What happened to this podcast?

What happened to this podcast?

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It's coming back now that his book is done. He was asking people on his twitter if they want to come on not too long ago

Why does anybody think that guy is funny? Super Dave Osborne is the worst.


Commit suicide you subhuman faggot.

Real jerks, the whole lot of you


Norm needs to make more podcasts! His show with Gilbert Godfried is the funniest thing ever recorded with cameras


I think he genuinely wanted a late night gig and was using this as an audition.

I think the David Spade episode is the best. Norm works best when he is with someone who doesn't immediately start cackling at everything he says and questions it.

The Todd Glass episode is great too because they are so opposite.

"Crude. Crass. I love it! But let's be crude and crass about the right things."

Todd Glass

Adam Eget found out that giving HJs under the bridge is more profitable.

Yeah Norm and Spade are perfect together.

now that this cuck got fired maybe comedy central can give Norm a talk show


They say it's supposed to come back. But do we even want him back now??? Perhaps he should just stick to live tweeting boring gold games and popping xanax bars

*golf games

Holy shit it's actually coming back

They're still recording it.

They released a pic of him interviewing Margaret Cho last month.

It's coming back as soon as Norm finishes his book's press tour, where have ya'll been? Confirmed guests so far:

>Stephen Merchant
>Bobby Lee
>Margaret Cho

The guy was high out of his mind, he had no idea what he was saying. He literally backtracks on everything he says in that podcast.


Judd Apatow and Conan are likely to be guests also

Jesus christ Egret is a fucking mess.

Cocaine, alcohol and now cheeseburgers.

Is there any source on this because I seriously doubt it.

Conan has had Norm as a guest for YEARS but is super guarded about interviews and his personal life. He's had Norm on the show probably 30 times over the years and he's probably only said a handful of words to him off camera. That's just how Conan is.

Doubt it all you want you dumb faggot Daniel Kellison has already said that Conan and Apatow have said yes.

Apatow was supposed to be on before but they couldn't get the time together.

I see Adam's filling the big fat guy role this season

Do you think he's doing a bit like Fat Mac on Sunny or has Norm destroyed his last ounce of self respect?

I think he has a chronic addiction problem. He's completely unhinged though, what kind of man in his right mind would go to south america to track down eichmann only to lick out his asshole?