If you leave the theater like this, FUCK YOU

If you leave the theater like this, FUCK YOU.

A couple of unlucky niggas there.

you don't think Caitlin Jenner's hot? fuck you dude

why did they pin all that cheese to the seats

everybody who left that theater, left in a BAG,

cheese is delicious

>no blood at all anywhere

and thats how you know its fake

popcorn soaks blood like a sponge

Did an insect war result in banner ants planting their flags on those seats?

>attack of the triggered wagecucks
Enjoy cleaning up my seat, wagecuck :^)

that's some pretty good grouping

from now on when you see me, you see red ropes

Hey OP..
Fuq U.

12 bucks a pop to watch those horrendous movies and they still have the nerve to charge you $6 for popcorn..
I hope some anons start taking shits inbetween the aisles. How about I buy your 5 dollar soda and piss all over the curtains


>being anti job creation

Fuck off commie

Kraft Singles policy.

it's basic economics anyone who got through school should know this. making a mess keeps the workers busy and motivated, im making demand for their job so basically im helping them keep their job.

im actually helping the employees and the film industry.

everytime i go to the theater by the end of the movie i intentionally try to make as much a mess as possible, i empty all my food onto the ground just pour my drink all over the floor and chuck my popcorn all over it. I kick over all the food containers and buckets to make sure the shit is spilled. After exiting the movie I go into the bathroom and blast piss all over the toilet paper, seats and floor.

i recommend anyone else to do the same, if you have any ounce of respect for the theater and workers.

good post


>Go to my local Kino-hut for a screening of The Gods Must Be Crazy
>Order a large diet soda and popcorn, neither of which I consume
>Ad the end of the screening, I slowly snail trail my popcorn from my seat to the garbage can, where I throw away my now empty popcorn bucket
>I watch the cleaning staff file in to do their work
>I remain outside the kino-closet for their work to be complete
>Final wage slave exits and sighs as he walks past
>I empty the entire contents of my diet Dr. Pepper down the back of his shirt
>"Missed a spot"

>eating at the theater
Kek, lardasses.

Thin people aren't allowed at the kinohous

are you on the special bus