Pics you shouldn't not share of Andy Sixx and his creamy logs of shit you should share thread...

Pics you shouldn't not share of Andy Sixx and his creamy logs of shit you should share thread. Fucking sliding down your throat edition

I want that creamy log skid marking the back of,my,fucking throat

Bumping because im tired of the same fucking threads day in and day out. B is full of shilln retards now

I never thought of myself as having much of a fetish or a kink. I have sexual desires and fantasies just like anybody else, but nothing particularly outlandish. I certainly have never been anything more than put off and slightly disturbed by some of the weirder sexual activities one can encounter on the internet. I almost threw up the first time someone tricked me into watching 2 girls 1 cup. So when I started seeing this stupid ass Andy Sixx's shit meme on b I thought it was bizarre and mildly gross. But looking into Andy Sixx's eyes day after day I slowly felt something changing in me. I can't explain it. There's something about that hearty, filling log that is so satisfying. The thought of it coating my tongue in a pungent and greasy skid mark of excrement just makes my rod fucking stand up like a dick getting hard. The idea of Andy Sixx spreading his emo anus lips and pumping a fat one into my open mouth is just beyond exciting. It's rapturous. The warmth of his hot clay sliding into my stomach, impregnating me with his creamy logroll while black veil brides songs blare in my ears... I swear to got if I don't get that fucking clogger in my mouth immediately I'm gonna cut off my fucking dick and mail it to Andy. I want that fucking log



Unfunny meme Unfunny meme Unfunny meme Unfunny meme Unfunny meme Unfunny meme

Noo dude wtf please don't sage please,god,no

I know this has to be pasta but seeing this thread day in and day out and seeing the word "cream" thrown around so much the thought of his shit sounds more like a vanilla taste and pleasant smell rather than shit. It's bizarre, this meme is giving me Stockholm syndrome

>this meme is giving me stockholm syndrome
Top kek! Also, nice doubles of sixx

This is now a Filthy Piss thread

Stinky hot log
My throat,becomes a bog


Real mature. Grow up kid.


And here I was thinking this board was 18+

Real mature



Daniel Filth takes the piss out of pussy sixx every time

Stay pissed, log boys

>Tfw some logless shill actually went insane over these logposts and became obsessed with trying to force a knockoff store brand version of the same meme

Nostalgia thread? I can get with that


stick stickly

Summer camp memories

I wanted Arnold's bed


Stay pissed Andy shit. Dani filth is taking the piss scene by salty storm














Gimme a fresh dose of that crea.

His cream is your dream.

You got the Sixx dubs. Andy is brewing up something special for your fucking throat

Fuck off, logless shill faggot. Your meme cannot compete

How do I know if my throat is ready? I'm mentally prepared but not physically...

some nerds hacking this Sixx festival



I can't believe this has been going on so log.

This a fun thread











Your throat is always ready for his logs. Their creamy coating lets the slidd easily

Tits or gtfo.

