Is my dick too small?

Is my dick too small?

Yes its very small and you know that.


naw man.

Why is your hand on that 12 year old boys penis, sir?

Holy shit that is a tiny penis, there is no way you could get a woman with that tiny baby thing, even if you got good game.

nah just lose some weight.

you make me feels fine about myself user ty

5 inch penis here

Thanks for making me feel better about myself OP. I might not be a grower or a shower, but god damn at least I don't have that enlarged clitoris you're pretending is a dick.

lmao I remember when I was 10 and my dick was that small

lol dick in pic is slightly over 5 inch you faggot. go look at more dicpics homosex

looks average.

Op here... how did you guess so accurately?

No way that dick is over 5" stop making excuses for your baby penis

Any femanons willing to weigh in?

It doesn't count if you press the ruler deep into your rolls of fat

dick in pic looks 4-4.5 inches long

hey jamal

This thread gay as hell guys

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

There's no way that dick is longer than 4 inches unless OP has enormous hands.

I like smaller ones though. it's not too small. It looks great though, I'd suck it with no argument.

... can i?

I would honestly kill myself if i had such a small baby penis. Im so glad ive got a big manly penis for pleasuring all the ladies and not a baby penis for disappointing all the babies

if we had the same handsize then my cock ist about twice as big as yours

His tiny penis probably means he has tiny lady hands too though

OP I wouldn't listen to what Sup Forums has to say. Just work that dick with your SO and make the most of it. Honestly, it looks pretty average.

It's funny because it's length is small and the girth is too lol.
At least if OP has a chode at that length girls would be cool with it
