Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to...

Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?

No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.

>Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason

are they niggers?

So we should care about infants now? They aren't even alive.

yeah so what if I enjoy killing infants? Why wouldn't you enjoy killing infants? fucking Christians are so dumb.

Yes, you are.

you do realize that atheists define there belief sets themselves, so killing 1 infant is gonna make them feel bad, especially if they follow the golden rule, OP you are either retarded or miscontrue what atheism is, more to the point if someone killed say 10,000 muslims babies would the OP feel sad then? Cause I don't care where that baby comes from that's fuking sick man.

And in your religion people can do the exact same thing grovel on their knees for a bit and then get instant access to paradise.



You would feel bad cause being an atheist does not make you a sociopath. You fucking retard. How about the Bible in which "god" required the slaughter of children. Or the Quaran which advocate the murder of non believers, and the rape of children.

Religion is fucking cancer and so are you.


Counterpoint: atheists believe in no afterlife, you're just worm food and your mind disappears forever. Every death is an absolute tragedy as these unique minds are most forever. Murdering someone as an atheist is the ultimate, unforgivable sin on a scale that cannot be appreciated by the religious.

Commies were atheists and they killed more people than anyone else in history of mankind


"Yeah well Hitler was x" (or stalin in this case) really isn't an arguement. It's not like I couldn't point to almost any religion in the world and say the same.

Nigga Stalin wasn't the only commie.

Religions ain't got shit on the destruction godless fools have created

...still not an argument. And I'd point out that while atheist nations have committed atrocities, the important difference is that atheism was not the reason for these deaths. Atheism did not command them to kill, and it has not been used to justify killing and suffering, unlike religion.

who are you, fucking steve harvey? If you bother to type a reply, be sure it makes sense.

Lack of faith is the reason atrocities unlike anything else before have befallen





You forgot bears
2 kings 2:23-25




Unlike any other is a bit if an exaggeration. There are more people alive and the means of dealing death are easier, so of course the scale is larger. If you looked at percentages of population killed rather than flat numbers in sure the picture would be quite different for the millennia religion held the reigns vs the century or so of atheism.

Ultimately it doesn't matter though, because as I said atheism has never been the reason for suffering. The faithful are just as easily led if not more so to violence because religion provides a justification and usually an obligation to kill.
