Have you ever met anyone famous?

Have you ever met anyone famous?
Politicians, actors, musicians, porn stars, serial killers, youtubers, etc.
Got any good stories?
Not just "i saw him at party once" but you acknowledge them and they acknowledge you.

My personal list
>david bowie
>mark hamill
>terry crews
>VA's for overwatch
>VA's for steven universe (never seen the show, but friend made a big deal about it)
>eric andre
>cara delevingne
>george ezra

If you want me to tell a specific story just ask.

story behind eric andre and cara delevingne?

>>mark hamill
>>cara delevingne
Fuck you.

>serial killers
Actually, yeah. Well, not a SERIAL killer, but there was this family that lived a few houses down from my grandparents, with some kids around my age. I used to play at their house sometimes, and i'd see the dad around and shit and i'd spoken to him a few times. One day he snapped or something and killed his whole family and blew his house up. There was a massive manhunt, and he was #1 on the FBI's most wanted list for awhile.

They never found him.

I attended New Orleans Essence Music Festival as vip got chat to Kevin Spacey
and Beyonce

>Be me
>go downtown
>walking down the street
>limo pulls by and hits a puddle
>totally soaked in dirty puddle water
>limo stops
>window goes down
>it's keanu reeves
>tosses one single cocktail napkin at me
>says "clean up"
>limo pulls off
Fuck that guy, man.

They were filming a skit for the eric andre show (bird up) and he asked me a few questions and left. Apparently my spot never showed up on the show

I meet cara in an airport, she actually stopped me and complimented me on some shirt i was wearing, i honestly didn't know who she was at the time, but some small talk later she said was filming in a movie (paper towns) then some more talk later we parted ways.

My friends and I hung out with Finntroll. That was pretty cool, I guess?

I once met Wes in a phone booth outside my school. He signed my notebook but I dumped it afterwards.

How was Cara ?

jannet reno
summer after she left office

>ric flair
>booker t
>jeff jarrett
>rob van dam
>mick foley
(I like wrestling)
I met Andy Burnham on the train once but he's a labour faggot so idk if he counts.

I've met Helge Schneider once

If you're wanting to know my mark hamill story, I say behind him on a plane to new York. We talked about batman and stuff. He was a really fun guy.

I play Destiny on XB1 with Montez from Workaholics bobby lee is always in his party

>meet Mark Hamill
>talk about Batman

Yes several but only people known within Sweden from Swedish television etc. Also a few political figures and the King of Sweden.

Wasn't me, but during my uncle's 8th birthday party they had john Wayne gacy for the clown.

>Doug Walker
>Jim Sterling
I met these guys at cons.
>Harry Reid
>Dina Titus
I met them at political rallies.

Well i started telling him how much of a fan i was of his work, it ended up into a conversation about the joker and other batman shit. We also talked about other stuff man.

He voiced the joker in the animated series.

>Johnny Yong Bosch
>Yuuta Mochizuki
>Jason David Frank
>Adam Young
>Brendon Urie
>Paul McCartney
>Gabriel Iglesias
>George Miller (Aka Filthy Frank)
>Jon Jafari
>Matt Smith
>Ben Platt
>Neil Patrick Harris
>Robert Downey Jr

I had the chance to meet Daniel Radcliffe but I couldn't.

I've been to a lot of events and conventions through my life and got insanely lucky in public sometimes, all in all. Good shit

I used to be neighbors with Notch aka Markus Persson, the creator of Minecraft.

At momocon i met Jessie cox and dodger on the show floor, we talked about a bunch of shit, i recommended some games then they had to leave for a panel.

Peter Cosgrove, only one I can think of

yes, I look at a mirror everyday

Frank Zappa, Michael Caine, Ian Anderson, Rory Gallagher.

>Kim Jong Il

I've told this story before on a thread like this, but my grandfather use to own the bowling alley they filmed the big Lebowski in, my grandpa brought me on set one day to meet buscemi, bridges, and goodman. But i was about 5 at the time so i don't remember much about the encounter.

I went on a date with miranda cosgrove once


I met Dave Prowse (Darth Vader's body from the originals), he lived in my town and came to our school and taught us to cross the road by looking left right left. He even picked me up and sat me on his lap
True story

billy corgan, obama, joni mitchell, summer glau

Is he really a depressed fucker who hates people and specifically women?

>Meet the most iconic actor to ever portray the Joker
>Talk about other shit

Far from it. Had parties, gf's and even got married.

I mean, I've been to countless concerts, festivals, movie shoots, conventions. If you leave your house you run into people.

