She will be even more beautiful when transformation is complete

she will be even more beautiful when transformation is complete

I have a Greek uncle with that condition.


Is this the alien chick from star trek?

no, she will still have them african mambo lips


what is this?

White Privilege Installing....56% Complete

Somehow I read it as More Powerful

you're officially blind


Vaporware personified

Vitiligo one of my gfs had it

You need a dictionary, mate.

KI can respect that symmetry

vitiligo. pigment loss

Will her eyes change color too?

If not, dropp'd


wonder what will her pussy look like?


lmao at your joke

What color nips?

does it hurt haha


Still would

Also is she gonna turn completely white eventually?

I wonder if there's some scientist researching how to cause complete vitiligo on someone. Man I bet black people that turn white look hilarious with those chimp lips

>those thick pink lips

looks like a Thundercat. I'm erect.

Do you browse facebook frequently? Honest question.


Reminds me of this.

Her hands are already quite pretty. Bet she cried tears of joy when she started turning.

i deactivated my fb years ago lol

why do you ask?

>chimp lips

Chimps don't have big lips. Just call em nigger lips for fuck's sake

Doesn't UV therapy work for vitiligo?
I know someone who'se kid had it and they took her for UV treatment and it dissipated.
Perhaps the treatment only works for infants and children?

would date

would marry

She looks like a messy eater. Stop eating so much strawberry ice-cream you messy thing!! >:3



>implying black people don't secretely wish they were white

Just ask MJ.

fu c c

>ywn have an alien gf

why even live

what color(s) do you think you're kids would be?

How do we know it's not revitiligo?

This is not funny guys my mother have this :(

She's kinda pale white so it's not so much notorious.

I really want to see her naked.

At least it's symmetrical, she looks like she could be a cool alien instead of a cow-person

i'd fuck her you if you know what i mean.


i really want to fuck her naked

Dat symmetry.

I wish we lived in world where black people could get a controllable form of this instead of tattoos.

Who the fuck is this monster? I'm sure libcucks are calling her The Most Beautiful Woman In The World and so brave! Because she has a skin condition, and that's it. So so goddamn brave, a true superhero

What did they mean by this?

There was somebody with the same condition on Suicidegirls iirc.

>Also is she gonna turn completely white eventually?

That's not how vitiligo works, you either bleach your skin or get weird looks the rest of your life. The spots just stay there.







things that make you go hmmm

>weird looks the rest of your life
i'd fuck her weird looking ass 4 years if you get what im saying senpai

link please

White dude fucked her too hard

i feel like humping my monitor. send help pls

Just google it you mong.

See even skin conditions know that white is the best

it is. kill yourself

she's virgin u retard.

What about dying your skin?

Don't bother. She's not hot.

ok we get it, you're alt-rightist.

why does she have poop on her hair

>she will never be your gf

Please explain.

The curse is almost lifted.

>People like this can get work but you can't.

is this some kind of cheetah woman

No she's not u dickgobbling grocery bagger

I only just now noticed the hands and legs

shit is scary son, why is this thing not shot?

how is her stuff perfectly insync
most people who have this condition look like with it just randomly splotchy

because she's a lightskin now

I would give her are go, if you know what I mean ;)

See If she was turning black then she'd be shot

Is this you favorite new word, buddy?

Goddamit why are you so right?

Are you from a latin country? Honest question because I've seen another latin person on here use notorious when they meant noticeable.

muh dick

How fucking rare is that for it to be symmetrical? That's bizarre.

i'd bury my tongue in her ass and pretend it's stuck if you get what im sayin

>white toes
wew laddy

Because Sup Forumsedditors and Sup Forums like it

>ywn milk this cow

Feels bad man.

fuck me please

>when your credit score slowly going up

Is she a real life Rorschach test?

How the fuck is it so symmetrical?

>how to spot someone who's never been in contact with a woman
she applies makeup to it so it's nice and rounded looking, dumbass


I've got vitiligo.
It's pretty hard to notice since I'm pretty pale.
But my dick looks like a map.
my asshole is also completely white

i can only get so erect

so she's famous becasue she looks like she's wearing a cow costume?

I'm white but I have a few patches of vitiligo here and there.

Vitiligo isn't a complete transformation, it's just bits here and there.
Unless you're michael jackson (who bleached his skin to make it balance out), it's going to look odd
but on this girl it looks alright

this looks fucking awesome

I can't stop laughing at this thing