Thoughts on this movie, Sup Forums?

Thoughts on this movie, Sup Forums?

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What are these expressions trying to convey?

The best WW2 movie easily. Very kino. I wanna fuck that russian girl.

The progressive realization you're watching one of the most beautiful yet gruesome kinos ever.

That he's seen some shit on several separate occasions.

Its a really standard slavic film that RYM/letterboxd have made famous for some reason. A lot of misery, trudging through gross shit and scenes where kids are put in harms way and bad acting to boot. Basically everything you always see in every Russian/Eastern Bloc movie. I feel like directors from there have this competition where they try to out Gummo each other in making their place of origin look the grossest it can possibly look.

>RYM/letterboxd have made famous

I want all plebs to be gassed

Yeah because I hear this brought up all the time in my every day American life. Go fuck yourself comrade, those sites have brought tons of substandard films like this Sup Forums and reddit audiences.

Man, what a pseud.
Next you'll be telling us that the films Sight & Sound covers are IMDB tier or something equally inane.

>Sight & Sound

Yeah I'm the pseud. The film is shit. Post your little quote about the landscape of the human face already so we can start tackling what you think is great about this tripe already.

best war movie with apocalypse now for whole different reasons

>Yeah I'm the pseud.
Glad you admit as much. Now shoo, go bother some other thread.

>Now shoo, go bother some other thread.

>Affirm my positive beliefs about this film other people told me was good so it must be!

I see why you made the thread now, my bad I thought you wanted actual opinions.

it's a good film and there is nothing wrong with it but I wouldn't say it's amazing or Kino. If your looking for an immensely better war film then go see Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, or Paths of Glory. it's a good movie but not 10/10 kino good

>standard slavic film
But you could say that about most genre films. That's just bullshit criticism. It's like saying "all war movies are the same because they deal with war so that means they're bad".

Same thing with "criticizing" the themes. It's a good movie because it it's effective at what it set off to do, and it does it well too, with beautiful cinematography and a great character study.

It's obviously meant to be a kind of "journey" into filth and chaos and make you experience it in first person, similar to more recent films like Hard to be a God or The Turin Horse. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it deserves its place above other partisan movies. Maybe it's not "the best war masterpiece ever" that some call it, but it's still great.

Beasts of No Nation was better to be honest family

but I enjoyed both

>I've seen shit you people wouldn't believe.

You should probably watch more war films before saying that films like Full Metal Jacket and Paths of Glory are the best the genre can offer.

A movie that I really want to see and still can't find a half-decent torrent for.
They're all shit quality and most don't have subs.
Please help.

FMJ shouldn't be on there (at least not if we're talking about movies that are grim and bleak). But I otherwise agree.

Apocalypse Now > Come and See > Full Metal Jacket > Paths of Glory > The Thin Red Line > Beasts of No Nation > Saving Private Ryan

Does look like a young Rutger Hauer

To be fair, the DVD options (no Blu-ray) in the US aren't any better. The copy I have is pretty good. But the subtitles are burnt in, and there's nary any special features. And the quality is about on par with Soviet films at the time.

SPR > Beasts

Just because it was so mainstream and it felt so commercial doesn't mean every aspect of that movie wasn't on point. Although if there's something specific you thought lacked I'd be interested to hear.

He's progressively looking like an old man.

Spielberg makes and can only make endless shlock.

>FMJ better than all those
It's one of Kubrick's weakest. The Thin Red Line and Apocalypse Now are the best contemporary american war films. I don't even understand why you threw in there Come and See, Paths of Glory and Beasts of No Nation. You can't compare them to each other. Also Paths of Glory is more political commentary than war.

Here you go user it's in two parts


FMJ is not one Kubrick's weakest if you want to see his weakest watch fear and desire or Lolita. Its a great war film but it's not the OH WAR IS BAD type of film

They actually shot and killed the cow in that movie

They also shot live rounds at the kid.

They actually slashed and killed the buffalo in that movie.

FMJ should be on there it's a terrific war film. it may not have a lot of violence and combat scenes but it's a perfect film. some will argue the second half is boring but I think it's the best part. and if you read the book you will be suprised on the things they decided not to put in the movie.

Bluray came out last month

Kill yourself pleb.

Apocalypse Now>Come and See> Paths of Glory>Grave of the fireflies>The Pianist> Full Metal Jacket> Platoon> Schindler's List> Saving Private Ryan

I would add The Deer Hunter and We Were Soldiers

Apocalypse Now>Come and See> Paths of Glory>Grave of the fireflies>The Pianist> Full Metal Jacket> Platoon> Schindler's List> Saving Private Ryan

I would add The Deer Hunter and We Were Soldiers but I hate those movies

best kid actor ever?

Of course it's not his weakest. I didn't say that. But it's in his lower half. And yes, it's exactly the "oh war is bad" type of film. That's the point of the entire climax of the film with the sniper girl. "Oh look kids do it too doesn't it suck how everyone has it hard". FMJ is very much an anti war film, and so are Paths of Glory and Dr Strangelove, although those are more about the political aspect of it.

Loved it, it's what got me into films as a kid desu
Made my gramps angry that I wanted to talk about the cinematography and how it was filmed rather than the war and muh jews

No place on your list for "casualties of war" with Michael j fox? Holy Christ