

Cute indeed. Very.

9/10 lips.

To really rate - send noods


im a guy btw

rate? i think you mean rape

show some more qt

Yeah we know, spread your cheeks slut

Yeah, ok......

So, see

Got kik?

Kik op? You're cute asf


i dont ;-;

>be op
>15 year old faggot
>post half of my
>hair is covering up some of the 1/2 of my face
>"yeah, this is definitely going to give people a good idea of how I look"
>rate me pl0x

you look like you're in that phase of your life where nihilism is starting to kick in and you secretly cut the inside of your thighs because you think that makes you different from the rest of the faggots in your high school.

Cousin It as role model

Fags aren't what they used to be

You have the hands of an old lady


"You look like you are (you're) in that phase"
"You look like your in that phase"


Your going to choke on you're uncle's cock if you keep trying to shove it down you're throat, user. Your going to hurt yourself.



Fucking dropped the ball on that one. I'm a failure. It's why I'm here on Sup Forums.


why are you projecting so much user?

Because I can't afford the counselling. Alcohol is poison, so no drowning the sorrows away. This is my way of coping.

that's alright then, hope you get better soon.