Is this any good?

Is this any good?
I liked It Follows but The Babadook was shit.

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It subverts expectations.

>I liked It Follows

it's literally nothing like either of those movies, I don't know why you're bringing them up

It's very good.

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

I think it was pretty great. Pretty atmospheric at times.


They're the most praised horror movies in recent years.

Shame we didn't get to see her without the shift.

>mfw the father gets rekt by some faggot goat

Why are you smiling at me, frog.

>liked it follows
>didn't like The Babadook

>all the fucking incestial stuff

Because she knows that you are a shit tasted loser.

babareddit was a psychological thriller, not at all a horror movie.

The Babadook was bad.
Showed too much and the special effects sucked.
The best port of the whole movie was the pop up book.

>family terrorised by a supernatural being
>not horror

No it's shit. Grill is cute though.

I went to school with this chick, she was a real ayy lmao lookin kid

According to the director it's an extremely feminist movie. So have fun :)

it's a metaphor dum dum



So was the witch real?

It's pretty good if you're into actual Witch lore.

Did she and Phillip fug?

Story of my life with my big sister.

this says more about the absolute tragic state of the genre than about those movies. It Follows is generic teen horror diarrhea

Why is he so fucking smug?


can someone post her bunda?

>tfw no witch gf

black don't quack

It's almost certainly a body double.

Sup Forums has the strangest priorities when it comes which movies are fun to tear apart and which to praise. The taste in horror and sci-fi here is absolutely depressing.

>you will never run casting for booty doubles

When hasn't the horror genre not been oversatuated with teen horror?

in the 90s there was enough good stuff to balance it out

It's worse than It Follows.

It's not even accurate to witch lore.


In the 90s there was nothing but ironic meta shit (thanks Scream).
I can count the worthwhile horrors released in that decaded with one hand

this. Scream was bad for Horror just like torture porn killed the early 2000's

bovids is a bit misleading because they're not specifically the family for goats, they also include cows, bison, antellopes, sheep etc. also you don't say 'bovidaean' you say 'bovid' or 'bovine'

caprines are goats

It's not really a horror movie. It's a period drama with horror elements

It's boring cinematography compensates for its lacking in telling a story amplified by its clichés and comical horror.

Yeah, it's miles better than the babadook.

It follows had nothing. Its a stupid movie about std's being a slowly walking monster. At least the witch was set in an interesting time and place

Fuck you It follows is a movie about a ghost that can be tricked into falling into a fucking pitfall trap.


There's only one Black Phillip and it's not that fucking goat.

It Follows and The Witch are both shit in their own special ways.

so is your mom

you can count any decade's worthwhile horrors in one hand.
The 90s had
>in the mouth of madness
>blair witch
>event horizon
>jacob's ladder

Literally the only entertaining part of this shit movie.

Both of my mom?

I saw your mother's period drama

yes, your lesbian parents suck

Why did the twins just disappear at the end?

How inaccurate was it?

the witches probably killed/ate them

>you can count any decade's worthwhile horrors in one hand.
Yeah right.
I could name 50 great horror movies from the 70s.


did she fuck anyone?

So is the message that slut shaming a girl turns her into a witch?

She fucked Satan, possibly while he was a goat.

thats false actually

>good horror
Here's a reply

its better than it follows, better than babadook but still a little crappy unfortunately, the ending was quite nice and elegant, but doesnt justify having to watch all the senseless crap before.

outside of the big classics like The Omen, The Exorcist, Alien, Jaws I really wonder what you'll come up with


Just living deliciously, senpai.

I fucking loved 1408

Oh look the blacked spammer is back

Didn't show any bestiality orgies

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Suspiria, Hallowen, Quién puede matar a un niño, Don't Look Now, House with the laughing windows, Deep Red, The Brood, Carrie, Hills have eyes, Le Locataire, just off the top of my head.

Damn dude, you how many fingers do you have?
Hehe just joking.

I'm interested in this as well.


>not watching the director's cut

a lot of those are just shlock that doesn't hold a candle to the other 70s horrors I mentioned

>Hills have eyes
did you just complain about ironic meta shit from the 90s and then posted a bunch of slashers and exploitation films?

I loved The Witch.
It Follows was decent.
And I did not enjoy Babadook at all.

They kind of implied she fucked that devil goat. Also it's not like we got to see the whole Sabbath since the movie ends at what looks like the beginning of it.

delete this
thomasin was still a pure

>The Babadook was shit.
They only thing terrorizing that family and my ears was that fucking child.


I cant think of a more annoying character in a recent film than that kid.

that was his character though

I loved it

>disregarding an entire genre and fucking Carpenter
Trying too hard my boy.

it's no shame to recognize Carpenter had some stale shows. Not quite the 90s but Prince of darkness comes to mind

That is the problem though, it works in the story because that is what makes little shits annoying in real life. I can say the movie is effective if you want someone to consider being sterile.

The Witch is the ultimate pleb filter. If someone doesn't like it, you can completely disregard their opinions.

I never loved Prince of darkness very much, but we're talking about Halloween.

They overdid it with the kid, he was too good at it, the mom was amazing and the whole thing wasn't bad but the annoying kid really made me hate the movie.

this scene was so satisfying

No one cares, faggot. Your reddit opinion has been regurgitated a million times already, you unoriginal cunt dipshit.

You care.

Not really.

seriously? You 're growing up, she's growing up and the density of population is 1 family per half a state.

That kid being SO FUCKING ANNOYING really killed the movie for me, not because he was annoying but because we were expected to sympathize with him and how horribly he was being treated, but imagine living with that little shit, it would casue anyone to collapse.

>i couldn't understand what they where saying

The twins are the two dead sheep.