Adult wanted to kill himself

>Adult wanted to kill himself
>Had tried many times before
>Keeps telling this to an underaged girl on anti depressants for some reason
>She tells him to get help, see the same psychiatrist she went to etc.
>He refuses, wants to die too bad
>Tries to get this girl to die with him in a Romeo and Juliet style because he's a psychopath
>After months of convincing, she agrees with his decision as it appears it's the only way for him
>Starts telling him to
>One time she tells him if doesn't want to anymore that she will get him help, he refuses again
>Eventually he kills himself
>She's blamed and has to go to jail for over a year (if she loses the appeal)

Please explain how this is fair and how she's not the real victim in all this?

Other urls found in this thread:

She maid her bed, and now she has to sleep in it



- a Dutch person.


And another spam thread to enter ze filter!

The witch hunt and story she is a psychopath who wanted to kill just for the attention and sympathy is only pushed out by the media. That isn't the story that played out in court and the sentence reflects that. Shes unlikely to see any prison time in the end and it actually seems like kind of a win for justice. Especially as this story is coming out of America whos justice system is generally fucking awful in every way

Don't make fun of me I didn't use spell check

If you're a mob boss and all you do is sit around in your fancy house and tell other people to commit crimes, do you think you could argue that you should not be held responsible for those crimes? Using a human proxy should not protect you from the law. Therefore if you tell someone to do something illegal and they do it, you should be held responsible. A mob boss wouldn't be able to argue that "those people had already been committing crimes and probably would have kept doing that even if they hadn't met me".

So manson should be free too right, he didnt do anything he jus said some words and sum crazy ppl did the stuff. She only got like two years who cares thats pussy shit I did more for posession. shes gonna do like 6 months inside prolly alrdy has time served

Murder is a crime. Telling someone to commit a crime is incitement and a crime. Suicide is not a crime. Also in that case, there would be a victim, the person murdered against their will, in this, there is no victim as he made the decision to kill himself. No victim, no crime.

She literally posted about him on Facebook saying he was missing. For attention. She knew where he was the whole time. She basically posted about how he was dead before he ever was. She made him do it so she wouldn't be called a liar. Good fucking ridence. I hope she ends up killing herself.

She's beautiful as fuckkkkkk

Ethically maybe. But in Burgerland, suicide IS a crime. That's how police are allowed to intervene.

fuck off with this thread

15 momths cake walk

She got 15 months, if she loses the appeal, which is too much for not committing any crime or doing anything wrong.

Calm down, you must have taken something. Relax, take a deep breath. Now tell me, what is your name? Cunt where do you come from? Cunt Your mother's name? Cunt what do you want? Cunt

No suicide is not a crime anywhere in the US.

A maid made a bed. It could easily be a pun, although it appears not.

- An English person.


>Today there is no state in which it is illegal to attempt suicide with the exception of those instances where another life is put in danger by the attempt.

What about jonestown? You can convince hundreds of people to kill themselves through pressure and brainwashing. ISIS leaders convincing mental people to blow themselves up?

She did it so she wouldn't be blamed for his disappearance. She didn't make him do anything, he chose to do it.


Here we fucking go again.
Your waifu goes to jail, bruh. There is nothing you can do.
Hello, faggot. It is nice that you didn't forget about me.

>purposely misrepresenting the situation to cause controversy
the b8s okey i guess

Spell check wouldn't have told you that you used the wrong word, only that you misspelled the correct one. You spelled maid correctly.

Today I had ocean for breakfast.
>I didn't use spell check either

There is no misrepresentation of information. Everything posted there is the facts of the case.

no maid is actually correct its old enlgish

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Even if OP wasn't white knighting for his gal, saying what you said would be a stretch.

>agrees with his decision
>She constantly got irritated because he changed his mind about killing himself.
>She told him how exactly to kill himself.
>This is considered involuntary manslaughter

ye she innocent

What? I said that what's posted in the OP is fact.

I could understand not jailing her if it had been a few messages.
Apparently she sent hundreds telling this guy to off himself.
Let her rot.

And I trust your use of the English language why?


omg jailing som1 4 saying words lol
thanks north korea

>i didn't use spell i check

i don't need spell check to not be fucking retarded

Yes she agreed with his decision to kill himself. Did you not read anything about the case. Even if he changed his mind later, she still agreed with his decision in the past, so that is not false. There is nothing wrong with telling someone how to kill themselves, or else tons of websites need to shut down for providing that information. What she did was not involuntary manslaughter or any crime at all.

because i'm right. maid comes from the old english oldemadin, meaning old maid. this was used when someone maid someone do something that a maid would do.


kek shed laff at how pathetic you are and probably get you to kys too. also shes not even that hot she has a man face

I know you don't.
You can misrepresent the argument simply by not mentioning that she encouraged him to kill himself when he was having second thoughts, right in the act. It is quite a valuable point to the case.

