Tell me your secret b

Tell me your secret b

When I was a teen, I used to lick my sister.
I've stop when she felt forced to do so.
Dont really feel guilt, I'm just scared someday she's gonna talk about it...


I like to go on chatting site, and act like a teen girl and get old pervert to tell me what they would do to me

My secret is that I love kittens and that I look at naked women on the internet.

I work at the Salty Spitoon.

When i was like 5 and had no concept of what sex was I took my 4 year old sister into the bathroom late at night and basically raped her.

I enjoy cross dressing and pretending to be a girl online.

>Be 14
>Sister is 8
>We're play in the living room
>Start tickling her
>She's loving it.
>"Want me to tickle your vagina?"
>Get in bathroom
>Lick her pussy like a madman
>"Want to lick my dick?"
>"Sure user"
>Cum in her mouth in about 30 sec
>Few day later
>"Want to play with my dick again?"
>"Not sure..."
>"It will be fun"
> I cum fast but she doesnt seem really into it.
>Weeks laters...
>"He sis, want to suck my dick ?"
>"Not really it hurt my mouth"

Ended like that, never talk about it to anyone

Any chance blackmail slut is lurking?


Ayy same, do you think that's what fucked you up for your life? I think it did for me

about 15

My wife know about it.
I told her i wasnt making fake anymore but...

No, respectable women.
BF is a police

i'm pretending to be a girl on various sites using nudes i saved off Sup Forums so girls send me nudes


Yeah, probably. Still haunt me every day

girl takes huge dumps

It should. You raped your sister. Faggot.


>be 13
>This 34 year old foreigner woman sells good from a van at my secondary school
>gives me free food everyday
>never thought nothing of it just happy to get free lunches.
>so one Friday evening she offered me a ride to the bus terminal cause its like 20mins walk.
>askes me if I wanted to come over to her apartment.
>i accepted her offer and we drove to her place.
> lives in a small set of rooms with bedroom bathroom kitchen.
>I remember everything smelling like pine or some shit like that.
>told me I could take a bath and that she had a brand new boxer, soap, toothbrush and towel just for me.
> so I obeyed and went to take a shower.
> came out of the bathroom and my school uniform was gone.
>only thing there on the bed was a pair of Gray boxers with lion heads on the hips.

what next ??

cont user, we always hear about the old creepy dudes but never the old creepy women



Do either of you have this webm where a girl asks you to eat her shit. She films it herself?

Bernie Sanders Election Commitee

How can anyone get off to this?

Good one, I also dislike that puppet not because of what he says he's for, but what he's actually for (controlled opposition shill)

who is this girl

More shit

>So dry my skin and put in ridiculously small boxers
>every shit is printing out and my dicks not that big so kinda embarrassed.
>she brings some pasta and some kind of sause that's white to me and let's me sit on the bed and eat it.
> she goes and takes a bath while I eat and I remember feeling like I should get the fuck out of there.
>I stay after all and she comes back out in these small ass panties and some shirt looking thing that was so see though I could see her tits clearly.
>she came and took the plate away and placed it on tye bedside table.
>she crawled up on the bed and pushed me back, she started to kiss me all on my neck and chest and sucked my nipples.
>I was honestly enjoying myself and my dick was so hard you could cut diamonds with it.

Sorry I am at work so needed to get up and deal with people


next part...


hurry user

I'm autistic




>she started to rub my dick though the boxers and I could feel myself leaking precum.
>I messed around with a girl at school but never actually penetrated her just rubbed my dick on in her pussy. So I was still technically a virgin.
>she rolled the boxers down and ran her tongue from my navel down to my dick and up the entire length.
>my balls squeezed in and as soon as she covered my dick with her hot wet mouth I came right away.
>she laughed and I felt so fucking bad that I tried to get out of the bed.
>she held onto me and told me she was sorry that she laughed and she thought it was cute I came so fast.
>she told me we could try again if I wanted and not to be embarrassed.
>I still felt like a fucking sissy bitch cause all she had done was put me in her mouth and I had burst.

this thread is disgusting

Oh she's telling on you.

