Faces of Sup Forums and rate

Faces of Sup Forums and rate


science bitch!


That's a perfect look to give for Sup Forums. I like your scruff. 8/10? ^^


Your hair is gorgeous! I love it. 9/10.

Aer you Jizze Pinkman from Broking bed ?
Hi mellie.jpg you good looking tonight
Hi you also good looking tonightt ahah

D'awe! It's good to know someone's having a great day out there! ^^ You have a nice smile.


Yes thank you ! I hope you're having a great day too and I wish you the best !

Since when is there any attractive people on this website ?

you should probably become a trap, the degenerates overtaking our board would love you

tries to look as if he doesn't give a fuck but he has retaken the photo like 20 times / 10










Jesse Pinkman? Shitty titty niggerfuck, is that you?

amin jashed / 10

Go for it.

in seattle this week doing a bit of work and sniffing about chinese bitches

vittu you mean by that fug :D


contribute fgts

i'd eat your asshole

what's your natural colour?

daily reminder that don't rate someone unless they actually contribute themself

Show benis

oh "im in your shed"... :D


Rate other you lazy bad person
Also we all can tell by your face that you're slightly fatter than the average, be useful by rating others at least

Fairly sure thats just a photo of Aaron Paul

7/10 your eyes seem really large tho

Pick a better photo and youd probably be 7.5

>implying thats you

Jon Snow?

Cute, would date and cuddle with 7/10
You like like a girlfriend of a shy asian boy 6/10
Grow out your beard please 7/10
You look basic as fuck 5/10

meh, i've got a couple mil in the bank and im ceo of a well known brand in a growth industry in the us, i could pay your mom to suck me off

me on the left

holy shit this is actually the first time I get the comparison, you're slightly right
Also thanks I was looking for his name

wtf normies are on the site? time to get on the darkweb i guess

why are you hanging out wiht that dentist guy meme with the really bad haircut?

Doesnt change the fact you have a baby face, chubby cheeks and look like youre about to shoot up your school. Money wont get you pussy if you look like that and have the personality of an old sock

>Faces of Sup Forums and rate

man I genuinely pity you

i've had more pussy than you've had hot dinners son


still 3/10



even wears some fucking gaming t-shirt
I pity you even more now

Potatoe face syndrom
Press f to pay respect

Btw this is ppd. Captain or CEO of EG. Theyve played like dog shit lately and if this faggot roleplaying as him was really him he wouldnt be posting on Sup Forums bragging about it

We got trolled hard :(

LA faggots who wear hats in summer/10

lul finally someone got it


Had to sneak this one in.

How often do you get confused for Aaron Paul?

cancerous filter / 10

What the fuck do you think this is?
Fucking Instagram?

gime dat r8 m8


Don't suck on 'em cheeks so hard you might bruise yourself
Theon Greyjoy vibe also

Look like a meth head


now i just feel bad about myself. :(

Considering that's a snapchat filter, I don't think he does, no.

I'm not gay


You look like a faggot


It's ok we all went there man, me the first
You have a nice face, no need to try this hard, it's not flattering

Jesse Pinkman/10

R8 M8

be kind to me please!

Nigger 0/10


topically applied semen has great skin healing properties. I would not mind giving you a daily dose.

No rate others
You should run instead of being on the internet, but I have a hard time believing someone with your face would show pics of him asking for ratings
>inb4 bait

Paul Joseph Watson/10

jesica alba/10

perhaps a more troubled and less gay looking Paul.


You've got that Game of Thrones disease. I'm a fatty (not quite like Sam,) I can help you.

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

those rates... hilarious


ok then nerds

I'm surprised how civil this thread started out. Sup Sup Forums?

Me and my GF.

What the fuck. Who the fuck are you? John? Antony? Who the fuck are you posting my face?!? PIECE OF SHIT!!!

John, if you were any of those things you wouldn't be on Sup Forums boasting about it, you're a fraud. Probably weigh 400lbs and the only time you ever touched a pussy was when you were born.

I'm gonna find out who this was!!!! FUCK YOU!

Change your fashion, you'd be a pretty decent 7 then


twitch tvv thypnotics

You have a crazy look in your eyes I'd stay away from you irl

Threads like these are goldmines for saving your pics and using them for fake profiles.




Hunger inducing phermones?

Like I said, fraud. You got that picture off the internet.

me and my lovely gf

You look like you do some sort of hard drug and your girlfriend enables you