Is this man responsible for the decline of the Simpsons?

Is this man responsible for the decline of the Simpsons?

he never wrote for it, so no

I think user is referring to the fact that Andy Dick caused Phil Hartmans wife to relapse leading to her murdering him.


This guy is correct. While the death of Hartman is tragic, he never actually contributed to the writing or production of the show. I'm glad we never saw it decline to the levels it did with Lionel Hutz/Troy McClure at the forefront if I'm honest.

>I'm glad we never saw it decline to the levels it did with Lionel Hutz/Troy McClure at the forefront

that's the reason for the decline you retarded faggot. It's literally the only possible reason.

>that's the reason for the decline you retarded faggot.

Is this a ruse? It went to shit because the writing went to absolute shit, you retard. Not because some secondary characters had to be killed off.

>referring to Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure as secondary characters
why dont you go discuss family guy on reddit instead

They're objectively secondary characters. 'Secondary' doesn't mean they're bad. You're terrible at shitposting.

well your shit at posting


get the fuck off my facebook wall

is this the simpsons thread? what's andy dick doing in the op?

your not a true simpsonite if you dont know why



no you are

I'm putting the Phil Hartman curse on you

No. Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.
Phil Hartman's wife caused Phil Hartman's wife to relapse.

where you there?

Do you?

It's called free will dumdum and hartman was a tard for getting involved with her in the first place

I were'dnt