Who was your first movie crush?

Who was your first movie crush?

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Jenny Agutter





The first Pokemon movie you fucking dweeb




Second. I couldn't even get boners and I remembered fantasizing about this toon goddess.


don't have the webm but marisa tomei, untamed heart

Better a dweeb than a weeb

that chick from My Girl

Takes one to know one

absolutely love her in My Cousin Vinny
doesn't really translate in pics but Jesus so fucking hot in that movie


Sandy in Grease I think. I was only four or five years old but I remember trying to kiss my mom like Danny did Sandy

>those lips
>those tits

Pic very related.


Gave me a goth/bitch personality fetish too

This but in Career Opportunities instead of Labyrinth




Just figured out who Kylie Jenner looks like




kys (kill yourself)

Liz lemler

I wanted her to dominate me and take my pokemon. Was a weird feel

>insulting the greatest 2D animated movie ever created
Are you always this big a faggot or just on Thursdays?

how did it all go to shit so fast?

she had a like a prime period of 5 years where she was one of the hottest women on the planet and now she wouldn't even be the best looking hooker on sunset boulevard and she's like 36 or 37 or something.

Her full frontal nude scene still stands up today

no love for Alicia Silverstone in Clueless?

I had a couple posters of Alicia on my wall

Brad should have stuck with Aniston
she excite my dick just as much as ever

ok, i was off by 5 years, she's 41. i guess all women pretty much look like shit by then so i'll cut her some slack.

cute face, shit everything else

to be fair she looked like shit 5 years ago too


But she didn't have any kids, so it doesn't count.

>she's 41. i guess all women pretty much look like shit by then

jesus christ how young are you?



She's never looked better than in The Mask

Would Berry


underage fag?

not young at all. women age like milk. just witnessing my high school/college friends over the last decade plus has shown this to me extremely clearly. most of the men (at least the one who still have their hair) look pretty good while the women all look a lot different.

She's fucking great in Veep

you missed the joke



the one thing i hate about VEEP is that it's on HBO but there's never once been any nudity on the show despite having the MILF of all MILFS in JLD and anna chlumsky's tits. why even put the show on HBO if you're not going throw us a bone(r) every once in a while.

Do you have any pics of her hairy arms please?

at the very least some panties and handbras
I don't even need to see nipples (but would prefer it)

serious question, would you be yelchin's character in alpha dog and have a threesome with amber heard and amanda seyfried even if you knew you were going to be murdered an hour after it was over?

i would.

I've never wanted to fuck Satan so bad in all my life.

imagine her giving a blowjob to Harvey Dean Stantons old wrinkled dick. then getting all the cumshot in the face.

I was 13 when this came out.

Angelina Jolie in the first Tomb Raider is another huge contender.


My first boner

Fucking this


Jenny Agutter was a underage babe.

how'd he do it? how'd he land Connelly?

only correct answer

Donkey Kong biopic WHEN?? oh right he's dead..

Marion Cotillard had the hots for him too. I guess he used to be quite the daddy.



nothing special tbqh

>how'd he land Connelly?

dude he didnt land conelly, he landed PRIME CONELLY. he landed a perfect woman in her most 10/10 state, where she could have got any old handsome fuck like sean connery, but she got mr ashtray mouth stanton. ill die without understading how he did it.

She was hot during her Vulcan phase.


>how did it all go to shit so fast?
Ayn Rand

>can't ever see her the same since I saw fifteen and pregnant


He gave here the bonus situation and a Jewess couldn't turn it down.


She was also my first Jewfu




She never looked this good ever again.

prime jen was literally the perfect woman.


the best she ever looked was in A Life Less Ordinary

he looks like he doesn't even know how he did it, but he's sure as fucking going to go along for the ride. lucky fucking bastard. prime connelly is no joke.

He's based as fuck. he's got that mysterious tortured artist thing going on. plus he could also serenade that bitch, he's a pretty good singer.


I wonder why she decided to go the skeleton route

of course there would be some drop off but she'd still be topnotch with like 20 extra pounds
she's just kind of meh and forgettable now

some mental issue that all hot chicks get. Same happened to angelina. Combination of body dysmorphia and not wanting to be objectified. It's a shame.

Mein negro.

Also Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Apparently the joke didn't hit you as hard as it hit Anton.

why does fat people makeup look so fucking terrible in movies?

just pull a robert deniro in raging bull and gain and lose dozens of pounds to play the role or don't call yourself an actor.

Wew down for lad

even with the hideous bolt ons, she was great fap material

she looks like an aging socialite desperately trying to hold onto her looks with increasingly expensive plastic surgery procedures and she's only like what, 18 or 19? doesn't bode well for her future.

>She's never looked better than in The Mask

Agree on your choice, agree on your statement.