Go back to 9gag


This one time on vacation I accidentally my 9yo sister.

ITT: Permavirgins imagine what human sexual contact is.



Fucking hell man, you monster

it was an accident.

Dudes, your really fucking sick!

Yes Mom

Say what?

I helped my ex gf to get licked by a dog



greentext user

I want to kill myself because of my very embarrassing and disgusting cannibalism fetish. I wish i was fucking aborted im a disgusting human being and i wish for cancer. i fucking hate myself this is what hell is.

>I'm a 40 year old self hating functional alcoholic.
>reading the shit that you fucking autists post on the internet makes me feel like I'm really fucking normal compared to the rest of you.


Tell that to the cops.

my brother and I had regular sex with our stepbrother when we were young after grooming him for a few days

Dude its a really fucking long story. What do you wanna know?


Greeeeeeeeen text

Describe your fetish and how it started

12 years ago I beat my wife's abusive stalker ex bf almost to death with a baseball bat in a car park late one night. He never saw it coming and had never seen me before so he couldn't identify me even if he did. Wife doesn't know it was me or what happened only that he ended up in a very bad way in hospital one night "after getting in a fight or something?" she told me later after having found out. My wife has never had contact from him since.

>when I was 15 I used to have sex with my step mom. She was 24. My dad was 41. Sometimes he would be asleep in his room and we would fuck on the sofa in the living room. One time she sucked me off in the car around noon when he was around back mowing the lawn.


>you're the creepy fuck that makes those chicks have issues when they grow up
>no guilt
yeah, that's how those fags usually are.

I occasionally call up this 55 year old man that dresses me up like a girl and fucks the shit out of me.

>One time my dad went on a weekend business trip and me and my step mom fuck tick the house down. The living room, all four bedrooms, the kitchen, my dad's room, my little sisters room. She even let me stick it in her ass. My neighbour saw us fucking in the yard but she didn't tell my father cause by now I would have heard about it.

>I am most sure my little sister knew but doesnt say anything. Also my step mom has a really girlish looking son that acts kinda gay. Me and him where the same age. When he came over he used to play basketball. But mostly he liked to wrestle and always seemed to get a hard on when we did it.

Well ive always had a fascination with vampires, serial killers, and cannibals. Ive always been a sexual person i started masturbating when i was in kindergarten and as soon as i hit puberty i found that pain and blood made masturbation better. Even when i was young watching movies about vampires and cannibals turned me on. Hannibal made me wet. Its heavily influenced by my Sadomasochistic tendencies. i want to eat others and also be eaten myself. i don't know what went wrong with me.

I've posted this before so you might already know it

>be me, about 10 or 11
>have brother, 14, hypersexual
>used to watch porn together on my dad's laptop (looking back it's embarrassing because he didn't clean the search history) and on the DVD player when he was gone
>started to have makeout sessions every night whenever dad left for the night to do God knows what
>kissing, nipple nibbling, hickeys under the covers, frosting our dicks and doing "swordfighting"
>no actual penetration, but we got our dicks stuck in our buttcheeks from time to time, and we also used to do this while showering together
>we used to take turns in bed, I loved him kissing my belly and giving me french kisses
>one year dad got a gf, she was divorced and had a 10 year old kid
>brother being who he is immediately tried to flirt with him and forcefully trying to kiss him
>I tell him to ignore it, he cant help it
>one day we decide to show him a porn DVD
>he likes it so we start "reenacting" scenes from it before dad and gf get home
>this goes on for a few days until dad and gf leave to go hang out after we're tucked in bed (we all slept together)
>hear the door close, immediately take clothes off
>brother goes in first and starts kissing our new playmate in the belly, neck, mouth
>I join in and essentially tag team with him for half an hour
>we decide to take our pants off and frot each other
>brother is kissing our friend while he lays on his back and I lick his thighs, belly and cock
>we take turns in doing this, switching positions
>then we all spoon together and try to penetrate one another (brother behind me, me in the middle and gf's son in front of me)
>do this for an hour, switching positions often
>end after we all start leaking/getting that "I have to pee" sensation badly
>I go to the bathroom to pee while brother continues to have fun with the other kid


Still around?

