Is a 3rd Great Meme War possible? If so... Against what?

Is a 3rd Great Meme War possible? If so... Against what?
>Be me
>Find latent ability to shitpost
>Find I wield a great power
>Learn about Kekistan and Kek
>Realize I have the power to change the world one meme at a time
>Go on YouTube and find a Based Stickman vid
>Suddenly feel my blood boil... The need to shitpost intensifies... The need to fight cucks and normies begin to cultivate something... Something powerful..
>Possible Kekistani heritage?

Other urls found in this thread:

Please fucking leave this site and never come back

hi newfriend! When did your shitposting show up in your life? I've been trained to shitpost by my daddy since I was 14. I started at 9gag and worked my way from there, through iFunny and reddit, and ended up here! Welcome!! Lets meme and shitpost together :)

It's happening right now against the rhinos.


sir cucksalot disapproves of your anti kekistan sentiment

I had humble beginnings... I started out on iFunny sad to say... As a normie... Eventually, I began to reject such a fate. Then, something awakened. I realized just how much memes impacted society. But with how strong I felt about fighting degeneracy, I knew immediately I found my calling.

There is more autism in this post than an entire thread on /mlp/

Consider Suicide

Post some traps user :)

I'd say /mlp/ is worse



if you're older than fifteen you should seriously consider suicide

Shadilay to you too, friend

I, frankly, cannot wait for another meme war. I fought in the one against CNN, but my memes were weak and unrefined. However, things will change

A fellow kekistani I see! Welcome to the great meme community. Brother, prepare your arms, we must duesvult against the liberals with memes and pepe the frog!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!

This Kekistan shit is just cringe material now.

for the murder/k/ube!
death to the antigun commies

It's great to be here. I shall bring about the end of degeneracy and bring glory to my country and to my Kekistani brothers!

>teleports behind a libtard
>"Sorry kid, don't take it personally."
>Backflips and lands in front of him
>Stabs him in the stomach and smirks anime style
>"Heh, never stood a chance against kekistan and pepe."
>Dumb libtard played the victim card yet again
>Puts on MAGA hat and points the bill backwards
>Runs into the sunset Naruto styleand screams REEEEEEEEE

it's pretty cringe
just read the first couple of posts in this thread, learning about kekistan.
and the sad thing is, that's the point. to be cringy.

>Pic related

Why the Discord link?

i'll send 500k to any eth address

This is prob gonna get archived any second...


Holy shit, I say this with such honesty in my heart. Please, just do us all a favor and leave. Seriously. I know you think you fit in here. You don't. You really don't. Stop fucking up this site.

I say we use our powers to influence governments to invade the Norks.

Fucking hang yourself op


Ur shits not funny now fuck off