Vocaroo Thread!

Vocaroo Thread!
>i will voice anything that gets dubs
>beyond that, shorter requests will typically get quicker replies
>other anons encouraged to do voices as well!
>lewd requests are always okay. Where the fuck do you think we are?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey everybody, did the news get around
About a guy named Butcher Pete
Oh, Pete just flew into this town
And he's choppin' up all the women's meat


Nice trips

do it fucking right


Would you rather live in a world where microwave time went from 1:00 to 0:99 or live in a world where all books are in braille



I answered. I just stated the question before hand.

Oh shit

I don't care that you're my big brothers best friend, i want to feel that hard cock cum inside me

hey, what's up fam! Do you wake up super early or are you up super late? I'm too fuckin tired to write lewds :

How does this picture make you feel

are you from FSA??

Feel free to give me voice direction as well, anyone. References or whatever.

Sharpie in pooper? What is this 2010? I'd rather have a carpet to nom on.

FUCK nvm maybe I'll write lewds

moderate to severe disinterest

Yo! A bit of both. I took a 5 hour nap yesterday afternoon, woke up at midnight and decided to stay up. My sleep schedule is a bit fucked.

Say this in an A N G E R Y voice
"Don't make me shove my 12 story shlong in your plum-pudding love cave you disobedient avocado"


Can you make "I don't care that you're my big brothers best friend, i want to feel that hard cock cum inside me" sound like a loli please

Give? Give me what?
You said you were gonna give me something right?
Well, spit it out. I'm right here. What the fuck are you gonna give me?
Will you quit your fucking blabbering. You're gonna give it to me or not?
Come on!

(Sexy and bitchy.)

Loli enough? Sometimes its hard right after I smoke

The difference between these two reads, holy fuck lol


It will be used as a new tone, also whats up


Yo! And enjoy.

Haha, thanks.

Haha. For some reason I wasn't sure whether or not i shouldve sounded more teenish or loli

For reference for anyone else, I can do
>orc woman
>undead woman
>angry woman
>bored woman
>a husky seductive voice that kind of sounds like Lust's english voice actor from FMA
Pretty well.. or ill give whatever the fuck else a good try

Perfect thanks

You're both welcome. Thanks for the requests.

Is there anything you wont do? Apparently you were smacking your pussyin a previous thread...kinda need more of that

I was honestly impressed with the range between the two. Let's go with a teenish seductress tone for this:

"Do ya know what's gonna happen when you come in my mouth? Nothing. I'm gonna drink it all up, and then I'm gonna make it stay hard, even if it hurts, and I'm gonna make you come again. Then you're gonna tell me to stop, but your dick *just won't* get soft, so I'll keep on going until you're shooting blanks.

I wasn't smacking my pussy. I was being facetious and smacking my stomach and chest since I was super sweaty.
Basically I am not in a place where I can masturbate, but I can moan and sound like I am having sex.
I am fine with most everything but explicitly implied toddlercon or sexual trauma in minors. Lolicon is okay, incest is okay. My boundaries are weird.

Tf is skettis
Whatever it is, say "I wish my dad didn't use my mom's dildo so much" in that voice

When do you do these threads i keep missing them for some fucking reason

Hey Rev!

Are you in a place where you can be loud? If so, could you do the following please

It's time for a little punishment! I’ll let you feel the most exquisite pain! Does it hurt? DOES IT HURT?!


Please OP say, I really wanna taste that hard cock, first I want to lick the tip until you almost cum and then I will turn around and slowly sit on your cock.

Theres a gap between devouring fang and the next line....didnt space them out

You're a god among spergs, thanks!


Thought so, someone brought it up..

Glad i met you through alices threads youre fucking funny

holy fuck I thought it had to do with pic related

Can you do a loli saying "of course I'll let you fuck me in my uniform, as long as you don't tell my brother that im his best friends personal slut"

I was the dude who requested it, I thought I was gonna be some weird-add fluffy VA

Hopefully I didn't wake my neighbors by shouting "DEVOURING FANG" like 7 times in a row

Kenny, please dont cum in my hair again.

