A horror sequel that's actually better than the first one

>a horror sequel that's actually better than the first one

Well i'll be damned

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>a Sup Forums poster with horrible taste

well i'll be damned

>better than the first one
Not really the case.

Saw this shit high with lights turned off. Nightmare mode af. Wouldnt recommend

The first one had like 2 good scares. This one had at least... 4 or 5.

Watched it in total darkness at 2am with my laptop and headphones. I'll admit the scene with Lorraine and the painting made me reach for the covers a bit.


>What is Aliens

First one is a far better movie though. 2 was too long and too inconsistent.

That was one of the most dread filled scenes of my cinematic life tbqh

First was better. Better script, acting, directing, pacing.

Second was a classic phoned in sequel to cash in on the franchise. Shit, they didn't even know what the monster was going to be until they added it in post-production.

Ye it's well done, though I always ask myself why a ghost or demon would do shit just for the purpose of being spooky.

I still haven't found anyone to play the clapping game with. Everyone is too scared. No one will even do a ouija board on Halloween.

He said better.

Gosh fucking darn it I hope you're kidding me

It's a shit horror movie, but a great supernatural thriller. I actually like this series when I watch them as thrillers.

I really hope they drop the horror pretense and just focus on solving spooky mysteries, I really like the main couple.

>yfw the crooked man wasn't CGI

The only scene that was scary was in the room with the painting


The scene where the dog stands up into the crooked man was legitimately fucking good, too

The first one has a good tone but not many good individual scares or a good story. The second one actually has characters and situations that have purpose and investment, as well as an improvement on scares.

Conjuring 2 actually sticks pretty closely to the Enfield Haunting case and I admire that.

Saw it in theaters and loved it. Hyped it up to my gf and watched it at home and it was awful. I did like that they didn't blue balls you whenever someone skeptical came to her house to see if ghost stuff would happen though

>mom... who's that?

creepy as fuck


It was an awful experience. Once you know anything about cinema, a mere flick like this becomes almost painful to watch. Amateurish.

>scary nun demon possesses painting
>lunges at main character for SPOOK

scene was fine until that part.

These were good though.

The scene when they had the little girl hold the water in her mouth while the ghost spoke through her was also pretty good.

Movie ended up falling apart towards the end though.

Wan needs to come up with better demon/ghost designs

>haha wait a minute what if we play the tapes at the same time dude was probably doing an incredibly complex speech thing lol

The demons/ghosts are literally

>old man
>slender man but crooked

were they in a rush?

It was based off the Enfield Haunting case, which was an actual documented thing you can read about, pretty spooky, and the ghost was that of an old man, supposedly, Wan added in the demon nun and crooked man, which to be fair is a thing that appears in other stuff

The first one was objectively better.
HOWEVER, they had some clever, tense sequences like the painting and ghost interrogation scenes.

One thing I don't get though: wasn't it established in the first movie that ghosts can't possess people? how was the old man able to take control of the girl? haven't seen it since it was in theaters, sorry if i missed something.

First one was much better. Thanks for triggering me with your objectively incorrect opinion.

i liked it but it was an hour too long

I honestly hated how Conjuring 2 handled the case. Everyone involved acted like a little girl speaking with a man's voice was no big deal. It was fucking pathetic and hard to watch t b h. I know it's just a scary movie but if you can't make even the smallest effort to suspend disbelief and you have a room full of reporters and camera men recording poltergeist activity and a girl speaking with impossible tones and they're all acting like they're bored and have seen it a thousand times ... just cancel production it's too late to save it.

The only thing of value in the movie scary movie wise was the demon and by the time it's killed you don't care about it and aren't remotely scared of it anymore.

>wasn't it established in the first movie that ghosts can't possess people? how was the old man able to take control of the girl?
They tried explaining it as the man throwing his voice through the girl or some retarded shit.

It was awful. Everything about it was just plain awful.


ghosts can take off covers user