Comment of the year

sounds pretty gay

Yes please

Did you say no homo?


Did he eat the poopoo?

looks like soft serve ice cream

>vagina licking
i cant tell if this is better or worse than what i originally thought op was doing


>I crawl back to bed, still semi hard, and slide in between them
>they kiss me for a good ammount of time from each side
>the sweat, the panting and breathing was so intense
>brother tells the other kid to come next to him
>he grabs him by the arm and pulls him slowly over me, I lick his stomach as he passes over me
>my brother sits on the bed with his legs in a C shape and pulls his arms up to sit the kid on his lap
>they kiss passionately and grind for a good 30 minutes while I watch and play with myself
>I go behind the kid (so he's in between my brother and I) and wrap my arms around him, I kiss his neck and back, lick his ears
>brother leans forward so I get out of the way
>he goes in missionary position with the other kid with their dicks grinding against each other and I kiss the other kid on the cheeks and the mouth while my brother is at it
>I guess my brother got tired after awhile, leaned back again to catch his breath
>I instead decide its my turn and go on top of the kid
>we start making out, dicks also glued together like one
>grinding up and down for a good 5 minutes
>brother whispers my name, I turn around and he's sitting on the bed again ready to go
>I ask him to lay down and he proceeds to do so
>I crawl on top of him and place his dick in my ass, it didnt go inside because my ass was too tight
>I sit there grinding my ass with my face resting on his shoulder while he kisses and hickeys me
>after 10 or so minutes I go up to pee again and we realize its late so we go to bed

We did this every other night during that summer, and after dad and gf broke up we never saw that kid again so we just did it by ourselves whenever the coast was clear. Looking back it turns me on so much even tho I fear of embarrassment that my dad and his mom might have known. Still worth it.

Ps: in one of those years dad took us to a hotel with a jacuzzi and I also have a fun story if you're interested in it

I watched my son get circumcised and I enjoyed it.

It cames naturally

please share Jacuzzi story.

I saw my moms pussy a few years ago, I'm not attracted to her at all but she does have a very nice pussy.

this is awesome

your dick touched your mom's pussy

Okay. I remember this one because it was in a new location and in a public place. I dont remember it as well as the other tho.

>be me, probably same age at the time, maybe one year later or before the first story
>already had the thing going on with my brother for quite some time
>dad takes us to a beach resort for the summer
>I don't think we ever had makeout sessions those nights because we all slept in the same room
>I remember the shower was a standing one, so most likely brother and I used it to do our thing undisturbed while the water was running and the steam was flowing
>I think I remember one time we were indeed in a shower like that and he was behind me, his dick kind of wedged between my buttcheeks while water poured down his head and he washed my belly with shampoo and what not
>anyway, back to the main story
>the days were usually spent on the pools having fun with other random kids, or jumping on those super big trampolines
>i remember doing frontflips on them all the time and trying to jump as high as I could
>now when I say my brother had some sex problem (so did I - obviously), I wasn't exaggerating
>throughout the days he'd grope random girls, some younger than us and some older
>he fucking catcalled passers-by women and complimented their looks
>he would throw random kids into the pools (dad actually had to intervene in some cases because the parents were naturally upset)
>one day I remember brother and I were in the pool locker rooms and there was a kid showring there, probably my age, and my brother stormed into the showers and groped him and we ran off as fast as we could

Okay so this was for context. Next post will be the actual story.

Also someone should screencap this so I don't have to type it again next time

Only when I was born

exactly, still counts

Pics of stepslag??


Other half


4 sorry for potato mobile screen caps

A while ago I posted a greentext in one of these secret threads about my sister being suicidal and last time it happened I almost let her die so it would end instead of bringing her to the hospital. Well, it happened again literally two days after I posted that story.

>I called an ambulance and got her to the hospital
>my dad was talking to me about how he thinks it's for the best that she live at a care facility instead of coming home
>a few days go by with her recovering in the hospital
>today my mom said she's coming home tomorrow
just wait guys, you'll hear from me again soon

Last one