The earth is flat. Prove me wrong

The earth is flat. Prove me wrong.

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Picture related.

Pictures have been taken. Google them

In OP's pic, the terrain is not perfectly flat.

horizon is flat

ur moms chest is flat

nigga the Earth is a rectangular prism

Theres also google earth that shows a 3d sphere stupid ass beta

OP is right. now someone send me a 25$ subway giftcard

Why is the shadow on the moon a curve


The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane and drone footage show a completely flat horizon over 20+ miles high. Only NASA and other government “space agencies” show curvature in their fake CGI photos/videos.

If the earth was flat then you would be right but you're a stupid faggot and stupid faggots are wrong. Ergo the earth is round.

Night & Day?

The horizon always rises to the eye level of the observer as altitude is gained, so you never have to look down to see it. If Earth were in fact a globe, no matter how large, as you ascended the horizon would stay fixed and the observer / camera would have to tilt looking down further and further to see it.

The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense



Water has nothing to do with it being night some places & day in others at the same time.


You can think of space time as a flat fabric
just saying ...

You are an idiot. Prove me wrong.

One portion of the Nile River flows for a thousand miles with a fall of only one foot. Parts of the West African Congo, according to the supposed inclination and movement of the ball-Earth, would be sometimes running uphill and sometimes down. This would also be the case for the Parana, Paraguay and other long rivers.

If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference as NASA and modern astronomy claim, spherical trigonometry dictates the surface of all standing water must curve downward an easily measurable 8 inches per mile multiplied by the square of the distance. This means along a 6 mile channel of standing water, the Earth would dip 6 feet on either end from the central peak. Every time such experiments have been conducted, however, standing water has proven to be perfectly level.


I'll shoot ur mom in the face...with my dick


You can take a hot air balloon in one direction AROUND the globe and end up on the same spot some long time later approaching the spot you left from on the opposite direction

If the earth is spinning at 1000 mph, why couldn't you just float, wait for the earth to rotate, then arrive at your destination?

I can see the fucking shadow retard

If an elevator is hurdles down from 1000 story building with you in it why can't you jump at the last moment and not hit the ground

Because you haven't escaped earth's gravitational infulence (also try riding a boat to the "edge" of the earth)

>believes gravity is real

Then what keeps us on the surface of the earth?

You should try to debunk it and jump from a tallocal building, I'm sure you'll just float

ITT: flat-earthers not understanding gravity and momentum

Fucking Gravity retard


>spherical trigonometry
kekd hard

The southern circumpolar stars rotate in the oppsite direction around a different centre to the northern circumpolar stars. This can ONLY happen on a globe Earth.

You are retarded proove me wrong

I was replying towards the tard who said gravity wan't real, and asking what he believes keeps us down, you mongoloid.

The northern and southern lights


OK, tell me than, how can a object inside a vacumm induced ambient fall down?

Fuck you faggot. Prove to me it's flat. Burden of proof is on the one questioning the consensus.

How can a mosquito fly around when (((gravity))) makes water and mountains etc... stick to the earth?

Senpai, why can we fly around the world and end up at the same place that we started if the world is flat?

Because it is light enough for it's wings to lift it off the ground

OP is a faggot troll.

Density, flight propulsion, you fucking twat.

why do objects of different weight fall at the same speed in a vacuum?
Because Gravity exists.

Also prove the earth if flat, all your proof can be debunked and met with "it was photo shopped"


OP speaks the truth

>tidal waves.
Cool. Have you heard of that?

If the earth was flat you wouldn't be able to travel east past the Pacific Ocean. You'd literally fall into Space using that theory.

Cameras on amateur high alt balloons clearly show a curve.

You are idiot , that is the proof ;)

Government conspiracies you sheeple believe

Ive done it, i must be apart of the government.

Explain this to me Flat earthers , if earth is flat and then how are we able to see sun and moon over the horizon !?

All these flat earth jerks do is , try to prove others wrong , at least once , try to explain why your stand is correct !

op baiting so anons pretend to take the bait and the op knows that so he pretend that he doesn't know and keep baiting so anons can keep getting baited little did he know that they know that he know that they know and they are going with it for the keks how ever the op knows that as well so he keeps trolling as a hope that they dont know that he knows that they know that he knows that they know that he knows that they know he is baiting


Wanna join the best facebook group ever?
Join the "flat eathers in christ"
Any thing they cant explain "god did it" ha

pics or it didn't happen

here you go

here is another

This one is pretty good shot.

heres one from 10000 feet up.