Doesn't matter how many times she said it.

how the fuck do you not know how to spell the word 'made'

how the fuck do you need a spellchecker to know how to spell the word 'made'


i didn't say there was anything wrong with her telling him how to kill himself but it is illegal when they kill themselves. assisted suicide isn't legal in this case, and counts as involuntary manslaughter.

you apparently didn't read anything about the case. yes he was changing his mind and she told him to go through with it anyway, directly affecting his decision. whether you like it or not, this is illegal and is involuntary manslaughter. you can keep saying it isn't but that doesn't make you correct.

ye not an argument kid

what's wrong with her fucking head

Wasn't an argument. Just an observation.

She was born with fetal alcohol syndrome which the judge overlooked, despite the fact that it can cause her to do things like this. A small part of justice died the day she was sentenced.

with no evidence backing it up
your a joke


I said "she starts telling him to (kill himself)". There was no misrepresentation of information.


once again not an argument
back the fuck up b4 you get smacked the fuck up


>told him to get back in the car
your argument is invalid

Stop posting this fucking thread holy shit bro

Bitch your mom has a man face, fuck out of here with that shit.

His decision was his own. He would not be dead without his own decision to kill himself. Therefore what she did was not manslaughter.

>your a joke

Just a quick question... i'm wondering if you have ever considered that perhaps, just maybe, you're the retard in the room?

This phrase is misrepresentation.
Without omitting what happened and what evidence was used in a court, correct representation would be
>She extensively helped him to commit suicide, urging him to do it even when he had thoughts of backing out of it, and abusing him so he won't.
But if you put this in the original post this wouldn't be baity enough, would it.


She is not an expert who deals with psychological patients or understands what attrntion suicidal person needs. He would probably be alive if it wasn't for her, she's closed minded and a terrible friend.

That is your "common sense" logic, not the one used in court apparently.

I wish she would get longer tbh

No that would be false information. Because she did not help commit suicide at all. He did everything and bought everything. She just told him to kill himself. And she never "abused" him.

what a stupid thing to say

Alot of the people there didnt want to drink. They forced the children to drink

Yes the judge was wrong and hopefully the appeal is successful.

that's cool kid. it doesn't make it legal.

Did I strike a nerve, pussy? Go fap to her pics and cry after you cum knowing it's her manly features you're attracted to.

ye thats what i thought u aint got shit

funny your the one that cant present evidence loser

>ran a cult with underage girls
>trespassed and stole
>fired unregistered guns
>probably a draft dodger
>distributed illegal narcotics
>used lsd to brain wash

She's not a terrible friend, she only did what she thought was best for him. At first she told him to get help, because she thought that was best for him, and then later when he convinced her that death was best for him, she supported him in that too. He was a terrible "friend" though, he was trying to get her to kill herself with him and even talking to her about his suicidal thoughts is pretty messed up for an adult to do to a child.

1) i'm not that other fag

2) >your

3) kill yourself

Yes it does.

kek and im the dumn 1

worst thing about her going to prison is no nude leaks anytime soon (when she's legal)


how does it make it legal go ahead and tell me

Suicide idea crime, there is a victim. Those who commit suicide are victims of their own mental instability. She should have called mental ward and had him locked up, or called emergency when he was going to do it. In all eyes of the law she is guilty, and you don't know shit about the law. You fucking retard.

It's explained right in the post.

Now you are just lying. This one is about helping.

The only reason youbgive too much fuck about her is because she is what faggot losers such as yourself would consider pretty and shit. Grow the fuck up....crime is a crime.

that's what i thought, you have no reason for your statement. what she did was textbook involuntary manslaughter. also she was found guilty so get over it

And this one about abuse.

No she shouldn't have, it's his right to kill himself, it's his life and body. And there is no law telling her she should have either, or else those guys watching that guy drown would have faced punishment. But I'm just talking about morally you shouldn't be trying to physically stop someone from doing what they want with their body. And there is no victim, you're not a victim if you want what came to you. Thats like saying you're a victim when you choose to spend or burn your own money. No you're only a victim when someone steals from your against your will.

>guy talks about offing himself
>keeps bothering other person with "I'm gonna doooo eeeiiitt"
>the other person stops caring
>tells the person do what ever
>offs himself finally
>shit storm
knew too many people like this, a ward won't help. Not sure why the news is fixated on her.

Not more stupid that what you just said. Your point being?

No, you're full of shit. I don't fucking believe you. These don't count because they're just words and words aren't illegal.

my point is that your stupid

Her 17
Him 18
>Adult vs child
Get the fuck outta here nergin they were both children

>These don't count because they're just words and words aren't illegal
Shhh user. It is going to be all right.
Not for her, but for you.

Giving someone information about how to commit suicide, is not "helping" or assisting them in any relevant illegal way. Or else all the websites that tell people how to do it need to be shut down.

Ad hominem.
Nice point, brah. We used to argue like this back in preschool. Nice to see that for some people that is still a staple of thought and conversation.

What about free will? If I post here that Trump should kill all nignogs and he actually does, would I get all the credit for it?

Thats not abuse. Even if you believe cyber bullying is real, that wouldn't be it. Cyber bullying or "abuse" would be insults.

Here, now you can stop talking.