What are some films that deal with logic?

what are some films that deal with logic?

pic unrelated

reported for ban evasion

Was never banned, nice try kiddo

You know announcing a ban is a bannable offense right?

>Human Torch
Whoever made that is a retard, Human Torch is Marvel and the other two are DC

Not sure what you're asking

how the fuck do you do this

Traveling salesman, I guess.

Cables through windows

you might be an autist

Quantum mechanic solution is the best




You can't

It's provable with graph theory that this is unsolvable. You would need 3 spatial dimensions.

ive never understood this. why is announcing a report bannable

not that user btw

These kinds of tests don't prove anything, right?

I've heard both theories that they're purely made up troll shit, or that they"test Autism" by seeing if someone was willing to waste a lot of time on an unsolvable issue simply because they're told it's solvable.

Okay everyone, pens down. Here's the solution:

If you tried enough to compete an impossible test just because it told you to, you probably have autism

it's a meme

reported for announcing a report




even the mods hate a snitch nigga

You forgot the water in the third house, pal


No. - this is correct answer even from graph theory perspective.

You are all missing the point. TRYING to even solve the "problem" in the first place IS the TEST which every one who has made a diagram has FAILED.

Also, you can place all of it in the same point, that would be correct answer too.

Too easy.

Why would you supply a house with fire?

how do you cook your marshmallows? hmm?

good catch, fixed it though

yep, it's autism.

Quads of truth

It never said there had to be three seperate lines for each house


This is the best one.

House in the middle doesn't have water.

no you just have bad eyesight.

It have a well on the backyard

opps forgot pic