ITT: 10/10 endings

ITT: 10/10 endings

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>british """""""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""""



>american """"""""""""""""""""""""intelligence""""""""""""""""""""""""

Oh would you shut the fuck up?


After being on boards that actually allow flags (guess which ;^) I can guarantee you most of the time it isn't Americans, it's either Canadians or some third world European from a country nobody ever heard of.

And the odd Australian.

>not knowing about proxy fags



x230 logitech

>uses a CIA meme
You should have been aborted

So all those Canadian shitposters are just Americans in disguise?

wuz canada a good boy?

>Darling coming to join them at the end
>Blackadder telling Baldrick his plan will have to wait


i dont really get that sudden hate in during the handegg game

Silly, abortions are for degenerates, like you might find on reddit.
Canadians are good goyim. They dindunoshieeetposts.

Well there wasn't that much of it, competent commander Patterson from Alpha getting mad as fuck at the retard jock commander of Bravo for being a provocative cunt after making everyone's lives hell for the entire invasion, and Rudy's hyper-aggressiveness exploding on Ray who was himself in some sort of PTSD process since he was high on all sorts of shit the entire invasion and only then started sobering up and digesting all the shit he went through

I watched Blackadder way before I could really understand it. I would watch it every single day when I was around 8.

I would watch the last episode every afternoon during the summer. My mom asked me why I would watch it again and again.

"Because this time maybe they won't die"

really makes you think

>being this dumb at 8 years old

Pretty much this. Gen Kill is excellent stuff.

Why does ramsay wear a curtain as a cloak?

that is both adorable and hilarious.


Say what you want about the rest of the flick but the ending was phenomenal

The Divide (2011)

God damn that was fucking intense. I should watch this movie.

The book says it was because Encino Man passed down an order to mark up a minefield AT NIGHT for a squad of combat engies Patterson was friendly with and it cost one of them a leg.

That was in the series too but yeah, I didn't connect the dots it was probably related. Patterson rejected the order and when Captain America took it the engineers went into the minefield for whatever reason when they were just supposed to toss chemlights from the road.

Not a good idea to start with the ending but definitely worth the watch. J.K Simmons is excellent as always.

This doesn't look like a big twist spoiler ending though, don't think I'll miss out on much



True but the build up is great

You have to go back

why does Christopher Nolan always end his films in the same way, a montage with one of the main characters looking smug

happens in Inception,Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar