Tendies Thread, pics related. How old you think this kid is?

Tendies Thread, pics related. How old you think this kid is?



Fucking potato farmers

>mother is stupid enough to join It Works
>shits out a kid with autism
really makes you think

Is that egor?


This makes me shd


Is this mental illness?

I'm still convinced a lot of "autistic" people were just failed by their parents, whether it's lack of love, stimulation or discipline.

its something man

This kid just looks like he needs a ass whipping. Spare the Tendies and spoil the child.

it's lack of emotional availability basically it's like the child has a break down before they're emotionally developed and this affects the physical to.

at least when it comes to add/adhd i agree. no fixing stupit though.

I'd be sad too if I was 15 and had handwriting like this.

ADHD is PTSD usually this comes from abuse Physical/emotional/sexual. The hyperactivity is a result of constant mild anxiety, if it's not made aware and treated the anxiety gets worse as they develop into adults.

aspergers is not a real thing. it is 100% caused by shitty parenting


Spoiler: "It doesn't work."

it's easy to say that when you encounter medium to high functioning autists, for example browsing Sup Forums or /r9k/ or any other place frequented by the alt-right, but if you had met someone with severe autism you'd think differently. they live in an entirely different world, unable to have ever socialized normally to begin with and mostly oblivious to their surroundings.

you don't often meet these people because they have to be kept locked away in doors for their own safety, and they certainly aren't capable of anything resembling human interaction via the internet.

>he wrote sad
that's actually pretty depressing


Did someone really replace the entry switch with an outlet...? That's more retarded then this kid will ever be.

why? he's just matching the word to the emoji

yeah its sad, but also hilarious