So one of the Duggar family has supposedly cyberbullied that "I am Jazz" tranny

So one of the Duggar family has supposedly cyberbullied that "I am Jazz" tranny...

Good. Freaks like that deserve to be bullied. I'm tired of this transvestite craze that we're all supposed to accept as normal. It's not.They're freaks.

I don't know what happened, but trannies were marginalized as the .000000001 minority that they were (and deservedly so) but now it seems that being trans is the new trendy thing to do.

What the fuck is happening to our society? There are only two genders and you can't pick and choose which one you want to be. These freaks need to start dealing with it.

I've seen this I am Jazz show while flipping through the channels. Apparently this fuck decided that he was a girl at age five.

How the fuck does a five year old decide that they're trans? And why did the parents support such a fucktarded decision?

>complaining about other people's business that doesn't concern or affect you in any conceivable way.

Wow, what a boring existence.

The only thing fucked up with society is that people don't accept others for who they are. There's a difference between thinking someone's life style is bad, and making them suffer because you think that. You don't like that they're a tranny. Cool. You want them to be depressed about it. Not cool. That's another human being whether you like it or not. Then again, there's a lot of you scumbags out there. Maybe I should just start killing people who don't tolerate others.

They don't give a fuck what you think is "normal". Their point is that they exist and ate human beings and are not going away or staying hidden and there's nothing you can do about it. Get over it bitch.

Lurk more, moralfag.

Trannies are gross.

Without a moral compass, mankind would descend into a "state of nature" as describe by Hobbes.

But I'm sure you wouldn't know about that you ignorant fuck.

Flesh and blood and a beating heart doesn't necessarily qualify someone as human these days.

lul fuck off to plebbit

Quit pretending to be "pro life."

I'm not pretending to be prolife. In fact, I'm pretty much pro-death.

I'm for anything that gets traffic moving faster during rushhour.

Sure thing summerfag. I'm predicting your school day will surely alter your posting time in the very near future. Faggot.


tackling the hard hitting issues like what 2% of the population is up to

>posts pick of a trump supporter getting bullied
>makes a posts that's positive bullying.


>Missing the point this hard...

People are starting to care less and less about what their church thinks, especially those who don't have a church to judge them. Welcome to a world of people who are tired of hiding.

Wow. I'm embarrassed for you.

Yeah but there's a difference between tolerance and outright pandering and catering to their every whim. I don't have to use some made up pronoun. I don't have to censor myself for these abominations. I don't need to change my life because their feeling might get hurt and neither should society at large have to change for them.

When liberals preach tolerance they don't realize that trans people are already tolerated. Most think they're absolutely disgusting but they stop short of killing them or beating them.

Tolerance to liberals means bending over backwards and creating all kinds of privileges for these subhumans

>Duggar family
>muh pedofile incest family

I thought I was an X-man at age eight. Why didn't my parents support me in my identity?

Occasionally people have to have their feelings hurt a little bit so that they can get better. This is normal.

>spends day on facebook about libtards needing to shut up and respect their indefensible reality show trainwreck of a government

>spends night on Sup Forums getting buttmad about libtards telling them to shut up

>calls libtards snowflakes because they won't respect their unique, special views on what people do to their genitals

ariana needs to get leaked. but pre getting blacked.


>privileges for these subhumans

I think the word you're looking for is "equality". you know, not giving a shit what they do? kinda like uhh.... not treading on them I guess you'd say

Oh I'm sorry is that what passes for a well-thought-out argument? Try again.

They have the same rights as everyone else. What are they lacking?

Random internet people calling them subhuman because their brains are wired up different

just off the top of my head

or do you also get all fuckin sperged out about people who don't like the same ice cream as you too

>Trying to normalize cannibalism

It's the great emasculation of western society. We are currently in the last phases of societal collapse. Men are being feminized, masculinity is starting to be looked down on, and being accepting of everything is being normalized. These ingredients are responsible for every last phase of societal collapse in history.

This has all happened before and will continue to happen again, and again. Structured societies can't seem to accept one fundamental truth: somethings things are better left stagnant. Every society "progresses" itself into collapse, and it's always the same people responsible, the "liberals" and or "progressives" of their respective time. The exact word to describe these people doesn't matter much, rather the sequence of events under any name.

The more a society strives towards a utopia, the weaker it becomes and the quicker it falls.

I've never heard of one correcting course, and as such I have no hope for ours. Thankfully, I'll likely be dead before the crumble and the eventual take over by the more masculine invader, the Muslim.

this thread triggered me and I mean I might stop my transition now cause I just cant. I'm literally shaking right now as I type this. this has gone far enough Sup Forums and I'm going to get this site shut down! Don't talk to me or my other personalities ever again.

