What's your #, Sup Forums?

>what's your #, Sup Forums?



0 because i'm not a faggot, unlike you


$20 is $20

Probably a 4, I jack off to women all the time but have only ever had romantic feelings for men.

3 master race

this scale sucks

that's called projecting, user

0, but if someone paid me a "small fee" to have gay secs, maybe.



do you prefer 1-10?

1. I'm not gay, but nothing gets my dick harder than watching a huge cock spurt cum.

Reminder Kinsey scale is complete pseudoscience and has never been empirically proven

6. Pussy be ugg.

what makes you say that?

You can empirically prove that John fucks women on Fridays Saturdays, and then fucks men on Sundays.

What more do you want?

You can empirically prove the sexual behavior of a bisexual person. That's all the scale needs to exist.

Fucking fags

This. It baffles me how there are "straight" men who don't see the beauty in dicks or "gay" men who don't understand why tits are great.


It's just... gross? Every time I see one I think of Predator or a destroyed ham sandwich.

I love how the clothing gets more and more gay.

Also 4.

Literally zero. Surprised that a significant portion of people would be anything else, honestly


>destroyed ham sandwich
and most chicks have a personality to match

Where do you think you are?

Probably a two.

an exact 3

Fucking asexual guy go back to tumblr

0 isn't asexual, it's 100% hetero. Take a moment to look at the scale.

how is it exact?