Things you can say about Sup Forums, but not your girlfriend

Things you can say about Sup Forums, but not your girlfriend.

I want to suck a log of shit out of andy sixx's asshole


I want to tongue wrestle with Andy Sixx's ass snake

It’s full of dicks 24/7

I think white and Asian people are superior even though I also think some hispanics are sexy. (Girlfriend is Hispanic)

I’m on it at least an hour a day

I want to suck a log roll from Andy Sixx's bog hole

Only guys that get the thread

I want to suck a stink roll out of Andy Sixx's pink hole


Didn’t this shit die yet? I thought summer was over.





Subhuman faggots are still pushing that Andy Sixx meme that no one gives a fuck about.


It always gets me off

"I'm pretty sure it exists"

It never left me :'(

So, my herpes is getting worse.



They get me and can make me smile.



















It exists



This is worth a lot of money.




I hit it hard, for hours at a time.

>OP posts clever thread
>Bunch of anons don't get the reference
>They are too pathetic to even understand the reference
>Anons post rejected Sup Forums meme
>Way to ruin a great joke
>Fuck you, newfags



When you see it...


Its only one guy, the posters/reply ratio confirmed it




I must have been blinded by my pure anger.



I had high hopes for this thread. Now I'm just disappointed.


It exists.


I come here often


I don't compulsively cheat on Sup Forums



You have been very kind too me even though you call me a faggot!




The effort and time that must go into it is mind bogaloging




There is no way this was made due to a community either. There are illuminati forces behind this monstrosity.


>cause mayhem






Do you know if anyone notified the Andy Sixx guy about it?




>decent non porn thread gets posted
>gets filled with shit
I just don't get what this does for the poster




>give me trips


