Does anyone have any orange slices?

>Does anyone have any orange slices?

Not gonna lie. I laughed until I pissed myself, and then I continued laughing until security had to escort me out of the theater, but I couldn't make it to my car because I was laughing so hard that I collapsed in the parking lot and they had to call a paramedic and when they got there I was still laughing and he asked me my name and how I got there and who the president was but all I could manage to choke out through gritted teeth was, "does anyone have any orange slices?"

Other urls found in this thread:

Not gonna lie. I saw this thread yesterday.

Why orange slices? Is this an american thing?

>inb4 someone tries to say it's because of little league

i can't breath

>tfw people in my cinema usually laugh at lame jokes
>tfw nobody laughed at this part
>tfw the dude behind me went "what the fuck"

you done fucked up, marvel

this was a pretty badly judged line, it required a knowledge of both fruit and sports, something the target fatbeard audience doesn't have.

Mighty kek n.9

they usually give out orange slices at like youth sports games at halftime

Not again?

As I informed you YESTERDAY.

"Orange slices" was the most politically correct food item that could be mentioned.
Had it been candy, or an energy drink fitness freaks would have complained online for the next decade. Had he referenced meat PETA would have pissed their panties. Had he mentioned an alcoholic beverage, or cigarettes - parenting groups would have pissed their pants. Any food product name would have received complaints of product placement...SO writers, producers, and survey teams narrowed it all down to "orange slices", as being the most non-controversial food item to reference as a stress reliever.

Welcome to 2016 when political correctness makes food referencing in a lighthearted joke as bland as possible.

What about when they went for shoarma, dumb shit? That's literally two fists full of meat wrapped in some thin bread.

>PETA pissing their pants

Did you read the entire post, or are you trolling?

What are you on about faggot.

Old American tradition. Orange slices were served to kids after time at the **playground**.

What's wrong with the joke?

The entire post is self explanatory. If you cannot comprehend, I recommend doing something you should do more often - think, attempt to absorb and understand without other people doing it for you.

oh thats cute

we got bananas and energy drinks

dumb snyder bros

I just don't like it.

That's what many like him in the industry do. They're almost like robots calculating the political correctness of a script to save money on production.

I don't like you, but you exist regardless, so I accept your shit as a part of life.

A little rude but ok.

Aw, nice

You've mistaken honesty with rudeness. If I had used an insulting name like you, that would have been mean.

I lol'd hard the second time I watched it. The first time I was just in awe he was in it



Every time a test audience complains, the studio has to do a re-shoot costing more money. Call back the actors, audio recording crew, production crew, etc...So, supposed "good directors" make certain along with producers that the script is as politically correct as possible while maintaining story continuity.

Top lel.

hey reddit

Hello, user that says everything is reddit

Reminder OP is marketer

Gosh. Marketers.

Full freakout in Ant-Man and Wasp?

Why? Does it help with muscle repair or something?


Would it be funnier and a more generally accessible line if he said "Does anyone have any orange drink?"

Orange soda? No.

>Had he said candy, soda, or an energy drink fitness freaks would have complained online for the next decade.


This fight was a pleasant surprise because I thought ant man was going to get KO'd in the first round. But they actually made him significant in the fight. Feels good. Ant man was Marvel's best movie in this universe, I hope we see more ant man soon.

This definitely makes more sense. Since they are at an airport, there are vending machines and someone could buy an orange drink.

Here's a better line

>Does anyone have any Red Bull?


But the fight is clearly over for him. He would have had more use for red bull Before the fight began.

He should have asked if anyone had any aspirin or advil

holy shit so intricate and hilarious,

You're right, but the line "Does anyone have an isotonic recovery drink?" probably doesn't ring true with Marvel's target audience as much as Red Bull does.

The whole fucking movie is a big fat mess.

It does suck never having discussions in detail based on real stuff.

I didn't really understand the purpose of the fight. There was no weight to it at all. Nobody fucking died, it was just a bunch of quips going back and forth. So much for a "civil war"

>He should have asked if anyone had any aspirin or advil
Not at all
hes calling himself a child

That is what all civil infighting between "good guys" is. In fact that's true for most all comic characters. Most all can't die, so as to make more sequels.

>it's all pointless
>but not for making sequels $$$$$

>oranage slices

>orange slices

>me laughing
>at your shit joke
>it's not funny

>MFW grew up in US
>Played all kinds of sports from Baseball, soccer and then Football
>Not once in those 12 years was I ever offered an orange slice

>Antman in CW has more lines than Supes in BvS
>Antman is more beloved character than Edgeman by normies
Thx, Snyder.

Wasn't intended to be funny. Was intended to point out the dreadful truth in how shitty movies have become.
The sad state of things.

That could be funny depending on your position, but wasn't originally intended to be funny.

I don't get it, is he a hockey player?
what happened here?

speaking of Antman and DC...


Didn't watch Avengers:Civil War? Ant-Man became super big, and basically got his ass kicked, then he shrinks, and falls to the grown tired, and exhausted, saying that very line....

Try learning english and not speaking like a fucktard for once.

No, I'm not allowed to watch movies anymore.
Thanks for the explanation.

I see your point but at the same time I prefer it to a character "dying" and then being brought back.

Try learning NOT to be a shitty grammar cop who has no point but to insult those with something to say.

>something to say.

This post LOL
Oh autism

OK so I hate capeshit but the scene on the left is kinds cool

You're not missing much. Not seeing movies would save you a lot of money which so much better in getting laid instead of stupid child's movies that are so predictable.
I didn't even pay to see it. I saw it ripped online.
I won't pay to see capeshit movies.

Besides, they'll just keep making the movies dumber for a wider audience anyway. It'll only get worse. Capeshit is a complete waste of time. It's old shit being remade new, with the same plot devices over, and over.
Save your money, get laid. Best thing anyone will tell you.

>don't make the suit green

>suit is animated all throughout

Just watched this last night and it was enjoyable not sure why everyone is in such a fuss.

It wasn't better than winter solider but still worth watching.

I dont know how to feel about the fact that this was the best movie spiderman representation after 5 dedicated spiderman movies. And it wasnt even a spiderman movie. In fact, spiderman hadn o business being in it.