Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

Looks about right. Enjoy your weed bro.

No fucking way. This must be bait

Don't smoke the whole thing at once. I've had friends OD on that amount

I saw this posted a few nights ago. prolly bait




Looks like a great deal!

This shit gets posted over and over again all the time.
It's not funny. It's never been funny. And people who still believe it's legit are fucking retarded


Yes, yes you did


I'm a spider


Ya the cancer level is insane

I already knew it


You seem to have taken the bait, I sympathize for you.

How do you know you didn't take his bait though?

grass clippings from a lawnmower. looks legit to me.