Why does Colbert rape Trump so relentlessly?

Why does Colbert rape Trump so relentlessly?

They are going to say he doesn't but I agree with you

Because it's easier than coming up with something original.

One trick pony

Because his job is to entertain liberals

he needs material and jokes are too hard

the market exists. why does the daily show still exist with the same shit


Colbert with another zinger!

That fella sure is smart, herp derp.

Go Hilary! BLM!

>mfw buttblasted trumptards itt

Because that's what his viewers tune in to see.

we already had this thread yesterday

It's been a long summer:/

Colberts job relies on making butthurt liberals (you) feel better about losing the election

It's all he's got, the talentless hack.

Imo The Colbert Report was a lot funnier than this crap and I don't even like Trump.

he can keep recycling the same "russia" "lol le ornge face" joke for 8 years and droolers will continue to laugh at it. perfect for his career

Kek I'm German. It's just funny to laugh at you retards.

Trump and Hillary are both awful.

Colbert is finally funny now.

because he's a clown and its easy

because he makes $15,000,000 a year to pander to liberals that make $15 an hour.

Yea, Colbert sucks, he's nothing compared to the famous conservative comedian... uh... fuck.

Nothing Burger.


Because trump cant stop embarrassing himself.

Come on, he's not that bad, it's not like he's shit himself in white pants on his golf course or something.

>people actually believe the president has so much power that he should be personally hated for every "decision" that he "makes

Just letting the media shit down your throat and doing exactly what they want you to. It's all an illusion to keep you all divided and pissed off at a scarecrow.

>inb4 nearsighted and shallow minded fucks dispute what I'm saying out of pure ignorance

Pretty confused then, bruh. You're letting millions of useless sand niggers into your country with no vetting and you're laughing at us? Lol. You Europeans certainly are delusional, I'll give you that!

Stephen Hawking over here figured out I'm a Liberal.

>haha le muslim invasion meme i said it again europe is le doomed xD

You guys aren't that creative, huh?

Did I hit a nerve? Lol. this whole thread is just you saying "le America is doom le Trump is stupid xD" then I bring up your sand niggers and you just deflect. classic. Back to redd it, faggot.

>because we're so scared about the sandniggers we elected a cheeto

America Land Of Scared

Kek. After WW2, Germany was raped of its masculinity, just as bad as Japan. Now your leader is a fucking woman and you have to let violent Muslims into your country for the sake of political correctness. This is the curse your country deserves for nazism, which I hear you funny speaking fucks aren't even allowed to acknowledge the existence of.

>leader of country is a woman
Comment immediately discarded

>Sup Forumstard getting triggered because someone calls you out on repeating the same bullshit over and over
>implying you know which of the posts in this thread are mine
>le reddit xD

>ohlookitsthisthreadagain.jay peg

I'm about to blow your tiny mind. They actually pay him to say what they write for him on that show, it's a job.

because we arent scared children throwing a tantrum since 9/11. less people died from terror attacks in thr last 15 years than people having a heart attack on the toilet in the same time period. it really is not a big deal.

Does this image even load on your screen, German? If it does, are you gonna get arrested? Talk about fucking damage control. It's a crime to even acknowledge your countries monumental mistakes, talk about cuckoldry

Lol no its because we don't want to babysit useless degenerates who will contribute nothing to society. Because we actually care more about our own people than useless sand niggers.

>we elected a cheeto

redditor confirmed. Still trying to compensate for losing the election by crying on forums about how trumps an orange? kek.

Get a load of this guy damage controlling. Pretending as if you can even turn on the news without seeing another truck massacre in Europe. Fucking KEK

But user you just repeat the same shit over and over

"Le drumpf is a stupid orange"

Then you start crying when I bring up sand niggers and just keep deflecting

even babysitting a million people even if all of them were actually useless should not strain a real countries ability to care for its own people. german citizens are still prefered for social housing and refugees often get to share an apartment with 6 people.

>i'm getting my """""facts""""" from Sup Forums - the post

Never visited pol in my life. nice damage control

>still implying you know which of the posts in this thread are mine
>reposting le muslim invasion europe is doomed maymay

You guys are a special kind of retarded

That Libtard is just making Trump even more popular by talking about him so much.

Thanks Libtard media keep talking about Trump he is already the most famous American alive thanks to you :-)

You should. You'd find lots of like minded idio.. people over there.

if this is enough to scare a state of 80 million people something else is seriously wrong

He wanted Killary to win and like every other Liberal, is not a graceful loser. We'll never hear the end of it.

Lol you're just trying to justify your shit country taking in useless degenerates who contribute nothing other than their degenerate culture. Your country is so cucked. Just because you can take in degenerates doesn't mean you should, you fucking retard.

Lots of bait

>justifying taking in sand niggers
>reposting me Trump is stupid cheeto maymay

You are a special kind of retarded

Why the name killary?

stop giving this unfunny faggot attention. He faded from relevancy over 8 years ago and is only staying afloat because of overly loyal SJWs who would rather hear their own "woke" views and "jokes" spouted to them instead of actual comedy/satire.

also someone smack that nigger in the band. Who the fuck laughs like that?


Ohhhh boy, you aren't in any position to laugh at ANYONE.

t. A Canadacuck who thinks about Germanistan to feel better about my own country

You probably prefer fallon, huh?

there are no good late night show hosts, and there have never been. They're all unfunny fags which is why they air them when normal people are asleep.

