Black Sails Season 4 Hype:

Black Sails Season 4 Hype:
As far as I can tell, this video is only on their tumblr. Looks like season 4 will be the last season - I'm actually really thrilled about that.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's okay if it's the last season, give it a great finish and it will go down as one of the great shows of the era.

only reason im going to watch is to make sure that bitch gets whats coming to her


>and it will go down as one of the great shows of the era.
only in our hearts, user

Well he is a faggot.

oh fuck yes, I'm glad they have a finale in mind.

>20139 - 18123
>not being gay and enjoying gay pirates
what's wrong with you, user?

me too, it's always nice to see a well planned out show

I hope so - I don't know what the community for this show is like outside of Sup Forums, so I don't know who the fan-favorites are, but honestly I don't think they're going to let that influence them anyway. I feel like the natural conclusion of her story arc is that she gets murdered.

If you aren't at least a little gay for Flint then you are clearly a faggot.

Like some of the other anons have said it's good to see they have a finale planned. I've loved this show a great deal and will be very sad to see it end.

You already know user. You know.

I never believed they would actually do it. Probably the most shocked I have been at a characters death.

i love black sails but it'd be extremely disappointing if it ends at 4 seasons.

Is this show comfy?

It was such a tense and gritty scene too. Really well done.

I'd prefer solid 5 seasons but it's good they don't drag it out too much. Far too many shows have done this.

>more of the adventures of Punished Flint and Based Blackbeard
Yes, thank you Jesus.


Now you're just being cruel OP.

End of last season felt like it was being dragged out. I am prepared to drop it if they don't get off the shitty soap opera shit and political anachronisms.

I just want grimdark swash buckling.

I wouldn't describe it as comfy. It's pretty tense at times but really good. Season 1 starts a little bumpy but gets pretty good later on. Punished "Venom" Flint is also based.

>Good men are not what the moment requires
>The time calls for dark men to do dark things
mmm, chills
Toby Stephens is a wonderful actor

There's nothing gay about sucking a dick once in a while.

Go fuck yourself.

Season 4 will probably be more grimdark. If your name isn't Silver your gonna have a bad time.

For a character like that shows his attributes about loyalty and freedom, there was no other way for him to go, I think in context or rather context surrounding it lessened the show though, and you know why.

He needs to be in more stuff. He is really good. I even enjoyed him in Die another Day.

-grabs him by throat- BACK THE FUCK OFF!?!?

>yfw people in Nassau getting killed left and right by Long John Silver's black spot
>yfw season 4 epilogue is an old Billy Bones arriving at a tavern


What's this, a pirate show? Is it as good as Crossbones?

We will definitely get some form of Treasure Island epilogue. Maybe exactly as you described.

I'm pretty sure if you were to look up the word "handsome" in the dictionary, you would see Toby Stephens smirking back at you with his delicious neck meat.

I've never seen Crossbones, but Black Sails is top quality piracy.

It's a prequel to Treasure Island with real pirates like Blackbeard an Charles Vane about Captain Flint being angry at bongland. It's very good with very high production values. It's very good but bumpy to start.


its not his fault 300 years later they would make a shitty fast food franchise

Do they serve black spots?

If you try to order off the menu they bash your head in

the only reason to keep watching
or did she die? I can't remember

Who knows.

Eleanor, right? 'cause many user here hates Max too

that's why they cancel'd it after 1 season?
or maybe because they saw Black Sails is the superior?

They both need to be hanged.

>not raped to death

who was that only for that time at Hamiltons , then he fuckd again only Miranda for 10 years

That'd do. Give Max ptsd again.

that will be a dense season.
Silver will somehow dominate BlackBeard, Flint and the rest of them..

And as he said himself her death destroyed him more than her husband's did


I did not know this. I am deeply saddened by this. Fuck I lose Black Sails and Leftovers in th same year? Why live

Not necessarily all of them. Shit is about to hit the fan big time. He will just need to pick up the pieces when the dust settles and finish off whoever's still standing.

Smashing his head in is what is going to cost Silver the rest of his leg. Then he'll be our crutch boy from Treasure Island.

I was when he still had that beautiful hair. Now, with his shaved head, it's just not the same anymore.

He's been through a lot. Not as dreamy anymore.