Wow I lost the argument here guys, user sure proved me wrong. yfw you actually get to break out your gay porn

how to abort thread...


Tidal forces keep the water non stagnant, along with heat differentials between the oceans of water.
Both the curvature of the earth and altitude reached on a airliner plane being so minute in comparison to the scale of the earth you are not likely to notice any difference. This affect goes away where you can see the horizon more under you is achieved at higher altitudes than what normal people would reach
Space time in our observable universe is perceived to be flat on a cosmic scale. In regions where mass and energy are concentrated, it curves inward creating the 'force' gravity. There would be no correlation between the overall flatness of space time and a chunk of rock and metal floating through space time.
You might be referring to the Bedford Level experiment which claimed the earth was flat. This experiment was found to have flaws. When taking into acoubt for these flaws, the globe earth model exactly predicted the outcomes. You can do a variant of this experiment by yourself and come up with the same measurements.
This affects happens in planes where they have to account for the rotation of the earth in order to end up where they want.
We are only 'free of earths gravity' while orbiting, which is the same as just falling. Unless you are in orbit, or free from any resistance or normal force stopping you from falling or accelerating due to gravity. we are never free from gravity.
Aerodynamics mr troll

Fight me.

The terrorists won.

No one takes your claims seriously.
Every one laughs at you.


The salt flats of Utah, if you lay down, show the curvature of the earth.

It is impossible to debate people who willfully deny a simple experiment that anyone can carry out with a ballon and a GoPro. I pity them

Step 1 - Buy/acquire two identical telescopes -- and one tennis ball.
Step 2 - Smash apart one telescope to be sure that it is not a tool of NASA/ satan misdirection that has an elaborate projection machine inside. Inspect the pieces thoroughly.
Step 3 - Leave city to look at stars -- for once in your goddamn life.
Step 3 - Use remaining telescope to look at the moon while it is “full” at night. Note the shape.
Step 4 - Find out where other planets and celestial bodies are. Use an app, or a star map from your local library.
Step 5 - Using your non-smashed telescope, observe these celestial bodies. Note the shape.
Step 6 - Note shape of all celestial bodies that you can see with your telescope.
Step 7 - Note shape of tennis ball when observed at a distance.
Step 8 - Note actual shape of tennis ball and orange when held in your hand.
Step 9 - Consider the likelihood of all celestial bodies, which appear as flat circles at a distance, actually being flat, perfectly-round, table-like bodies at an angle that faces earth directly.
Step 10 - Consider 5000 years of differentiated cultures, observing these bodies as round.
Step 11 - Consider reasons why anyone would hide this basic fact from you.
Step 12 - Consider vast independent scientific compendiums that use this basic fact to explain life and physics -- the physics which have given you every piece of modern technology that you would not survive without.
Step 13 - Look at the tennis ball once more...

Holy shit dude, you're so worked up. Maybe if you took time to actually realize I was being sarcastic you'd chill. Go on and ask your mom if she'll cook you come chicken tendies so you have fuel for your REEEE engine.

prove me that vaccines cause autism first.

The fact that you make the claim, even if TOTALLY NOT TROLLING, means you lack the scientific and mathematical background required to understand any proof, because if you had the knowledge required, you wouldn't need to make the claim. It can be proven round with a knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem, spherical coordinates and Euclidean vs noneuclidean geometry.


Not even flat in that pic.


Don't even bother to enlighten them , we show them pics for proof , they childishly scream "PHOTOSHOP"(pretentously implying that photoshop=fake) , we try to explain science to them , they scream "INDOCTRINATION".

Don't know why they fail to realize the level of stupidity they're operating at !!!!

Look up what a Lunar Eclipse is.

You win, user. You deserve a lifelong supply of pussy.

Even tho this is bait. It's impossible for the earth to be flat as not only is it too large so it would round itself out ,but if it was flat was gravity would be stronger near the edge which would be noticeable you could also you could walk over the edge into the side

Not even trying. Telling them why it's a waste of my time to explain it, like teaching a preschooler advanced physics is a waste of time.

That's curvature in the lens because the pictures that show it are always very wide angle. Planar lenses don't show it.

>curvature of the girth

Planar lenses distort out the curvature.

You can model the shape of the Earth for free using commercial flight times and basic geometry. Explain why you invariably get a round shape

Of the Earth is flat, you should be able to dig straight through to the other side. Try it out

Fly in a highliner, 20-30K feet up.

You're a special kind of stupid , aren't you?

Go outside and look for mount everest or fuji.
Can you see them? No? Then the earth is round.