Star Trek is 50 years old today!

Star Trek is 50 years old today!

Post feels.

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Started watching through all of Star Trek for the first time, first time completionist anyway. I finished Voyager and just started Enterprise. I'm feeling bored with the bland cast but it's alright so far.

/who/ was here, Star Trek is a loser.


Why did beyond flop? Is it because star wars came out? Did all the crap that came out this year sour peoples taste?

Poor trailers, combined with people realizing the last one was actually not that great. And, yeah, too much crap coming out this year.

>Did all the crap that came out this year sour peoples taste?
It was more like i gave up on the franchise after into darkness.

>Star Trek is 50 years old today!

It feels like it should be way older already. How is Kirk still alive though?

52 years old counting the Captain Pike pilot.

>How is Kirk still alive though?
Because hes a... man

the first trailer and then six months of negative buzz and bitching about it which paramount did jack shit to stop

that video of simon pegg being asked about the trailer and he looks sad and embarrassed :(

>How is Kirk still alive though?
Because he's in the Nexus.

>commercial with Arun Gupta saying "I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood, and Star Trek taught me what a person of color could accomplish"
I'm not mad at all watching Worf and Geordie here

And yet the commercial is pissing me off

The Yelchin curse

Because it's a generic action movie that doesn't feel like star trek at all.

1966 was 50 years ago

>watching voyager and enterprise
For what purpose?

It gets MUCH worse.

>Because it's a generic action movie that doesn't feel like star trek at all.

That was the last two. Beyond absolutely felt like Star Trek. I have the distinct impression that Orci, Kurtzman & Lindelof have never actually *watched* Star Trek and just trawled Memory Alpha for plot points, whereas Pegg & Jung clearly knew who & what they were writing.

Watch TNG you fool

BBC America is airing a marathon of every episode from the first two seasons of the original series in order starting tonight at 8:30pm (the original timeslot).

>Computer : delete season 1 from memory

RIP Star Trek


Into Darkness was considered shit even by my normie friends and relatives.

>That was the last two. Beyond absolutely felt like Star Trek.

That is irrelevant if two movies by Jar Jar alienated lot of fanbase to point of not caring about nu-Treks.

Barely any actual promotion. The last two I couldn't walk 5 feet without noticing they were coming out for months; this one I only casually noticed it was a thing the week before it released.

Couple that with all the bullshit and other movies storming the box office and it's not surprising it got brushed under the rug.

My feelings tell me that Dukat did nothing wrong.

>I am designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and feelingsly.

Into Darkness is fucking phenomenal aside from the death curing blood.

ban yourself faggot

List something else.

that feel when it's my birthday today.

>Inb4 someone asks the commander to inform them of his sexual organs

Into Darkness is an absolute abortion of a movie, a failure of coherent storytelling at the feet of screenwriters who think that writing is a paint-by-numbers game. There's a reason Simon Pegg wrote Beyond in such a way that *nothing* about Into Darkness was mentioned.

happy bday Sup Forumsro

Happy birthday to both of us

Happy birthday, user

Reminder: your sexual organs did nothing wrong.

THANK YOU GUL SOREN, I feel better about shooting my load all over this image now.


>Star Trek is dying
>Star Wars is thriving

How did this happen?

But there is not a single thing wrong with the story telling.


Don't forget the animated series.

One of them sold out to make kids toys, the other didn't.

daily reminder that Next Gen is Reddit: the show and the only good Star Trek series is TOS. If you disagree you don't know Star Trek.

Who cares?


>tumblr filename
>bashes tumblr

Tumblr spends all day bashing itself just like how Sup Forums spends all day bashing itself.

Maybe tumblr is becoming self aware.



>tfw born on Star Trek anniversary

Picard is a big guy.

Happy Birthday, user!

Star Trek is 50? Wow. This calls for something special, I have decided to make you all some delicious party food!

The Cardassians did nothing wrong, how can there be war crimes if there was no war?

Is there a more tragic character?

LMAO star track is 4 nerds
marvel star wars & GOT >>>> startrek

Back in my day people tried harder.

Why do Star Wars, GoT, DC, and Marvel get to be "in" with nerd chic but not Star Trek? Not even the nu-movies get any recognition.

fuck you lore!! (love you really lore)

Because that shit is for trendy "I'm such a nerd lol" people.

