :)

As long as you take to blow your load.

Go google dr bj in bangkok

umm no.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

They'll wash your dick first for you too

Lol me too. Thats why I usually dont do the bar scene, I just grab a prozzie or three for an overnight and go to town. Its fun when you have 2 girls because by the time one is tired and sore, the other is raring to go from watching so you just hotswap them like usb sticks. Fantastic times.

thai hookers look awful, if i fly anywhere for sex it will be eastern europe, maybe the baltic

Why you jealous, faggot? Might be old white men but getting more pussy than you will ever see.

the murder rate is higher than iraq

Sure if you live in the fucking boarder lol. Even Mexicans don't go to the boarders bc we know theyre shitholes.
Yeah thats like going to Chicago at night same thing bra, not all Mexico is ciudad Juarez or Tijuana, read some more.


i spent a year and a half in thailand. Pattaya is a fucking shithole. it's only got one thing going for it and thats cheap and easy sex. it carries its own risks.

Bangkok is the place to be. Sukhumvit road is an experience in itself, and so long as you treat girls with some respect, you will have so much pussy you won't know what to do with it.

Sure, being good looking or having money will help, but its not like the west where thats all that matters. Thai ladies (and i mean real females) do prefer gentlemen.

treat them ok and you will get laid. and beware any "girl" with big feet or hands, her cock is likely bigger than yours.


Cheaper that stupid hotels. You newb

Why pay more?

>Odds of STD's?

Odds you're partner will have them: near 100%.
Odds you'll get them: high.

Bear in mind that condoms don't do shit for HPV, so your lady, who gets turned out 4x a day definitely has it.

HSV odds are reduced 50% by rubbers and it's not transmitted all the time like HPV, but it's still too risky.

Go find yourself a happy ending massage parlor and get a handy here at home rather than in Thailand.

Save money and be safer.

well i cant call it safe in pattaya you must be careful and if you want to go the club or bar be nice to the guard and dont get too drunk if you not you will be kicked out and police wont be able to help you much in somecase

>her cock is likely bigger than yours
but I want that too

Well. Who has the money dumb ass?. Its not that old men are sexual deviants. Its just that old guys have money to waste. Young guys dont. If all adian pussy was free and easy as hookers. There would be more young guys

dude, trust me, its not a good thing. girls start to straight up get pissed if you dont finish in a timely manner.

it took me 2 weeks before i could cum with my last girlfriend. gf before that even longer

again, they do not like this. id rather be able to cum in 3 min than fuck for 45 minutes just to have the chick start getting all self conscious about why im not getting off

seriously they wont cry if i take 30 minutes or even more?

>$30 USD for sex but i gave my girls $60 because I felt like it

you are the reason prices get inflated and girls expect every swinging dick to give her a tip. The same shit happened in the Philippines, little punk white knights thinking they are making the world a better place because they paid some rented whore's snatch double what they asked for. Fuck you and everone like you

this is the philippines. they aren't as hot as the thais and are considered the "blacks" of asia. asian men prefer very light skin.

I like you

this. they can have nice bodies (if u like petite) but their faces are generally ass

i like the skin of filipinas, but i dont really see it being any different than any other south east asians

What would it cost to get a thai girl to give me a 2-hour rimjob?

I may want another one to suck my dick while she's doing it, but only part of the time.

the rule of thumb is if they are extremely hot, its a ladyboy.

but they won't let you take them home without you knowing they are ladyboys. Unless they are trying to rob you.

how easy is it to get drugs in thailand, or another south east asian country? im thinking opiates here. dont care if its pills, sap straight from a poppy, or heroin (i dont use needles fyi). do a decent amount of the women ill be banging do it or have access to it? or will i have to actually talk to men if i want this?

My father plans to retire there
nuff said

>how easy is it to get drugs in thailand, or another south east asian country? im thinking opiates here. dont care if its pills, sap straight from a poppy, or heroin (i dont use needles fyi). do a decent amount of the women ill be banging do it or have access to it? or will i have to actually talk to men if i want this?

Equally easy to winding up in a dirt prison getting beaten daily.

Prolly wanna avoid

I'll take pinays over other SE asians any day. IDK where you got your info, but the spaniard descendants are hot AF. They might not be hooking in dives where you hang out, so maybe you missed them. And 'hot' to you might be hideous to someone else.

I'd imagine if they're prostitutes they're supporting some habit as well to make the day to day better.

>My father plans to retire there

It's actually paradise for golfers and retirees looking to make their savings let them retire in luxury.


written on everything.

Duerte kills everyone.


usually you pay by the hour. during the hour, most girls will do whatever you want them to. especially if you are nice and they like you. but even if they don't, they will still pretend they do :) As for the cost its usually 800-1500 baht (i don't know the conversion at this time for us dollars but its cheap)

oh yea i know to be careful in philippines due to current political climate. but are they hard on pill users? i gotta imagine that if im scoring some vicodins or percocets i probably wouldnt be targeted as a drug user, but i dont really know

don't get me wrong. i'm a latino living in singapore. i also like the filipinas. but the majority of chinese guys don't like dark skin. they are taught that its 'unhealthy'. Many filipina hookers use 'skin whitening' creams and bleaching to make themselves more attractive to the chinese customers.

That's bullshit, Thais are darker, especially the southern ones you find in Pattaya and Bangkok. The Japs and Koreans are ALL OVER the PI fucking the light skin pinays.

you seem to have made a mistake in the post you replied to, friend

Can I fart while they're licking it?

Trips speak truth. I was just in PI for June. Fucking Koreans all over the damn place, like a damn plague. Come ooonnnnnn Kim-un...