Why do people pretend he's handsome?

Why do people pretend he's handsome?

same reason you pretend to be straight


le cherry picked not-so-flattering picture face

I agree. I'm gay, and every time I see him all I see is gay face, which is not attractive at all

Mickey Rourke'd when?

His face isn't the best in hollywood, sure. That ass tho. That scene in that shitty the end movie still gives me the adult dreams

>inb4 cringey numale on here calls him "bro-tier as fuark, yo" and posts the screencap of the sony emails or something stupid like that

You just mad that you'll never get a piece of that swingin' dingy

what did channing say in the leaked sony emails?

because he is

>Being this much of a faggot

Youve failed the taint-yum. Time for sudoku

Because he bro-tier as fuck yo

Found the numale redditor

I honestly don't get it. He looks like an average dude.

He was good in Avatar.

1. he's famous
2. he's a dancer with a nice body
3. he's famous

Because he is masculinely handsome. But you wouldn't understand that since you're a greasy chinaman.

For the same reason people think women with hot bodies and average faces are hot

Fame gives you +2 on the hotness scale. That's a well known fact. Half of the actresses Sup Forumslusts over are slightly above average at best. Have you watched any HD porn recently?

I think Gambit's gonna look retarded

>projecting that hard