Cringe Thread

Cringe Thread

>Post the cringiest shit you can find

Other urls found in this thread:


>literally every facebook fap thread on this sad, autistic board of loneliness and fail


Can't we just rename "cringe threads" to "unfair brony-hate because we never watched the show and like to make fun of people that love a pretty fucking amazing show"?
>inb4 unfair brony hate


What's wrong with this? It's pretty well done, good proportions, relaxing vibe, I wouldn't mind a sip of that sweet Grecian wine. Only thing it's missing is engravings on the jug and goblet

It's a trap, and furry.


Nice meme

Nice feet



nothing,contact me.


I watched it.
It was shit.
Nintoddler-grade shit.







Ok? wow? what did a show about ponies do to you to make you so insecure?
Ask ANYONE /mlp/ or not, about the nuances of the show. it's not only targeted toward children, the whole show is full of references that only more mature audiences would understand, with stories that have so many layers depending on how you perceive them.


I'm dying



hahah really got him there pal wow!

this can't be real

I watched a few episodes, it was quite boring and predictable

I've seen alot of autism in life, but this one takes the cake clop in hell barneyfag

Also put me in the screencap

back to the containment board, neckbeard pony fucker

This is a cringe thread after all.

you win

Never laughed so hard in my life, this one's a keeper

>Yes I'm listening to the Rust soundtack

end your own life for the sake of humanity

Where do you get off telling me that I can't find certain material offensive? Shame!


He posted the cringiest

Bumping so we can all make fun of

You brought it upon yourself pony boy, end your life or never reproduce

Holy shit dude

waste of dubs and a waste of life


What in the ever living fuck


Oops there we go





You done fucked up

Reason #358 to nuke Japan again

Obvious bait is obvious
3/10 made me respond



That's more ylyl

This makes me incredibly uncomfortable



>falling for stale metapasta

>pro fidget spinner

That hat would look cute on an actual 12 year old girl. Nobody else

>OC here


It's not about the show itself rather than the people that seem to identify themselves with it - and of course how they're doing it. Tbh I neither care for the show nor its fanclub and they can wear what they want to wear, that's what life's about. On the other hand I won't tell the people here how they have to feel about bronies - who am I to judge at all?

nothing to do with the show, it has to do with the autisttic adults that praise it and go out in public looking and acting like mentally handicapped sperglords about it. also a good portion of them are disgusting humans

Fuck this thread


>watched show
>fine for very young girls
>anyone else is an autist

>dylan MC maps

What about an 11 years old girl?

No that would be inappropriate


A man of principles, I see

If I'd were about to screencap this shit, I would only add you there if you wrote something capworthy, faggot

>i know you are but what am i?
>(sick burn)

Give it up trash. At best you're emotionally retarded, at worst you're a paedophile.



yeah i see why

Is this that Human Centipede movie?



Pookie pookie

>on the outside he dab
>on the inside he cry


cringe thread, not YLYL

I can't expect much being on Sup Forums (full of 12 year olds) but holy shit learn to recognize bait when you see it.

This is the only scat chapter in Euphoria. The rest is fappable.
Here my friend.



>all these people ignoreing the claim and just falling for the bait
you all proved him right

Deviant: mudslime
No surprise here

too cringy 4 me

his is cringe, sheltered virhins not even having enough knowledge to know what autism is.

I don't care about you listening to an OST, that's fine

>because we never watched the show
I don't want my soul sucked out of me.

