Best XXX Parody


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>porn parody captures the spirit of what it's parodying perfectly
>the sex scenes are shit

>porn parody is really badly done and you can tell nobody involved in it gave a fuck about the subject matter
>the sex scenes are great

It is always thus

>both are enjoyable

>porn parodies
does anyone actually fap to this? keks are a total bonerkill for me

>keks are a total bonerkill for me
Actual laughs? Me too, it's impossible to fap and laugh at the same time.

post the pic of flanders creepin at the door

There are some decent ones

You think that's bad? Have you seen the one they did of Grease or The Wizard of Oz? Those are full on musicals with actual full length songs. Like as in between getting fucked in the ass Riley Reid stops bursts into song.

I fucking loved andy san dimas as hayley in the american dad one

hahah ebin

I mean I've seen some porn parody clips which are absolutely hysterical, but I can't fathom how anyone can get his rocks off to that.
Then again, professional porn doesn't do it at all for me
>anonymous homemade amateur couples ftw

>You think that's bad? Have you seen the one they did of Grease or The Wizard of Oz? Those are full on musicals with actual full length songs. Like as in between getting fucked in the ass Riley Reid stops bursts into song.
holy fucking kek googling right now for this shit

The Big Bang theory one was actually funny and better than the actual show

The blowbang at the end was top tier

>Dat Constanza face
>Elaine being the true whore you always knew she was
I may have to look that one up, the girl in The Simpsons one looks quite good too

American Dad, without contest.

I saw a pretty good Comedians in Cars Getting Sex one.

I just found this and I hope it is as good as it's potential.

Also, Barney Rubble getting blown and stuttering is ingrained in my mind

This is the Citizen Kane of porn parodies.
>not just fucking in costumes


>watching the addams family porn parody with friends
>mfw thing comes up

True kino.

not a porn parody but the Private - Lady of the Rings movies were pretty good

then again anything with euro girls getting fucked in the ass is nice

>watching new Pokemon go parody
>girl "pokemon" running around flashing saying "you can't catch us!!!"
>guy catches them, they appear in his bedroom in tied up and gagged.
>proceed with vanilla group sex instead of slut training.

Slut training is literally the hottest shit I've discovered, and it only seems to be in shitty Chinese cartoon video games. They need to make porn with it, it would literally be the best selling shit around.

What's it called?

I can't wait to hear what Ned Flanders having sex sounds like.



>Tfw no dredd porn parody

The mind reading and psy shit part alone would make for great porn

I think rule 34 killed them.

Alice in Wonderland from the 70s.
Humpty dumpy gets broken in half so Tweedledum and Tweedledee suck his dick in an attempt to fix him.
The queen of hearts loves her BBC slaves
Alice is a qtpie

>Humpty dumpy gets broken in half so Tweedledum and Tweedledee suck his dick in an attempt to fix him.


>nobody remembers the pinnacle of porn parodykino

That guy does look very similar to Paul Rubens

>ywn see a porn parody where one of the actors/actresses from the thing it's parodying appear in the parody as their character (actually 'performing')

At least I'm pretty sure that never happened.

Fuck you. Everyone remembers it. Nobody brought it up because it's bad and so are your opinions.

>no schindlers tits parody

Pirates 2 was pure kîno

>mfw Pirates had a PG version release in movie theaters

The guy in the Cosby Show parody did a pretty entertaining Bill Cosby impression.

That shit is good, porno or not.

She's hot but I couldn't get into her doing the Marge voice while getting railed. Took me right out of it. I lost my wood.

Is there an xfiles parody called the xxxfiles?

Pun alone gives me a chub

There was a recent one called "Pudding my dick where it doesn't belong"

oh god I hate that "woman" that's second from the left so much

she's the ugliest yet most inexplicably popular porn star I've ever seen

amateur porn is the best

It wasn't a parody though dumbass.

It came out well before the Pirates movies.

Seriously? It's one of the best, just in terms of actress likeness

Capri Anderson is hot as fuck... She's had better scenes though.

"Two years after" is hardly "well before."

>I am a faggot please rape my face
Tippity top pleb. 2000-2008 was bimbo era of porn.

Is this the funniest pornkino?

nothing gets me harder than amateur porn with costume


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Pirates (2005)


This one.

wasn't this like the most expensive porno ever produced or something?

All I know is that pictures from the American Dad parody are fucking hilarious.

>There was a recent one called "Pudding my dick where it doesn't belong"

Dats a gud one.

the seinfeld one

Plus slut training always has the best vanilla fetishes mixed in, like bondage for example.

Kimberly Kane is a parody goddess, because you can tell she's having so much fun and she's just a filthy whore. She does it all and I would fuck her even if she's a disgusting sloot.

>tfw porn parody thread has lively debate and almost no shitposting

Like the Jews that run the porn industry would ever let that fly.

Holy shit I thought that title was just a reddit joke

I want to fuck that girl in the picture.

>even if she's a disgusting sloot

This hardly matters. When you're actually in the moment all that rational shit goes right out the window.

>porn parody thread
>no-one has derailed the thread with "best supergirl" post

>The only thing I slipped em was the johnson
I hope this is an actual Cosby court quote, shit made me laugh



It was at the time, and then it's sequel cost $8 million

There's a slight possibility that this is will be in poor taste.


this one looks super cozy and fun

Alright now I'm genuinely convinced that mods are the cp spammers.

Welp. Guess I'm going to jail, and hell. In that order.

Certainly seems that way these days.


No contest.

>tfw when sequel neverever
>Allie as slave Leia neverever

It's not fair tbqh.

i think it cost $1M or something, which, compared to the vast amounts of home-made porn produced for the cost of a camera and an internet connection, is simply absurd.

they even released an R rated version to blockbuster that had all of the XXX stuff deleted.

Wow he's good

You can't go to jail for accidentally clicking on that shit. If you downloaded it it's an entirely different story.

Its like that on any board where people start discussing anything that isn't being marketed.

This is applicable to all boards.

what i miss

I feel like such a pleb with this scene. Darth Vader should have a LWC. It would contrast with his suit and it fits the character. Chewbacca should have been the BBC

he fapped to it guys

If this offtopic trash is Sup Forums related then so should be discussing new channels like Fox, CNN, MSNBC.

The Scrubs porn parody is as fun as the original.

If you want your analogy to work then it is ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT EXTRA EDITION E! TRUE STORIES

This is tv related nincompoop

More faithful to source material than the movie.

Bobbi Starr as Velma is literally perfect casting.

Football threads too.

the news is on Sup Forums
the news covers everything
therefore Sup Forums should be Sup Forums

Mah nigga. Bobbi is the sexiest Velma ever imho

>the janitor

Kek I hated that kid. Glad he isn't in porn anymore.

ultimate porn parody kino here.



If you clicked it you did download it

If you're not in this thread on a proxy you're going to jail