Can you moan and say "I'm about to cum all over your tongue" all sexy like? Thank you


I'm glad as well. This is still really fun.
Feel free to request more.

Sometimes 4am est, sometimes after 3pm est, lol

[incredulous teen voice]

"Oh my god, daddy... you're not supposed to get hard from your own daughter! What do you mean? I wasn't stepping on it! Why would that make you hard anyway?! Do you like feet or something?"


Hi! Would appreciate if you could pick anything you wanted from "hentaiquotescancer" on tumblr

Anyone else can if they want; I just like hearing these literary masterpieces aloud.

this plox

Any time, user.

That makes it even better. I spent way too much of my life doing the dungeons centered around them a few years back. You start mimicking bosses when you kill them at the start of every day

haha you probably did but Wow that was amazing..that second part was well done

Im glad youre weeb too rev, if im not being too greedy could you do the following in the same tone as the second part?

Hungry Darkness of A THOUSAND SOULS!...Oh undead serpent who slew a thousand in a single night… Open thine jaw and consume mine ENEMIES!

This guy is my revy

Say in an absolutely disgusted/hate filled voice
"What kind of poor excuse for a man can't keep his erection for longer than 73 hours, 13 minutes, and 35 seconds?"


"I can't believe I saw your picture with you and haley, that fucking slut!! I know we ended on bad terms but what the fuck man.. I dont even know what to say! you are such a fuck I HATE YOU!!!!"



"I’m just gonna play on my phone ok? I don’t care - do whatever you need to, just hurry up and cum so you can stop bothering me. ... god, what is *wrong* with you?"

"Oi, senpai... What the fuck did you just say about my hair!?"


It's *so* cute watching Emma try to wiggle out of the box. She can't even lift her little cunt off the vibrator and she hates it so much. You can play with the control if you want… turn that one up and she’ll lose her mind in there.

I am a filthy nigger and I need to go back to Africa. Ooga booga. Where the white women at?



Upset loli succubus:

"Oh? Surprise, surprise. Another mortal summons me in the body of a CHILD... Disgusting."

Srbija Do Tokija

You just called me a nigger :

Don't want a vocaroo, just want a chad or chadette to answer my question
The thing I've been doing is limiting the amount of calories I'm taking in, but not caring where the calories come from. Like, say I'm allowed to eat 1400 calories a day, I can either eat loads of veggies and fruits and other low calorie foods, or eat few high calorie foods. I also go on a 15 mile bike ride from time to time. Am I doing this right or am I a complete faggot?

God please more

Ur a racism
Like, comment and share the video to end the racisms

Oh fuck wrong response hahaha that was meant for
Yours was uhh vocaroo.com/i/s1F6ap8VELgN

"Don't stop licking my ass! I'm gonna cum..." *moan*






Missed you the past few days, user!

Pee pee poo poo *long fart sounds* followed by Really Jon....could you be any more immature


Sansa stark voice: "I'd like to go to my chambers and finger myself.. maybe give out a blowjob later.. but please dont cum on my face this time. It always gets in my eyes!! farewell ser."

these are phenomenal


You make these threads at fucky times m8! thanks so much

I did call some poor unsuspecting person a nigger in a bird person voice.. my bad

I know. I apologize. Haha.
I like doing them in the middle of the night because it isnt as hot where I record then. My truck doesn't have an A/C


"okay youre not picking up your phone not even answering my texts.. I sent you nudes too goddamn it!! AND STILL NO RESPONSE?? I just want to talk..... please!! (sound sad near the end)"

Also, mad props for recognizing me based on kink alone, that's some next-level shit you're on

You were 1 for 2 tho


That's one way to do it. Certain foods are gonna give you more energy with less sugar or sodium which influences weight gain

gimme something to say in a kawaii loli voice