>Peter Cosgrove
Unlike all the plastic ENTERTAINERS listed in this Thread you met someone who did something and means something.

borgore fucked my girlfriend then used one of my photos as his FB profile pic.

Clive Deamer for me

but yeah i've met a lot of well known dj's and musicians.

skrillex had his bodyguard throw me out of the green room for having a camera around my neck while he and the crew were snorting something.

i've slept on machine gun kelly's mom's couch.

the guitarist from neon indian spent an entire night following me and my gf around 3-4 different afterparties, trying to get in her pants.

idk, i have lots of stories from my concert photographer days

>Frank Zappa
>my nigga!
best album evar!

I used to be attracted to her. But then I heard her voice in an interview on Youtube and I instantly lost all attraction to her forever.

It became painfully obvious that she is a dyke. Might as well be a guy.

>some boxers
>thats all

Did you meet Sombra? Did she give you wood?

Lewis Hamilton on holiday in Hawaii

Only a few, not many celebrities or conventions or whatever come through my shitwater part of the country.

>Paul McGann
>Thomas Ridgewell (TomSka)
>Wai Ching Ho


I've never met any in the wild, always in conventions.

>Nolan North
>Sean Astin
>Karl Urban
>Sean Shemel
>Micheal Beign

Yeah, but i was actually more attracted to mercy's VA (Lucie pohl)

Also i hung out with Matt mercer and jonny cruz for a while, we even went and got lunch some pizza place. They invited me, i didn't just follow.

>Wee man
>Dave England
>Preston Lacy
> Chris Pontius
> Ehren Magehey
> Dimitry Elyashkevich
> John Dunsworth

Only met 3 substantially famous people..
In order of fame:
Martin Clunes
Rupert Grint
Sir Ian McKellen

McKellen was suave as fuck, let me tell you.

Jimmy Carr at Gawsworth Hall

>said he liked my gilet
>not sure if taking the piss or not

He's quite a normal, nice and intellectual guy.

Craig Sheffer. Ran into him at a local bar from his home town. Chatted a bit while he played darts with his family. Bought me a beer.

Richard Kasso
He was an obscure seldom heard of spree killer from Long Island. He doesed people on acid one night out of a vial he had at this old abandoned racetrack we all used to hang out with.
Some short time later he would come to lure some jock type kid into the woods with a friend of his and murder him under the pretense of ritual sacrifice and later, after he was arrested, he hung himself in his jail cell.

Guy was a drug addled nutjob.
This was the most widely circulated pic of him during the time it occurred.

I met the guy who played Oscar on Corner Gas and he called me a jackass. Nice guy.

forgot pic

Emily Blunt
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Joanne Whalley
Benedict Cumberbatch
On planes and airports

Sophie Turner
Ewan McGregor
Gillian Anderson
Helena Bonham Carter
Alfie Allen
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (the mountain)
Natasha Kaplinsky and various other British TV presenters
A few contestants from the British apprentice

Was was McGregor like?

Wesley Snipes
Time Allen
Bryan Cranston
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Daniel Johnston

I live in Los Angeles so I see a lot of celebrities, but I've never bothered to talk to them besides the ones I listed (excluding Daniel Johnston, I met him out east).

Nice list Sup Forumsro

Paul McCartney?

Steve Johnson, Michael Kubrik, Chad Burns, Michael Ramirez, George Nagel, Sarah Prince, Larry Olsen, Rocky Ramirez

Ahh he was in the street, I remember him being a bit moody but he was with his kid so I don't think he wanted to be bothered

I'm talking about notch post-marriage
Probably a different guy to pre-marriage

I do voice acting based in Texas so I've met pretty much most of the Dragon Ball cast if that counts. Other than that I met Jason Isaacs, Jason David Frank, and a lot of other voice actors. The most chill that I've met is probably Mat Mercer, super relaxed and just easy to talk to.

Is that you Vic?

I wish. I fucking wish.

Do you work at Team Fourstar, or are you a legit voice actor?

I dated Sophie dee for a while before she left Wales to get fucked on camera for cash.

She could play the girl who texted her BF to kill himself and he did.

just linus tech tips

I must know, did you go balls deep?

>Vaughn Guernsey
>Ron Haws
>Dorothy McKendrick
>Misha Babin
>Coy Ammerman
>Belinda Colvin
>Signe Horgan
>Matilde McConville
>Britni Tames
Met them all, ask me anything

I did, but to be honest it wasn't anything to write home about. Just regular sex. Like you'd at least expect a lot of enthusiasm but nope.