No need for creativity when there are obvious facts slapping you in the face. My fuck are your eyes ever squeezed shut.

Germany used to be a proud nation. You should be ashamed. I know your forefathers are turning in their graves.

anyone who watches talk shows that derive their comedy from pandering to their viewers political beliefs through such a linear world view doesn't deserve to vote.

Heart attacks are how people naturally expire.
People are not supposed to expire via murderous rampages. One is deliberate malice and the other is nature.

>oh fuck these sandniggers are killing people every day
>people die every day, thats just what they do. its fine, nothing wrong here
You. Are. Fucked.


what do you expect? this is Sup Forums and 2017, Sup Forums hasn't been random for over a decade

Predictive programming. Trumps gonna die

yeah but Sup Forums hasn't been filled with liberals until the degenerate NEETs were afraid they'd lose their healthcare



because 70% of Americans don't like Trump

It's his job to tell as many people as possible what they want to hear.

it should also be noted that roughly as many Americans didn't like Hillary either, we need actual candidates to run next election instead of yet another circus

Pick one.

You are so fucking brainwashed. It's unreal.
>a million "people" who eat and are housed in exchange for nothing
>a million people who contribute nothing while raping and murdering
>"It's ok we'll just keep taking care of them, we don't mind. We'll just pay more taxes."
Even if you were correct that a nation should/could support a million perpetually useless eaters without suffering for it (you're wrong by the way), you are not taking into account that they will breed dozens of kids per family. A million is fine? What about 5 million? 10 million? You have no idea what your country has done. Germany will never be glorious and strong again. Germany will be an undeniably 3rd world country by the end of our lifetime.

Because pic related.

And what is trump then?

A wildcard.

We need someone who will take away the entitlements: affirmative action, obamacare, welfare, etc. it's time for Americans to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives.

She literally shot all those people?!?

Because Comedy Central supports the Democratic party

Because it's good for ratings.

The entire media buzz of "TRUMP" "RUSSIA" "TREASON" is all baseless, but it gets people watching. The people that agree go "I FUCKING KNEW IT" and tune in to support their confirmation bias, and the people that disagree go "WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT" and tune in to try to pick apart the arguments.

Also ditch chapter 7 bankruptcy laws.

You spent it. Pay up, or jail.

1. America is hurtling towards a constitutional crisis that will rock its institutions to the core.

2. Its president and his business empire will soon be exposed as beholden to Russian oligarchs and mobsters.

3. Trump will try to fire special counsel Robert Mueller to prevent this from becoming known, but Congress will intervene.

4. His only remaining hope will be a 9/11-scale disaster or contrived war that he can exploit.

5. If we are lucky enough to survive all of the above, Trump will resign before he is impeached — but only in exchange for a pardon from his servile vice-president, Mike Pence.

6. Everybody lols at MAGAs for the rest of their lives.

whys a dog chew on a squeak toy? because it makes a funny squealing sound every time you bite down on it.

I agree so much. So much it hurts.

At least when the Colbert Report was facetiously supporting conservative ideologies, it was actually making legitimate counterarguments. The Late Show basically amounts to "Trump is dumb. We're all so much smarter than him and everyone that supports him, right liberal audience? YEEAAH"

Ooo this, this is correct

>he needs material and jokes are too hard

So Trump is a free joke?

America's choice was to either elect a clown or the Devil.

We chose the clown.

Google any one of those names, they all have 2 things in common:
1.They were planning to inconvenience the Clintons or already had
2. They died under suspicious circumstances with little to no investigative effort occurring afterwards

"Suicide by 2 shots to the back of the head" type open-and-shut cases.

The Clinton family are a mob family. They make huge amounts of money illicitly like mafioso's, but instead of laundering it through casinos and strip clubs they use the oh-so charitable Clinton Foundation.

You want a specific political seat? Pay Hillary Clinton a million to buy it. You can either call it a charitable donation to the Clinton Foundation, or, you can pay Hillary a speakers fee and she'll show up for half an hour and stand behind a podium. Seems legit and you WILL get the position you want. High energy corruption. And anyone who thinks about disobeying or exposing it gets black bagged.


Most of us are infact smarter than him.

And I would do it again.

Wrong. If you're so smart, why are you a poor?

Oh really? Did you turn a small loan of a million dollars into a business empire? That's right didn't think so.

One of his best friends is John Podesta

over 1000x return on profit is pretty! There would be a lot more billionaires if it was easy to do that!

Could be worse. She could have gotten as many soldiers killed as George W did.

Hillary and Bush are puppets for the same masters. I guess you could say Hillary actually gets to clutch a string or two of her own. Bush and Obama never did.

I have less conflicted feelings about dying in opposition to an ideological enemy than dying in opposition to a political one.

I also have filed for bankruptcy way less.

Because Trump keeps shoving his fat, orange ass in the air screaming "I am a fucking dumbass! Please rape by asshole big daddy!"

You dont get an opinion as a corpse

low quality post there, friend. Way too obvious to make anyone angry

that or he thinks the presidents show is real...i honestly wouldn't be surprised, there are some seriously dumb people out there

Fortunately I'm not one, so I can have all the opinions I want.

Hawaiian Pizza is an abomination.
