School District bans clothing with the American Flag on it as well as Trump shirts because both are deemed distracting...

School District bans clothing with the American Flag on it as well as Trump shirts because both are deemed distracting and offensive in nature.


why no sunglasses wtf

Wearing flags as clothing has always been disrespectful.

no flag wearing is allowed in any school it can cause a issue between different kids and there cultures also fuck trump.

School only bans the US flag, also fuck faggots who get offended by the US flag and fuck you.


Is this for the referenced school?


You German pretzel eating fags seeing this flag bullshit in your social media? I bet you are

It's from their handbook available as pdf online. 2nd paragraph of pic related says 'students in Roseville'

So did they fix it or this is what it was like before? Or was it just a fake?

This is some real bullshit

you unamerican faggot OP. it has long been known that it is unpatriotic to wear the US flag as clothing. it is a sign of disrespect. that school district is 10000% times more patriotic than you.

Seems reasonable

what the fuck no way this is real


What about things like pins and patches?

It was a handout given to students. Whoever drafted it is either an asshole or an idiot.

Says rosewill right in it. Missed it.

>as well as Trump shirts because
I'm not seeing that bit in your hastily cobbled together shop.

>it is unpatriotic to wear the US flag as clothing
its unpatriotic to wear the flag like its clothing, not for its design to be on clothing