Ok so someone exercising their freedom of speech is a problem? In Jamaica homos live in the sewers. In america they get the same rights as everyone else. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What you think is a "freedom" is actually a privilege. The two are not the same thing.

I live in the USA where we're guaranteed the freedom of speech. That means trannies can bitch and moan and I can choose to tell the he-she that it's mentally ill.

Freedom is a two way street. Just because I disagree with people mutilating their genitals doesn't mean that I have to shut up. It doesn't mean I have to use special pronouns or give them special bathrooms. Period.

All that stuff is cool af

Fuck your fragile masculinity

doesn't male and female refer to sex not gender in their retarded system anyway?


The hilarious irony is that you are the only one bitching and moaning

what the fuck is a demiboy??

Nice to see an user without down's syndrome. The ancient greeks collapsed when they accepted faggotry in its myriad forms. You can visibly see the feminizing of the men in their art.


Sounds like you need to be shot

You're retarded!

and then we will separate the whites and blacks again you nazi

>fragile masculinity
Masculinity built modern civilization.Without it society can't continue to function, no matter how much you hate it.

You're right. Everyone else is just accepting society's collapse but i can't. Read the post that another user pout about the emasculation of men leading to the downfall of civilization. For fucks sake read a book. It has has happened since time immemorial. I'd rather have America embrace masculinity once more than see my country become an Islamic Caliphate.

Those animals will burn every faggot and tranny without remorse. They'll destroy every book ever written. They will rape our women and enslave our men. They did it to Europe for 1400 years. Spain alone was ruled for over 800. Do you not understand what's happening? How can you be so ignorant?

Masculinity has nothing to do with intelligence and innovation, tard.

>mfw people actually believe this kinda shit

I do read books. All the time actually. Just started "Better Angels of Our Nature" by a person capable of tlintelligent thought, unlike yourself.

does it hurt to be so mad

Name a society built and maintained by women.

Calls someone unintelligent while using fractured sentences and fucking up a simply thing like t.

name a society built exclusively by men.

You're so fucking stupid it's hard to continue taking this thread with any shred of seriousness.

the bacterial colonies living on your mom's anus wrinkles are not only surviving, but thriving

I dont care what anyone does with their body, just fucking choose a side and stick with it. Im so sick of chicks with dicks and pregnant dudes.

>goes to Sup Forums to take things seriously

Answering a question with a question proves you have no real answer.

>Ad Hominem

Women make up literally half of the fucking population, no society can exist without them. They are human just like your fascist virgin ass, and hopefully one day you are shot in the fucking skull by one like the delusional degenerate you are

When someone has nothing else to say, they attack spelling errors on a far less than formal Internet forum. Everytime lol

No, masculinity does not require intelligence, but every kingdom has fallen without it.

This time will be no different.

>more ad hominem

Thankfully liberal fascists like you aren't in charge and are too much of a bunch of pacifier sucking pussies to own a gun.

Lol where did I attack you you defensive faggot I merely pointed out the irony of your post

I'm not a liberal, and I own a couple guns. And I actively believe we should root your ilk out of society and kill you in mass like the dogs you are.

I don't belive a society has ever been built and maintained by women either.

This is achieved by the intelligence and innovation of both. What is so hard about that to understand?

Again, you're a fucking dumbass.

Not the user that asked you the question faggot merely pointed out that you had no real answer

And that's fine. You can believe men without peepees are ladies and anyone you don't like should be murdered. Believe it. Start the church of cuck. Publish books. That's freedom of speech.

I'll believe that because I'm not a tard that confuses biological sex and gender identity.

>muh freeze peach

oh damn ya got me

Am I an Abrams Tank if I identify as one?

The whole "attack helicopter kin" is a spook

>being against free speech
One of my captchas was a helicopter. How appropriate.

Its funny how much you guys like to parade around your "individual rights" and then meme about throwing political opponents out of a helicopter. At least we're consistent, we don't pretend we're anything but what we've always been. And we've killed far more of you then you could ever hope to

Thats not transgenderism, dipshit.

these people are already balls deep into pseudo science and juvenile conspiracy theories, don't waste your energy trying to reason with them

>being against individual rights
There's a reason you'll never win.

Its inevitable, and its probably a lot sooner then you think. Keep licking the rich's boot, make it look nice and shiny for that guillotine

So people can identify with being a fucking wolf but when I wanna be a rank I'm in the wrong?

no, it's not inevitable. You're a bunch of untrained larpers that wouldn't know whether to shit or go blind the first time you had rounds coming your direction.

Some words can't be taken back...

they don't. That's an example of horrible people being horrible parents, and poisoning the mind of a child that should have been taken by CPS

Good luck trying to explain that to these cretins.

Each and every one.

Your society doesn't last long when people stop being produced.

The Duggars are faggots tbh