>the teacup isn't that weird glass one

There's a tremendous correlation between Star Trek fandom and pedophilia that's nowhere near as pronounced in any other "nerd culture" aside from maybe MLP

"Commander, you never told me about your testicles!"

RIP Star Trek
1966 - 1994

It's just funny how they go "Star Trek? That's for fuckin nerds" while at the same time saying how they're "such a nerd, lol!"

>There's a tremendous correlation between Star Trek fandom and pedophilia

Yes. The hacker known as Sup Forums figured it out by hacking the government.

1. A lot of women hate the uniforms. Seriously, it is that simple. Completely shallow, but it turns people away.
2. There are also a lot more female fans than people realize. A lot of the girls who like things like Wars/GoT/animu/ect can still appreciate at least some parts of Trek. Or at least they won't avoid you just because you enjoy it, they'll avoid you if you're a dumb neckbeard who would repel them no matter what.

In short, the whole no female fans thing is a myth perpetuated by those who don't actually go out and interact with "nerdy" women.

It's a square/rectangle fallacy, but yes.

What are the TNG crew's favorite movies? So far I've figured:

>Picard: Excalibur
>Worf: Ong-Bak
>Data: Drive

>not some Sherlock Holmes flick

Because all of those things are really shallow and require no effort to enjoy

Star Wars is as basic a story as you could ask for

DC and Marvel are two sides of the same "watch the good guy punch the bad guy"

GoT started somewhat good and devolved into Jon Snow is le chosen one retard pandering. Ironically this is when the show became the most popular

>tfw you got into Star Trek because of the first nu-trek movie.
>watch every episode of every series
>become ds9 fanboy the epitome of trek nerddom
>Into Darkness comes out and I cannot help but notice it's absolute shit and not Trek in the least
>lose all hope
>Beyond comes out and it was actually pretty good but not many people saw it
>New tv series is coming out so there's still a glimmer of hope
>tfw no face because I don't know how to feel


Picard: The Man Who Would be King
Worf: Seven Samurai
Data: Gosford Park
Riker: Alfie
Guinan: Hard to be a God
Geordi: suck to be you Kunta Kinte
Bev: Shawshank Redemption
Troi: Blade Runner

>Yar: Rape Gangs of New York

Mostly it's a connection between the Voyager fandom and pedophilia though.

Well, just look at Sup Forums on any given day.

Yar: Last Exit to Brooklyn

Git gud feggit

Voyager is shit.

I dont care about star trek, I care about two well written shows, TNG and DS9, that used a scifi sandbox to explore stories and characters in an intelligent way that didnt insult the viewer

As a universe/canon, Star Trek is objectively incoherent and stupid

>not caring about TOS

Kys muh man

I like ST and ST:ID movies. What star trek generation would be closest to it if i wanted to start watching?

Just go watch Star Wars.

>you will never relive best of both worlds cliffhanger then having no idea what the fuck happened for 2 years because BBC took so long to air the next season and with no internet the only way you knew it was airing was TV guides

Some OC Trek history coming through. Mom's ticket sub for a 1978 Cleveland convention. The only guest was Gene Roddenberry, who lectured about the history of the show and hosted a blooper reel and a screening of The Cage pilot.

Holy shit, great. Was your dad a trekkie too?

Watched original 3 few years back. I wasnt impressed, maybe i wuld have been if i watched them when they came out. But today they are overglorified. Didnt see those after 2000s tho, are they worth it?

star trek was good

star trek into darkness was basically a DS9 movie

star trek beyond was actually a top tier star trek movie in every sense

so idk

Yeah. He and his brother would chase each other around the house as kids trying to give each other the Vulcan nerve pinch. But mom watched the original run.

underage b&

I never got to know my dad. He said that my mom was just "a fling" and that he wasn't going to leave Majel for her.

TOS is very dated but there are still some good episodes that hold up imo. Balance of Terror is fucking great and the Doomsday Machine.


>It's a Lwaxana episode

>star trek into darkness was basically a DS9 movie
But DS9 was actually good.

>Picard: The Man Who Would be King

Nah. Moby Dick.