Can anyone tell me what my GF has open on her computer...

Can anyone tell me what my GF has open on her computer? She's a serial cheater and I'll drop her nudes if anyone can tell me. Doesn't look like Skype.

What's going on with her skin?

She's Greek and the purple is her bra strap.

why are with her u fucking loser. if shes cheated drop the bitch

just ask her retard



She'll just lie
Not on me, she cheated on her ex with me and I didn't know until she admitted it like 2 weeks ago.

I know I am

cool me too

>Not on me, she cheated on her ex with me and I didn't know until she admitted it like 2 weeks ago.
Also, been there, done that. Wasted 2+ years on the same situation. It'll happen again, move on. I promise you I'm right. One fag to another.

If you are with someone who lies then why are you with them?

You made me Google Grindr, you faggot. Now I feel like those kids who fall for "Make rock candy at home=Mustard gas" shit

oh lol. well dont show signs of distrust. thats what drives people to cheat. so stop doing this shit before it's too late

>if you are with someone who lies why are you with them

welcome to the real world kid where everyone lies

Damn. I hit the 2 year mark this month. I kinda hope I'm right so I can dump her in censored nudes here with contact info because she looks like a 5'0" loli with a D cup.
I didn't know until recently, so far she's been super open about it. This is just to find our if I should just break up with her or ruin her life and then break up with her.

dump her she is not worh it bro

i assume this is from a video?

It's happening either way, just trying to figure out if I'm gonna do it in a good way or a bad way now.
It's from a Snapvid, yeah

comcast login???? ??????????

Don't doxx, just post nudes.Info can be traced back

Call her a Malaka

Can you just post nudes

Yea I thought so too.

Sorry OP. It's over.