How does one kill a horse silently?

how does one kill a horse silently?

Silencer on 9mm. Point Blanc between the eyes.

sorry im from europe. cant get no guns

Teleport behind it and slit its throat.

You gotta say:"nothing personal kid" though

>go Mexico
>catch a chupacabra
>put horse near chupacabra


Kill it with old age

Fuck off Antifa


Silencers are not silent user.

Cryptids are not real user.

Why would you think antifa want to kill horse?


Plenty of antifreeze/engine coolant in place of its water. Horse will drink it because it tastes sweet

Horse is right wing

Run it over with an eletric car

>not silent

How about softly? You know like with his song?

Horse does not have wing.
Buffalo have wing.

>cryptids are not real user

Yeah you're right. Silencers AREN'T silent. This isn't call of duty mate

Underated post

If you want your gun shot to be silent just sneeze loudly to cover the noise. Also don't worry OP Horsies don't scream, trust me Im a horse engineer.

found the 12 year old.
a scilencer pretty much makes it so you don't get ear damage if you shoot without earplugs. you still hear that shit down the street.

Wear earplugs and use a chainsaw.

>Thinking I know what a silencer sounds like because of CoD
Project all over me senpai~

underrated post

use a fusion dance to become one with the horse and then jump off a bridge.
all that will be heard is a splash

Yep, you just have to sneeze slightly louder than FUCKING THUNDER

lead it into a rowboat
push it overboard
collect its body after it drowns

Here in the south, we just shoot it.

Not silent

OD on heroin.

mustard gas. obviously. stupid question

far away thunder*

Lightning crashing down less than 100 yds from you is far louder than dish breaking, come on m8

Try to cross the swamps of sadness with him.
