Gonna kill myself tonight. Fucks with me that my mom will find my body

Gonna kill myself tonight. Fucks with me that my mom will find my body.

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Just don't do it man, there's people that actually care about you and their lives would be nothing without you

Why would you want to do that?

then dont let her find it?

go kill yourself somewhere that isnt at home faggot

How you gonna do it?

Have you tried DMT?

dont be that weak, try to find god, maybe sounds like duurrr religion durrrrr invisible friends durrr but maybe is your last hope, you dont have anything to lose anyways.

No reason to stay around

wow. youre gay.

Hanging/cut an artery

I haven't

Is that your actual reason?

There's a lot to go into. It's just honestly not worth it anymore, man.

Have fun with it OP, Be creative!

I will

I fucking hate people like you. don't pretend to know about me because you don't know shit. don't try to convince me to stay

So kill yourself somewhere she won't find your body.

If you're going to kill yourself, which I suggest you don't, do it in a clean manner in your home. If you do it in a bumfuck rural area miles away from your home people will search for weeks and leave your mother in agony. I suggest reaching out to any old friends or volunteering at your local shelter man. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your mother. Svae yourself.


hope you find what you're looking for

OP is an attention seeking, 13 summer cancer, pansy ass trap

Go stuff a whiffle ball bat in your boi pucci

Its your current emotions speaking. You're still young and your life will change dramatically within the next few years.

What do you even accomplish by killing yourself besides hurting everyone around you? There is no rest or sleep in death, only the pain and panic you get from killing yourself.
Its really not worth throwing away your only existence on this planet because you're ''bored'' or don't see the point in living. Things will change, just give it time.

Man it's not like people don't care about you either. I'm a fucking stranger who has had a shitty day and I'm stressing about your life man. I want you to live and love your mother and life.

Thanks for your feed back bro

He's right OP


Pretty sure my life is more shit than yours and I'm not killing myself. Don't do it bud. Only the weak and desperate do that kind of stuff.


There's nothing to gain from killing yourself beside losing your life man. Don't lose your life by making a dumb decision. Everyone in life will fall hard on their face, it's about how they get back up. Get back up, OK, get back up.

If you still live with your mom then I am assuming that you are under 18 which means that you haven't even started to live real life yet. Don't do it because you never know what you might miss out on.

Don't do man, if you're not happy witgh your current situtaion make some changes. Also think about your mom. Can you imagine her pain when she finds her child that she brought to life on this earth, has killed himself. Fucked up. Remember there are people that loves and cares about you, go talk to these people about your situation.

Get the weak genetics out of the pool. Kill your self you pussy.


The fact that you posted this means that you are having second thoughts. Don't do it.

I remember a thread in the past that was just like this. Didn't think much of it lurking but one user said something ill never forget. "Your pain doesn't go away when you kill yourself. It just gets passed on to someone else." Think about how your mother would feel walking in on your dead body. What about your other relatives? Friends? Its not worth it bro. Its a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You just have to hang in there.

this is true. life is a cosmic shit show.

Nah I live by myself. My mom is on vacation and wanted me to watch her dogs while she was gone so they're here. She comes home tomorrow.

user said it best

kill yourself in some river man, not home.
at least leave a note to your mum if your going to do it
fucking don't put her in a traumatic experience finding her son/daughter dead
at least take responsibility of your own trash of what you call life
go jump in a bridge



my god the ego on this one to presume the guy is young and to just know absolutely and unequivocally things will get better. fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.

Damn man. He's fucking right OP. For the rest of her life your mother will feel the pain of losing her beloved child. One she brought into this world and loved throughout their lives. Your relatives and friends too will never be able to see your face or see your smile again. Never hear your voice again talking about good times. Instead they'll remember a tombstone. They'll wish to just have one more moment with you but you'll be gone and they'll never move on from it. Their lives will stop for you. A positive and negative sign. It shows how much they loved you but it shows how badly they've been impacted. Don't let this happen OP. Please..

End it OP. End the suffering. Your family will get over it. Your mother didn't want you anyway.

Everyone is good at something. You could be good at something and not know it yet. It's probably dick sucking.

Don't OP please dont

shut the fuck up you stupid nigger.

If you're legitimately done, if you're really ready to die, then you did it! You're fucking free!
If you're not scared to die, then you can do anything you want, because what's the worst that can happen? Death will always be there as long as you're alive, but who knows how many chances you get to live? If death really doesn't have a hold of you anymore, then you can control your life. Make a plan help people out, do something with your time left alive, and when you die, you can be happy. Talk to God, look to your loved ones, and help some people. I want you to die happy user. Not sad and young. Don't make your mom bury you, just because you can't see what life still has for you. I don't know you user, but I love you. I bet I'm not the only one.

don't kill yourself OP. there is still so much for you to see and experience and feel.
if i can't convince you, please call a suicide hotline. by killing yourself, you're not ending the pain, just giving it to other people.

