What do you miss most about the 90s?

What do you miss most about the 90s?

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not being alive



The best part of the early 90's was not existing.

People actually spoke to each other without thinking they need to tell the world how important they think they are.

Social media has become so cancerous. We have endless information at our finger tips and we waste time scrolling through ads and pointless garbage.

I loved them. Kinda wish they were still a thing.

The 80s.

also this is the same one I had.


Being a kid.
I just turned 25 today :I
Not ready for this downward slope.

I had so many 90s shits in mind and created countless threads which 404d, so fuck you and fuck your thread, I'm not posting anything here

happy birthday Sup Forumsro..
I can imagine how you feel.

will turn 25 soon, too


This was for the thread "Name a better duo .. can not" but 404

Terence Hill and Bud Spencer

I'm 25 turning 26 December. Feels bad man.

Thanks man.
Happy early birthday bud.
I hope you have a good one, at least!

Bowl cuts and fanny packs

the bosnian genocide

Well, Happy early Birthday to you too buddy.
Let's all just try to make the best of it :)

You're both fine. I'm staring down the barrel of 41. That's the real downward spiral.

And the main things I miss about the 90s is being able to get a rock hard boner at the drop of a hat and all the sexy videos on MTV.

I turned 25 a couple of months ago and I'm having a quarter life crisis of sorts. Best of luck man

They kinda are. They're just Bluetooth earpieces now.

I appreciate that perspective on things

Ive been watching reruns of figure it out on YouTube. .. used to be my favorite show when I was little. Kinda funny now, noticing all the nuances of how much a shitshow it must have been to run this game show. It is a relic of a simpler time when I didnt have a care in the world.


The ultimate sport of the 90s. Everything from the jerseys to the all star games. Just perfection.

music that didn't suck

Cocaine and girls, but mainly cocaine.

You unbelievable faggot

Come on and slam! Welcome to the jam!

Having friends.

I feel it dude.
I'm feeling my body start to turn on me.
I'm also a smoker though, gotta stop that hahaoops

My dick being hard 24/7

the megadrive being popular

Snes, able to start a football game with the other kids in the neighborhood on short notice, not having to be an adult

I guess I should add:
My favorite thing about the 90's was when I would play dress up with my mom's raver clothes.
Sheer fabric and sparkles fuckin' everywhere.
Shit was cash.

>I'm not posting anything here

The economy.

I turned 41 a few months ago. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life getting older and watching myself slowly degrade. Fucking depressing.

They're still used by doctors.

Being an inoccent and silly child

Shit rap rock music

On my 25th birthday i felt it hit while i was in the shower, the passion and excitement for life just disappeared, 28 now just gets worse

Counting Crows

Yeah I've tried to curb my drinking/smoking by exercising more recently and I think it's working, but I don't know how long I'll stick to things before regress like usual.

The World Trade Center.

Safe lsd.

Are you me?

Its cool, shit seems so important when you're young but turns into trivial crap as you get older. The 20s are the best time of your life. You have your health, energy and you don't know enough to stop you from doing crazy shit.

The 40s, on the other hand, are when things get very serious very quickly. Your body starts to fail you, your looks start to go, you become more cautious, you have to give up all the stuff that you like and then there's the whole DEATH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER thing.

Fuck both of you little shits.

When TV was still good

So it's the perfect time to post your stuff
OP has no blame at this

being ignorant about what's going on in the world

I'm going back to school, so hopefully that helps with the happiness stuff.
My boyfriend is great to me, we have our own cat, and I just bought a Jeep, so I SHOULD feel happy.
But I can't help but get that little twinge in my heart when I remember TWENTY FIVE.
This sucks lol.


Being a kid and not having worries about the real world.

Hey, exercise is awesome for you.
I wanted to start it, but I lose motivation easily.
I believe in you!
Do what I fail to do!

I don't know if it's exclusive to the 90s, but the innocence of being a child. Not having obligation or responsibility.

I also just kind of miss the progression of technology. It felt like at the 90s we had peaked, but technology kept progressing and new amazing things kept happening. The leap in graphics in video games was always mind blowing as a kid. I miss just seeing a game and going "Wow, there's no way they're going to top that" with MGS1 and then MGS2 comes out and blows you away. It was definitely awesome.

I feel like the graphical and technological leaps we have now are less visceral. Things are way more convenient and awesome. But there's just no awe inspiring quality to them quite like there was when you were a child in the 90s living though it all.

Not as many mexicans and indians it was cleaner and smelled better


Nooooo I love you

cp in literally any site on the internet

fugging good times :^)

Nice dubs, but yeah I think happiness might be just an illusive construct we have that we think by some age will get to eventually

actually playing Chronno Trigger on the original SNES....EHEM....snes classic....HEM...turtles in time EHEEHEHEHEEEM!



Gangsta rap, pogo balls, mtv the grind, colorful aol profiles, shitty pot, no cell phones, slow internet...wait I really don't miss shit about the '90s

Turbo never did shit except make a clicking noise.

Well it should help being around other people with common interests,and jeeps are great in the snow and have cool gauges,by 25 i just graduated so it didnt help

My wife's 18 year old tits.

Thanks a defeatist mentality is a hard thing to get past, just speaking on my experience


Battle toads, "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman." And lastly Columbine

The thread topic and OP's pic made me miss my mom. I was born in 1988 and essentially grew up in the 90s. In my early years I would watch my mom get ready for work. I remember when she applied hair spray I could eventually taste it when the mist floated to the ground where I sat. Compared to my sisters, she always said I was the easiest to raise. That changed when I hit my mid-20s and started fucking up. Mood disorder diagnosis, drinking too much, legal trouble from aforementioned drinking. She developed brain cancer and struggled for a few years before dying in July 2015. The anniversary just passed. I attended her funeral wearing an ankle bracelet. I'll never escape that shame. I'll always love her.

Hopefully it helps lol.
What did you go to school for??


I think women were hotter back in the 90s, the music was better, artists actually cared about their music, even shitty alternative pop acts actually wrote some decent music and played instruments. Electronic music was much better too. Dj's actually Deejay-ed their sets and took their music seriously.

ff3 nigga...

Still married after 20 years?
What a cuck...

No coloreds lived in my town. Or county for that matter.

Try not to mix those up.

90's Is just the best fucking generation to born.



Sega Genesis
JNCO Jeans
Nu Metal
Good Hip Hop in the mainstream
The Toonapalooza programming block on Cartoon Network
When Cartoon Network would air shows like Speed Racer, G-Force, Swat Kats and The What A Cartoon Show
Fox Kids
Liquid Television
Cartoon Sushi
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Transformers Beast Wars
WMAC Masters
VR Troopers
When Toonami aired on weekdays

all the seritonin that once circulated my brain making growing up an adventure. Now regularly contemplate why i shouldnt end this charade

There was no niggers in my country.

MTV when it was good.
The Breeders, Alin in Chians, Mudhoney, Sugarcubes,
Sifl an Olli. Beavis and Butthead.

the golden era of hip hop and the rave music renaissance