Who else leaves presents in public restrooms

Who else leaves presents in public restrooms

Bro eat better

>pic highly related


Who the fuck shits like this

Kys, the sooner the better

are you a vegetarian? you better start incorporating more nutrition to your diet. in other words, eat a dick


i dont use public restrooms because i'm not a degenerate

You sick fuck!

I used to work at a restaurant that had a serial shit smearer, sucked cleaning up after him, fuck you op


I use to work at Walmart back in the day. I would use the family restroom and shit all over the toilet and the floor. Made two janitors quit.

apparently Sup Forums have become a place where everybody shits green now

Nah it's all me

I used to take my diarrhea out of the toilet and jerk it on my cock a little bit and put it in my peepee hole a little then smear the rest on the walls and pee all over the toilet and floors and walls, it'd be fucking drenched, I've also bled on toliet seats before and let it dry on the toilet seats before and wiped it off so it's still kinda there but not noticeable, it's fucking hilarious. One time a dude came in while I was washing my hands and sat down without even looking and sat down right in the shit and smeared blood on the toilet seat, and he screamed lmao.

timestamp your green shit or gtfo


It's gone already


lol too

oh lol

I shat on the toilet side a couple of times. Great laughs were had!

Nice meme, loser.

It's not a meme faggot I like shoving pieces of poopoo in my dickhole sometimes and leaving it there for a couple of hours.


Kill yourself ples

I work as a cleaner (surprisingly good pay for an unskilled job) so no.
Do unto others, and all that...