You got me fucked up, OP. Been in this thread for 45minutes trying to help you, but you don't respond. There's people that care man. There's people reaching out a hand, you just gotta take it

Do it faggot


Honestly I have been thinking about it a lot too especially considering suspension hanging would be more or less painless, I could go into some woods where no one would ever find me and also stage a ruse where I'd say I'm going to go travelling without any forms of technology and shit so people wouldn't even raise concern for a long time. Not to hijack OP thread but life is utterly pointless and there's no reason to stay around; people speak to each other like subversive little shits and have these stupid fucking subliminal conversations; It's all only ever about making someone think you have more than them in some capacity. Fuckit.

just another attention whore thread. you guys sadly take the bait you bleeding heart liberal cucks

Find a passion, OP. Regularly I'd be edgy as shit and tell you to just do it but if you're actually considering it then you need to consider other people. Like everyone else has said, your pain is just going to be passed onto the people you care about

If you do it, hide some milk in a part of the house nobody looks in, it'll be an epic prank


If you're going to kill yourself, go ahead, but don't let people who actually care about you suffer from it. Tell them you're moving to Tel Aviv because a friend lives there, just don't let them find the body.

Either do it or don't, faggot. Michelle wants you back in the truck.

You mom doesn't need to find it. Just wait until late into the night, find a municipal park and hang yourself from a tree. Gag yourself so in the off-chance scenario where some is nearby (unlikely if late at night on a weekday) they won't hear you.
Bonus points if you do it in an unlit school playground. The equipment might even obstruct the viosion of someone passing by

what an ugly cunt

My brother killed himself. I was actually in your shoes when it happened. Every day I thought about killing myself. I didn't have the motivation to live. Turns out my brother felt the same way, must be genetic or something. It's funny, since that day I haven't been the same. It's like my vision became clear. I saw what it did to my family, and I knew it's not what I wanted for them. Find strength in resilience, OP. Carry the flame.

>Fucks with me that my mom will find my body.

What? 0_o

his mom is going to fuck his dead body. can't u read?

This OP. Call 911 ahead of time so no people have to find it.

she aged prematurely... and, she still wants OP to kill himself.

My plan has always been to drive someplace other than home, and call 911 before I off myself. That way the police will find my body, rather than my parents.
However, you really shouldn't do it. No matter how shitty your life is, it can be fixed.
Life seriously sucks sometimes, but other times it can be fucking amazing. Learn to focus on the good in your life.

Op youre really doing it? Please we wanna hear from you

I fucking hate this board sometimes.

>So kill yourself somewhere she won't find your body.

I've been thinking when I'm ready, I'll find a nice spot by the morgue and blow my brains out after I prepay for a direct cremation. Would save people a lot of time and dicking around.

then maybe you should leave

suicide is the weakest pussy shit. How old are you ?

they'll still have to drive you to the hospital

that's not you faggot. he's already dead.

No matter how shitty things are right now, it could be worse, it's gonna get better my dude just keep going. You've got people that care for you and family that loves you.

>Hang in there

Seriously? With no brain?

>it could be worse

That's part of the problem. Waiting for things to get worse is essentially all we do because they sure as fuck don't get better.

You son of a bitch. She leaves for a vacation and you want her to return to a dead child you stupid piece of shit?

Stop being a faggot

You aren't gonna do shit. You're gonna end up crying and going to bed you fucking pussy

OR, he can kill himself?

i dont understand people. ya life can suck but if your on here chances are your young and you havent even fucking lived yet. Just hold in there and get some pussy drink with friends. plenty of shit to live for

My best friend hung himself
What I've learned is it was clearly very unpleasant and ultimately he sold himself short and us the rest who miss him are sold short of him now as well.
He couldve gone on to so many things just around the horizon.
I see those things unfolding and its a sad I can't quite describe as if to nearly all its like he never existed now.
Someone will feel this way for you. Its sad somehow wrought with pity and self loathing of my own. All to prove a point or because he got drunk enough to do it.
I beseech you for anyone YOU care about to not do it.

I don't think this is wise Boss.

>Have sex
>Drink with friends
What a shallow nigger life to lead, good job user-kun on giving OP the shittest bland fuccboi advice, fucking spacker.

how can u be sure

cuz OP is a faggot

OP dead?


Kill your mother then yourself then she wont be sad cus shell be dead.

He's a faggot OP
Do it as I'm not too far behind you. We can do it together and be reunited in death like Romeo and Juliet

Not worth it bro. If you have any doubt in it at all, its not the right thing to do :/

Did OP die yet? if not how long will it take?

Only these ppl belong here
You can stuff your anus with a cactus and join OP u pussy
